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How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again?

PolAmKrakow  2 | 955
5 Aug 2024   #331
You dont understand the American right wing if you say men think women are inferior. It is exactly the opposite. As for Kamala, she is really fvcking stupid, man or woman doesnt matter, she is a mental midget.
Novichok  4 | 8789
5 Aug 2024   #332
if you say men think women are inferior.

The problem is that women work overtime to prove that they are. That happens every time one says something really stupid that men don't.

For example, there is a video on YouTube where a woman says: My son thinks he is a cat. When he got ill, I took him to a vet. The vet refused to treat him so I am thinking about suing.
No men ever said anything this idiotic. The son episode would end with "shut up". Get the bat. Let's go ...".
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Aug 2024   #333
men think women are inferior. It is exactly the opposite

I see. US rightists believe that women are superior. Amassing! :):):

she is a mental midget.

Said by a rightist to prove my point. Thanks. .
PolAmKrakow  2 | 955
5 Aug 2024   #334
You are as intelligent as your name indicates.
Novichok  4 | 8789
5 Aug 2024   #335
US rightists believe that women are superior

No, it's the male pizdas like you...

If women were superior they would "oppress" men, discover, invent, compose, and rule the world.
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Aug 2024   #336

Thanks. I try to do my best. hahahaha

I also see you are doing your best to defend rightists. Good but it is a hopeless case. Each day we have proofs from our forum US and Polish rightists what they really think of women.

like you.

Why so hysterical???

and rule the world.

We must struggle to attain that noble goal!
PolAmKrakow  2 | 955
5 Aug 2024   #337
Defending women you mean? By defending womens rights over LGBTQ Woke bvllshit? Or defending family and parental rights? Or maybe it my defense of science? Men, real men, not the cucks and converted feminists, raise women up.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
5 Aug 2024   #338
Trump is also a woman.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Aug 2024   #339
not the cucks and converted feminists, .

We call them "Mangina's"
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Oct 2024   #340
Divine Kamala has already won in Poland!!!

IV High School named after American President Herbert Clark Hoover organized the primaries for the US president for the fourth time. In addition to IV HS, eight schools from Ruda Śląska took part in the simulation: I HS im. Adam Mickiewicz and primary schools no.: 3, 4, 22, 28, 36, 40 and 41.

The simulation is conducted in accordance with the rules of the US elections. Each class represents one state and knows how many electoral votes it has. Later, students vote in their classes and finally, during the finale of the game, they announce the results in individual states. Katarzyna Nowak emphasizes that it is not just fun.

pawian  226 | 27817
10 Oct 2024   #341
The primaries were held today, with Democratic candidate Kamala Harris winning 380 votes and Republican candidate Donald Trump winning 148.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
10 Oct 2024   #342
organized the primaries for the US president for the fourth time.

Did the results in the previous three primsries match the results of the real election?
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Oct 2024   #343
Yes, 2 to 1.

The first primary elections were organized by IV HS in 2008, when Barack Obama and John McCain were running for president. The second were held in 2012, when Barack Obama and Mitt Romney were running for president. In 2016, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump ran for the highest office, and this was the only time when the school results did not match the real ones in the US.

In 2020, due to the pandemic, the school primaries were not held.

Lyzko  44 | 9731
10 Oct 2024   #344
@Pawku, Kamala's winning and it looks as though Pennsylvania will really tilt the odds:-)
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Oct 2024   #345
Kamala's winning

Thanks Goddess for that! I will light a candle in the church tomorrow for the sake of her victory.
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Oct 2024   #346
Trump's practically incoherent when he speaks!

Really? Is it even worse than 4 years ago??? Amasing!

"friends" Vladimir Putin

Trump is a psycho. That`s the only plausible explanation of his "choices."
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
10 Oct 2024   #347
Trump's practically incoherent when he speaks!

