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How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again?

PolAmKrakow  2 | 887
5 Aug 2024 #331
You dont understand the American right wing if you say men think women are inferior. It is exactly the opposite. As for Kamala, she is really fvcking stupid, man or woman doesnt matter, she is a mental midget.
Novichok  5 | 7672
5 Aug 2024 #332
if you say men think women are inferior.

The problem is that women work overtime to prove that they are. That happens every time one says something really stupid that men don't.

For example, there is a video on YouTube where a woman says: My son thinks he is a cat. When he got ill, I took him to a vet. The vet refused to treat him so I am thinking about suing.
No men ever said anything this idiotic. The son episode would end with "shut up". Get the bat. Let's go ...".
pawian  220 | 24944
5 Aug 2024 #333
men think women are inferior. It is exactly the opposite

I see. US rightists believe that women are superior. Amassing! :):):

she is a mental midget.

Said by a rightist to prove my point. Thanks. .
PolAmKrakow  2 | 887
5 Aug 2024 #334
You are as intelligent as your name indicates.
Novichok  5 | 7672
5 Aug 2024 #335
US rightists believe that women are superior

No, it's the male pizdas like you...

If women were superior they would "oppress" men, discover, invent, compose, and rule the world.
pawian  220 | 24944
5 Aug 2024 #336

Thanks. I try to do my best. hahahaha

I also see you are doing your best to defend rightists. Good but it is a hopeless case. Each day we have proofs from our forum US and Polish rightists what they really think of women.

like you.

Why so hysterical???

and rule the world.

We must struggle to attain that noble goal!
PolAmKrakow  2 | 887
5 Aug 2024 #337
Defending women you mean? By defending womens rights over LGBTQ Woke bvllshit? Or defending family and parental rights? Or maybe it my defense of science? Men, real men, not the cucks and converted feminists, raise women up.
OP Alien  22 | 5486
5 Aug 2024 #338
Trump is also a woman.
johnny reb  46 | 7363
5 Aug 2024 #339
not the cucks and converted feminists, .

We call them "Mangina's"

Home / News / How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again?
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