I suggest you read up on how Türkiye is a thriving democracy and how other European countries sometimes have chaotic politics too.
Relatively maybe. But far from the majority
Not 'relatively'. That is sufficient and when the most stable major country on the continent as well as those who border r*SSia are firm on this issue, others who have a less ethical approach to r*SSia should heed this. If they want to avoid sanctions, that is.
We're supposed to be moving away from fossil fuels anyway and there is no excuse to prop up our continent's biggest enemy by buying from them.
It will doubtless cause economic hardship for countries which foolishly chose to buy their gas from r*SSia however you win some and you lose some. Those countries lost.
Forget r*SSian gas.
Well, those are the countries who have either alternative sources of energy and
You mean those countries sensible and decent enough not to source from a pariah state like r*SSia.
They've had as long as the rest of us, and perhaps if they hadn't behaved so badly with Libyans in the past, they'd have a nearby source of near unlimited energy rather than begging for what Libya chooses to sell them.
And yes, Italy is unstable, rotten with corruption at every level and has massive levels of organised crime, so why are they in the EU and not Türkiye?