I won't argue with that but Kamala talks no sense either, she just goes around and around in circles and says NOTHING!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Oct 2024   #348
Kamala's winning

No she's not, where do you get such false propaganda.
Kamala is in big trouble as I told you weeks ago.
Poland doesn't approve of Woke B.S. and neither does Trump but Kamoola does.
So I am thinking Poland will be ecstatic when Trump wins.
Trump likes Poland and Comiela doesn't.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Oct 2024   #349
Kamala's winning

You sound like James Carville who I despise.
James Carville, the Democratic strategist who once helped elect Bill Clinton to the White House, says he's "scared to death" about the upcoming presidential election.
Though Carville has previously suggested that Kamala (spelled Commieala) is likely to win the Oval Office this year, he voiced concern on Wednesday that she's running out of time to appeal to voters.
Carville said that the "only thing I feel is, the election's coming Nov. 5. And I'm scared to death."
He added, "I'm very, very concerned."
I think you are too Lyzko.
she just goes around and around in circles and says NOTHING!

You have her pegged, Milo.
AntV  3 | 670
11 Oct 2024   #350
It seems that the dems internal polling is causing them some heartburn. The public polling may be giving some credence to that heartburn. It seems that almost every Presidential election cycle the repubs win, the polling shows the repub candidate losing up until October, then the polls start to tighten. Same is happening now, so there may be some credence to the dem's heartburn.

I've been paying attention to the reporting of Selena Zito, she seems to have her finger on the pulse of PA. Zito is seeing more organic support for Trump. Who knows what that means when it comes casting ballots, though.

The election is tight, I don't think anyone can make a prognostication of who will win.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Oct 2024   #351
The election is tight,

I am not suggesting a Red Wave but don't be surprised if she loses badly.
I promise you that Poland would not want her over Trump.
AntV  3 | 670
11 Oct 2024   #352
I promise you that Poland would not want her over Trump.

USians who support her don't want her--they just don't know it.
Novichok  4 | 8789
11 Oct 2024   #353
raise women up.

From day one, I have been on my crusade to make them angry at the "trans women" who invade their spaces and sports.

It is shocking how many are siding with their enemies. I am still not sure if they mean it or if they are scared of being canceled or shunned.

To their credit, all men I interviewed gave me a straight No! when asked if trans "women" are actually women. Often, "Fvck No!!!"

USians who support her don't want her--they just don't know it.

They will know six months later. Then we will hear "what have we done..."

Rinse and repeat...because women's attention span is the length of a TV commercial or how long it takes to read headlines.
cms neuf  2 | 1973
11 Oct 2024   #354
When you are in Europe next why not stop off at the Bois de Boulogne or Frankfurt's red light district ? You could finally satisfy that itch about transexuals for around 100 euro, and stop banging on about the subject ?
jon357  72 | 23706
11 Oct 2024   #355
the Bois de Boulogne or Frankfurt's red light district ?

Or parts of Istanbul, basically the bit of Beyoğlu over the other side of Tarlabaşı Bulvarı from Taksim Square. The streets are packed with them, and their admirers. He'd probably really enjoy himself.

There seems to be a lot of conspiracy theory from trumpists including that nutty Greene person about the recent storm. Utterly bizarre ones as usual. They seem to like conspiracy theories.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Oct 2024   #356
There just seems something, I dunno, flat about the Democratic campaign, as they suffer through the last 25 days until the election.
It's like watching reality getting the stuffing beaten out of it and having no real way of fighting back.
The elite political media is utterly helpless in what should be its job to destroy Trump.
Its all but over the way I see it.
AntV  3 | 670
11 Oct 2024   #357
flat about the Democratic campaign,

The honeymoon is over and Kommielala cannot answer substantive questions.

I've read some posters on here say that Trump is showing cognitive decline or is incoherent. It's not true. He gives at least one interview a day and he shows absolutely no signs of cognitive decline. He rambles and lacks polish, but he will offer substance--he just surrounds the substance with rambling. In contrast, Kommielala gives platitudes and no substance (plus the timbre of her voice and speech mannerisms grate on many)--and, that's probably why her campaign seems flat.

The elite political media is utterly helpless in what should be its job to destroy Trump

Yeah, it seems nothing they say about Trump hasn't already been said a thousand times. They can't seem to produce any more negative sentiment toward him, so all they can do is prop up Kommielala.

Its all but over the way I see it.

I don't see it that way--still could go the wrong way.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Oct 2024   #358
19 States Have Shifted to Trump in Past Week
Poor Lyzko and jon Twister must be having a heart attack.
AntV  3 | 670
11 Oct 2024   #359
19 States Have Shifted to Trump in Past Week

Novichok  4 | 8789
11 Oct 2024   #360

The correct spelling is Kuntala.

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