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Americans incite hatred towards Russia in Polish media

Atch  22 | 4299
25 Jan 2018   #31
in my home country,

Well now to be fair Siggy (Siggy Stardust - sounds good!) you also have a lot of poverty in America and people living in their cars. I find individual Russians whom I've encountered very likeable and despite the country's politics both present day and past, they have a wonderfully rich cultural history. Russia is just a terrible tragedy from start to finish.

Having said that, Ktos generally talks through his arse. But he's a bit of a nutter so you shouldn't really take too much notice of him :))
OP Ktos  15 | 432
25 Jan 2018   #32

So what if you speak Russian or Srasian? What is your knowledge of Russian or Srasian got to do with this Discrassiun? Do you also wipe your bum like Russians or maybe Frassiuns? If that is the case then I withdraw my comments, apologise and congratulate you on your sra sra speech.

You just proved to be the most prime-eative of Hamericans on Polish Forum. All things invented by Numericans are also copies of ancient and more recent inventions coming from all over the world. Americans or hijackericans (as some holy books refer to them) relied on past engineering to carry out their inventions as well. So many inventions are based on Newton's laws, Pythagoras theory or Davinci's genius and Maria Sklodowska's work (oops she was Polish), I am not too sure they were Americans, maybe they were but were too shy to admitt to it, who knows? American wealth began by wiping out native Indians in the most barbaric fashion imaginable that would make the Spanish colonisers look like sissies. That is just the start of American murderous history on their road to wealth. Little boy from US of fake glory, my private parts fall down when I read your comments.

I sense a little jealousy, you have never taken Russia, never will as US declining. So much hatred towards Russia and nothing else, sign of a little man. You are proving my point here, thanks.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988
25 Jan 2018   #33
What is your knowledge of Russian or Srasian got to do with this diuscussion?

With a nice beat, this would be a good line of rap.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
25 Jan 2018   #34
And in particular the knowledge of Strasian could fit in. I suppose this is the language spoken in San Escobar.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
25 Jan 2018   #35

Now. There was a thread promoting competition for females of PF, did you take part? It is not like I have not seen you all natural but others are dying to see what Irish women really look like under the nun's skirt. Siggy Stardust hahaha, why would you write that? He practices Orthodox Fantasionism they don't smoke siggies they cook their stuff and then they wrap it in leaves and spice it up with Irish spices.

Back to the topic. Nutter? Nice way to call your future husband this way. Americans can not leave Russian topic alone, every movie, tv series and almost every political speech on a weekend features something about Russians that is either derogatory, inflammatory or sensory insensitive -my ears blow up. From near vulgar language to uttermost ridiculous like calling Russians "space bandits" hmm, could it be because Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space? It is not just hatred, it is the most idiotic and childish of Americans, the world should be laughing at Americans, I am.
Atch  22 | 4299
25 Jan 2018   #36
Would you ever get up the yard as they say in Dublin. Check out the origins of that expression here.:

I didn't say you were a nutter ; I said a 'bit of a nutter'. There's the qualifier. You're not as bad as you used to be. God Almighty, when you first showed up here you were truly demented. Try not to get yourself suspended again, careful now.
Ironside  50 | 12954
25 Jan 2018   #37
There is

Ditto to all you have said in your post. Well put.

Ktos, Russia acting hostile towards Poland is making Polish people dislike it.
Ask you boss Putin why he is doing it.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
25 Jan 2018   #38

Then get interested doll (something Ironside taught at this year's gay pride parade in ....Russia, me and Ironside love Russia, just not the uncomfortable beds they gave us, and he snores). Get interested for once and don't be yet another ignorant Polish funny daddy who eagerly swallows any criticism coming Russia's way but accepts any wrongdoing USA does, for instance.
Ironside  50 | 12954
25 Jan 2018   #39

Too much vodka Ivan.
SigSauer  4 | 377
25 Jan 2018   #40

Well, if you're such a fan boy of the Russians, shouldn't you at least be able to speak, read, and write their language so you can consume Russian media and Russian literature? Must be embarrassing that the American can do all of the aforementioned while you rely on translations. Have you actually lived in a country that speaks Russian predominantly? If you haven't then your opinion about their culture and mindset means sod all to me, it's just speculation on your part.

