I need the answer. Was Alexander the Great a Slav?
What else he could be? If you accept fact that during Ice age what was Europe was Balkan (rest of Europe was tundra and covered in ice 2km tick, so land that can`t support civilization), and that Slavic languages represent oldest languages of Whites.
Language is proof that what is White originate all from Slavs. All.
Gavrilo, he was a pretext at best. If not for him there would be something else.
Are you sure? Or that is just coping mechanism of yours, to say so?
You think forces that held Poland in chains would want to let Poland go just like that? From Golden cage?
No. Poland was seen for assimilation. This how Poland even now behave when world change is exactly proof for that. Listen, Adam Mizkiewich said it all to Czartorisky. To count on Serbs and Serbian interaction with Russians regarding our own liberation. Then, in proper moment, to connect with Serbs and present Polish question. Exactly what Czartorisky did and even later events confirmed.
But, no monument to Gavrilo in Poland. Still.