If you give me 10 grand I will be Jewish for a month. I already am a woman.
Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament
If you give me 10 grand
How much do you ask for an Arab or a black man?
It is good that the Polish Parliament honours the Jewish who once were an important part of the Polish state. They ceased to be due to tragic developments during WW2. Apart from Germans and Austrians as the main perpetrators of the Holocaust, there were also ethnic Poles who murdered Jews for various reasons. Today, to make up for those crimes, let the candles be lit.
Danuta Goska who wrote the book:Bieganski The Brute Polak Stereotype, Its Role in Polish-Jewish Relations and American Popular Culture. says about this incident:
All of these factors, from decades ago and from today's headlines, make Braun's vandalism particularly sickening. This isn't just about extinguishing candles. Braun's act is a reflection of a profoundly evil mind and a sick soul. If the Brauns of this world had more power, Heaven knows what the world would look like. Perhaps fires for "heretic" Protestants would fill the air with ash, just as Braun filled the air with choking debris during his vile stunt..
All of these factors, from decades ago and from today's headlines, make Braun's vandalism particularly sickening. This isn't just about extinguishing candles. Braun's act is a reflection of a profoundly evil mind and a sick soul. If the Brauns of this world had more power, Heaven knows what the world would look like. Perhaps fires for "heretic" Protestants would fill the air with ash, just as Braun filled the air with choking debris during his vile stunt..
Danuta Goska w
book is a reflection of a profoundly evil mind and a sick soul. Just leave it at that.
If you are born in Poland, you are Polish by birth,period.
No. If you are born in Poland you are born in Poland. Period.
If a Muslim illegal scum gets impregnated by a Muslim terrorist and gives birth to a Muslim bastard in Paris, that bastard will hate France from the moment he knows what hate is.
He is not French.
If a Muslim illegal scum gets impregnated by a Muslim terrorist and gives birth to a Muslim bastard in Paris, that bastard will hate France from the moment he knows what hate is.
He is not French.
He is not French.
Neither is he a Tunisian, Algerian or Moroccan.
I think it's this confusion inside the cranium, and sense of being unneeded by absolutely everyone - that fuels a lot of the youth disenchantment.
If a Jew is born in Poland he is a Pole. The moment he says: Poles and Jews, he is not a Pole anymore.
We need a better definition of being Polish, Russian, or Tunisian. Or American.
Bringing it down to the place of birth and DNA is stupid as it checks only two boxes.
Neither is he a Tunisian, Algerian or Moroccan.
We need a better definition of being Polish, Russian, or Tunisian. Or American.
Bringing it down to the place of birth and DNA is stupid as it checks only two boxes.
We need a better definition of being Polish, Russian, or Tunisian. Or American
Yeah I think so.
In America I'm Russian. In Russia, I'm American.
Right now in Russia, I would be Chinese.
In Russia, I'm American.
I don't think so.
Well I am more Russian, than American - of course. But my time in America, has certainly made me different to most of compatriots.
different to most of compatriots.
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and waddles like a duck, it is a duck. Now replace the duck with a Russian.
Well thanks, I guess I am still very much connected to my roots and my feet are firmly on the ground.
Well thanks, I guess I am still very much connected to my roots and my feet are firmly on the ground.
my time in America, has certainly made me different to most
Very suspicious... "different to X" is a British monstrosity... the correct American forms are "different from" or "different than"
Despite the fact that it seems to bother you,
anyone born in Poland, even if of foreign-born parents,
is technically considered of Polish birth, even if
the national ethnicity of the parents is not Polish!
Jews had been living in Poland for centuries, not
necessarily only in Yiddish-speaking shtetls, and many
assimilated into Polish culture as well as language
even before they were declared citizens in the 19th
Despite the fact that it seems to bother you,
anyone born in Poland, even if of foreign-born parents,
is technically considered of Polish birth, even if
the national ethnicity of the parents is not Polish!
Jews had been living in Poland for centuries, not
necessarily only in Yiddish-speaking shtetls, and many
assimilated into Polish culture as well as language
even before they were declared citizens in the 19th
technically considered of Polish birth,
Tell me something I don't know or deny. Even Auschwitz female criminals had kids born in Poland but they were not Poles.
Since it's not sinking in...so one more time:
The moment a Jewish person says "Poles and Jews", that person is no longer a Pole.
Poles and Jews",
You should ask the obligatory question. Who do they support when Poland plays against Israel?
Poland, I'd imagine. I know of certain younger German-born Jews, one in fact from Hannover,
who confessed he screamed with pride at his office when Germany won the World Cup some years
Assimilated is assimilated, whether it's French-Jewish, German-Jewish or Polish-Jewish.
who confessed he screamed with pride at his office when Germany won the World Cup some years
Assimilated is assimilated, whether it's French-Jewish, German-Jewish or Polish-Jewish.
Assimilated is assimilated, whether it's French-Jewish, German-Jewish or Polish-Jewish.
Hyphenated does not equal assimilated.
I must beg to differ here.

Hyphenated does not equal assimilated.
That and the fact that he placed "Jewish" in the dominant position.
In "Polish Americans", Americans is a noun and, thus, dominant. Polish is added as an adjective to define a subset of Americans who happen to be ethnically Polish.
I noticed that he didn't object to:
The moment a Jewish person says "Poles and Jews", that person is no longer a Pole.
Nobody here wants to touch that one...
A number of Polish Jews such as Tuwim, Rozewicz, half-Jews such as Jan Brzechwa as well as the opera singer Jan Kiepura among others,
were definitely acculturated as well as assimilated!
were definitely acculturated as well as assimilated!
What the fvck is half-Jew? What's the other half? Atheist, Christian, or Muslim?
What the fvck is half-Jew
It's very simple, a half-Jewish, half-Catholic person stretches out his right hand for prayer and his left hand for money. Guess which hand is from whom?
a half-Jewish, half-Catholic person stretches out his right hand
Hey, Lyzko, did you read that one?
denies that Polish-born Jews, such
as the Chief Rabbi of Poland Ber Stambler
as the Chief Rabbi of Poland Ber Stambler
Who was born in Israel?
Don't let such a detail spoil your narrative. I wish all you Jew-wannabes yapping morons moved to Isreal, After all, it is the homeland of Jews and nobody infers that Arabs and Muslims or Christians that are born in that country should have been embraced regardless and not be treated as second-class citizens.
Also, you must be old and slow if you talk all that outdated nonsense about Poland. A country you imagine Poland to be exists only as a figment of your imagination.
Why do you think we live in some 18th-century Poland? Move on with the times, Poland is/were hell still is a very egalitarian country in all regards and very tolerant. I say is tolerating too much.
Here it comes some clueless mug from across the pound harping about his obsession or just plainly trolling.
Lyzko the ever-wondering troll. lol!
I'm no more "obsessed" than you are, I simply don't make a point of it,
merely to respond to others' posts.
I never said anyone was born in Israel, Ironside. What are you asking?
merely to respond to others' posts.
I never said anyone was born in Israel, Ironside. What are you asking?