Russia creates its own headaches with its poor behavior and yearning to be a world player when it's got an economy as big as Italy's, but occupies the largest land mass in the world. They rely on Western (read, AMERICAN) technology to pull oil and gas out of the ground in the more austere environments in Russia. It would be fine if Russia wanted to be a trustworthy partner on the world stage, if the caveat wasn't an aggressive posture toward its neighbors and in Putin's own words saying that small nations don't deserve sovereignty. He's isolated all of his friends including Lukashenko, and most recently Nazarbayez by saying "Kazakhstan hasn't traditionally been a state." The revanchism that Russia is engaging in is why it's neighbors, and world partners do not trust Russia as far as they can spit. The coverage of Russia may be somewhat overblown, but it's certainly not without some merits. It thinks it can dictate the policies of the sovereign state of Ukraine, an cleave parts of its territory off because of things that happened 50 and 250 years ago, despite making agreements in 1993 to the contrary. RT's coverage is no less fair and balanced with regard to the United States, so the cloth cuts both ways.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
25 Jan 2018   #41
Hey Siggy! This is not fair, I tried to cone you but you are too good with all that economy staff or stuff (I don't know English either). You are right (thumbs up - I used to think it's a Roman sign but now I know it was invented by americans, thumbs up for americans!) revanchism which read when listening to Beatles songs backwards (sorry cross that, it's "backward" in american I don't want to be so backwardly illiterate in English - language invented by americans, incidently called English after a group of people that the whole world made up to be naughty) means vampirism (nothing to do with authentic vampires running american economy of the us of.... A!!! Hoooray!). Interesting gay you are, you say Russia thinks It can control Ukraine hmm. Lucky that USA was there with the snipers after it cooked up the coup and started shooting It's own people in the middle of the street making it look like the Russian forces are shooting down legitimate Ukrainian protestors. Back in Poland Kijowski is relieved that American snipers did not decide to do the same to It's creation - after all KOD cost Soros too much to sacrifice his own people - they wore his expensive tee shirts after all.
SigSauer  4 | 377
25 Jan 2018   #42
***Yawn***........ You're so out of your depth and wholly uninformed on this topic, that you don't actually deserve a response to what I can only describe as incoherent rambling of RT talking points and unproven conspiracy theories. Good day to you.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
26 Jan 2018   #43
Unproven conspiracies? It has been proven, it is already all over international media. USA used its people to organise a coup in Ukraine and then blamed it on Russia. USA was not in it alone but in principal it was USA idea, according to many, many sources.
Crow  154 | 9552
26 Jan 2018   #44
With Trump, things slowly but surely change. Hate speech will be replaced with normal tones and calls for cooperation. Normality, that is what we ll need. Normality. See, how simple word and how true word.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
27 Jan 2018   #45
Meanwhile, in my home country,

Every year in the USA disappear from 800,000 to 1 million underage children. Only God knows what's happening to them.

And of course, everyone is silent about it because the very top organizes it all.

The same thing happens also in Europe

The Jewish ritual murder of children is clearly documented throughout history for centuries. There are records from English kings, Polish kings, kings and aristocratic figures from all over Europe. There are records even of the Pope.

Today, there are FBI statistics as well as statistics of various institutions in Europe, and still there is silence and censorship everywhere.

Russia has various problems with excessive alcohol consumption, drugs and prostitution, but it's all in minor numbers compared to Western statistics.
Only in the West rules total censorship and more brutal than during Stalin.
Imagine that every 20 seconds in America disappears one child ..... CNN is silent, Fox News is silent. Total media darkness.....
27 Jan 2018   #46
Least we forget how utterly useless and bonkers the Russians are...
OP Ktos  15 | 432
29 Jan 2018   #47
I'm happy you got shocked while in Poland, it means we are not like you and neither are Russians.

