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A better Polish solution: aiding refugees in their home region

Polonius3  980 | 12275
19 Sep 2016   #1
Pollster CBOS has found that 58% of Poes oppose accepting refugees, three percnetage points more than a month ago. But Poland has found a better way to aid refugees on the spot without the threats to domestic order and tranquility posed by the indiscriminate immigration triggered by Merkel's Folly. The Polskie Centrum Pomocy Międzynarodowej has received 12 million zł from the Foreign Minisrty. The funds will be used to provide 10,000 Syrian refugees with shelter and basic medical care,
Atch  22 | 4299
19 Sep 2016   #2
Polly humanitarian aid to Syria is not an alternative that Poland has come up with as a solution. It is standard practice for all European Union members, all of whom have already contributed significant aid to both refugees and those still in Syria.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
19 Sep 2016   #3
Poland has come up with

True, but Poland sees this is an alternative to accepting ethno-religiously alien migrants whose presence has already caused serious disruption including securtiy issues for accepting societies. The more so since Poland has opened its borders to Ukrainians fleeing Russian aggression and earlier had accepted some 80,000 Chechen refugees fleeing Russian aggression. Poland's geography naturally lends itself to aiding the victims of the eternal foe -- Muscovy.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
19 Sep 2016   #4
Makes sense to me. This would seem to eliminate the need for refugees to come to Poland etc. when they are being aided in their home country!

On the other hand, who's stopping ANY group of people from visiting or even making a sojourn abroad for either limited touristic or study purposes:-)
nothanks  - | 626
19 Sep 2016   #5
No brainer
- Euro currency buys you more in the ME
- Refugees remain in familiar climate/culture
- Puts pressure on neighboring nations to become involved

The only counter-argument is "there is War occurring there". And this seems to be disputed in some situations [ie Why are the refugees vacationing in War torn regions?]
Lyzko  44 | 9745
19 Sep 2016   #6
kpc21  1 | 746
20 Sep 2016   #7
Makes sense to me. This would seem to eliminate the need for refugees to come to Poland etc. when they are being aided in their home country!

Any aid will not change much in their lifes so long as the war there is going on. The war must be stopped.

Why are the refugees vacationing in War torn regions?

Maybe because it's a civil war and they don't support any of the sides, they just want it to end. Just an idea.
nothanks  - | 626
20 Sep 2016   #8
Maybe because it's a civil war and they don't support any of the sides, they just want it to end. Just an idea

"if you want peace, be prepared for War"

The democratically elected secular Assad regime doesn't seem so bad right about now huh. Same with dictator Saddam and dictator Gaddafi......
kpc21  1 | 746
20 Sep 2016   #9
Well, democracy is not a good political system.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
20 Sep 2016   #10
...but, to paraphrase Sir Winston Churchill, "have we anything better"??

Spike31  3 | 1485
29 Feb 2020   #11
Turkey lets refugees exit towards Europe. Turkey's communications chief said the country had not received enough support in hosting millions of Syrian refugees.

That means Germany didn't bribed Turkey on time. Are "refugees" willkommen again?
Lyzko  44 | 9745
29 Feb 2020   #12
Likely a cover story.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
29 Feb 2020   #13
With all that evil in the US - racism, homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia, gun violence, and rapes - how come I can't be a refugee in Poland or at least get some financial assistance?
Lyzko  44 | 9745
29 Feb 2020   #14
The question is whether or not you relinquished your Polish citizenship:-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
1 Mar 2020   #15
The best solution for Poland: Poland did nothing wrong, so ignore the Syrians and everybody else. They are not your problem until you let them in - some with Ebola or other crap like that. Don't do it.
pawian  224 | 27236
1 Mar 2020   #16
They do not rush to Poland by any means. Once, a Christian Syrian couple with kids who tried to settle in Poland left for the West after a few months coz they realised the Polish culture was difficult to adopt.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
1 Mar 2020   #17
I am sooo happy for Poland.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
1 Mar 2020   #18
Turkey lets refugees exit towards Europe.

You can bet Poland will be seeing some of the million of them.
Some are from Afghanistan too.
Let's hope that not one of them has Coronavirus as it would spread like a wild fire in Australia.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
1 Mar 2020   #19
Let's hope they have it. That's the only way for the Euro weasels to close their borders.
Nothing else will reattach the balls they lost on the way to the PC heaven.
kondzior  11 | 1026
2 Mar 2020   #20
You can bet Poland will be seeing some of the million of them.

Obviously none of these migrants want to be in Poland. But thanks to the EU they see Greece as the gate to the Holy Merkel Land of Fat Welfare Checks.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
2 Mar 2020   #21
PC heaven.

That PC heaven that was invented by Americans............
johnny reb  49 | 7974
2 Mar 2020   #22
Obviously none of these migrants want to be in Poland

With another million pouring in you can bet some of them will be passing through Poland and taking the path of lease resistance.
The Syrian war refugees that are running for their lives is one thing but the other milk lapping economic refugees from other countries that are mixing in with them are the problem.

Mix all of them million together with all kinds of decease, including the Coronavirus, and Poland could have devastating problems.

That PC heaven that was invented by Americans............

And promoted by the E.U. as Trump certainly is not P.C. Hoot !
mafketis  38 | 11137
2 Mar 2020   #23
With another million pouring in

I'm doubting that will happen. No matter what European leaders say they don't want a repeat of 2015 and will tacitly give Greece and Bulgaria to do whatever is needed to stop the flow...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
2 Mar 2020   #24
Since Germany is the destination, Germans should build, patrol and shot across the fence where the hordes cross into white Europe. Nothing else will stop them.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
3 Mar 2020   #26
You don't need an army to stop the hordes. Just twelve guys with AR-15's and scopes. That plus a pair of balls for each will do fine after they fire warning shots. Didn't get the message? Then shoot the knees just like the Israelis do at their border. It works like magic.

Still not convinced? OK, would you storm that border?
You are so smart. Neither would the hordes.
mafketis  38 | 11137
3 Mar 2020   #27
...with what army? :)

The Greek and Bulgarian armies for the time being... I notice EU official rhetoric this time around is a lot like Orban in 2015.... The Merkeljugend have not exactly won the hearts and minds of the German public and no one wants a rerun of that ongoing debacle....
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
3 Mar 2020   #28
The Greek and Bulgarian armies for the time being..

Germans are better at shooting civilians.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
3 Mar 2020   #29

Right now it's mainly you calling for it...

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