I remember when, not so long ago, Americans under Obama administration used fake video, turned out to be a specifically constructed video game, to present fake facts about Putin's actions. This lie was so disturbing that even biased Western media reported it, although most media broadcasted it in a semi-silent mode and for a brief moment.
SigSauer  4 | 377
29 Jan 2018   #48
You mean like the fake satellite photo released by the Russian government which said it showed a Ukrainian jet shooting down MH17? Despite the fact that the jet in the picture is not an SU-25 as they alleged, or that an SU-25 cannot fly past 25,000 feet, or that the cloud patterns match a photo from 2012. This kind of absolutely insane and proven to be false nonsense was broadcast on Rossiya 24 and Channel 1. Explain that one? I won't hold my breathe, because there is absolutely no way to defend this except to say yes, they are total liars who would go so far as to cover up their involvement in the murder of almost 300 innocent European citizens.
gregy741  5 | 1226
29 Jan 2018   #49
Unproven conspiracies? It has been proven, it is already all over international media.

conspiracy?! lol..
its standard USA doctrine.since afganistan.balkans. same happening in Libya,Syria.
funny how Poland whining about Putin arming rebels in Donbass,but Poland has been selling weapons to al nusra for almost 3 years.
our f-16 flying over Syria as well..where is UN resolution?
29 Jan 2018   #50
Least we forget how utterly useless and bonkers the Russians are...

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Jan 2018   #51
they are total liars who would go so far as to cover up their involvement in the murder of almost 300 innocent European citizens.

Yet there are useful idiots out there who still praise them as a good example. One can only assume that they're such miserable failures that only Putin offers them any hope whatsoever in life.
pawian  226 | 27558
8 Aug 2023   #52
Those Americans! They made one Russian rubel (currency unit if you don`t know) worth one US cent. Amasing!
Bobko  27 | 2107
8 Aug 2023   #53
They made one Russian rubel (currency unit if you don`t know) worth one US cent


Do you want me to tell you about such a currency as the Japanese Yen?
pawian  226 | 27558
8 Aug 2023   #54
Japanese Yen?

What I care is imperialist Russia which is a threat. The weaker it gets, the better for whole Europe. Ha!
Bobko  27 | 2107
8 Aug 2023   #55
The weaker it gets, the better for whole Europe


Good for America. Good for China. Bad for Europe.
pawian  226 | 27558
8 Aug 2023   #56
Good for America. Good for China. Bad for Europe.

What is sauce for the gander is also the sauce for the goose. Or vice versa, I never remember. Ha!
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
8 Aug 2023   #57
Good for America.

Especially economically (at Europe's expense). But weaker Russia = stronger China, and that is a genuine worry for the US.

What a twisted stalemate.
jon357  72 | 23496
8 Aug 2023   #58
stronger China

China is becoming very strong indeed (the stats are scary as are the warnings from economists) anyway. r*SSia's decline is but a very minor factor in this and of course in any deal or partnership with China, r*SSia will always be very much the junior partner.
Novichok  4 | 8550
8 Aug 2023   #59
stronger China, and that is a genuine worry for the US.

Are you guys from another planet?

The US has been sending boatloads of money to China, has been accepting thousands of Chinese spies aka students, has been systematically de-industrializing the US and sending manufacturing jobs to China since Nixon made love to Mao in 1973 and now the US worries about China???

Playing stupid can be done only for a limited time.

r*SSia will always be very much the junior partner.

Hey, little boy, cut that "r*SSia" crap out ...We have enough imbeciles here already...we really don't need one more.
jon357  72 | 23496
8 Aug 2023   #60
We have enough imbeciles here already

If you want to see the worst of them, look in a mirror.

And it isn't about whether or not the USA is afraid of the rise of China (although their government is indeed very afraid), it's about the unstoppable rise of China, something that is a matter for the whole world. r*SSia however will always be a minor junior partner in any dealings with them. China can see how th8ngs are going and know very well that r*SSia is finished.

This thread isn't about China so much, it's about the Polish media's very understandable dislike of r*SSia, something entirely justified and not about to stop any time soon.

Hey, little boy,

Learn some manners, coffin dodger.

Home / News / Americans incite hatred towards Russia in Polish media

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