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How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again?

TheOther  6 | 3600
26 Jul 2024 #301
Trump already said...

Trump blabbers a lot. 99.99999% are lies, the rest is gibberish.
johnny reb  46 | 7363
26 Jul 2024 #302
He will save our country from ruins by the Liberals like you.
Have you ever listened to Harris. Hoot !
She was the first one to be eliminated in the primaries.
What does that tell you ?
Novichok  5 | 7672
26 Jul 2024 #303
What does that tell you ?

It tells me that we owe her an apology and the presidency of Poland.

She would be as great protecting these morons from migrants as she is here.

Hey, Polish morons, you can have her. After 8 years of this idiot, you will not recognize your country.
johnny reb  46 | 7363
26 Jul 2024 #304
you can have her.

I couldn't imagine Poland having a knee grow for a president.
Novichok  5 | 7672
26 Jul 2024 #305
We could give her Michael Jackson treatment before we ship her.
OP Alien  22 | 5486
26 Jul 2024 #306
presidency of Poland.

The Polish President has no executive power. A completely different system than in the USA.
pawian  220 | 24944
26 Jul 2024 #307
Breaking news!!!! Barack and Michelle Obama Endorse Kamala Harris' Candidacy: 'You'll Be a Fantastic President'
Miloslaw  21 | 4870
26 Jul 2024 #308
Surely that is enough for Americans NOT to vote for her!
Torq  8 | 1126
26 Jul 2024 #309
Barack and Michelle Obama Endorse Kamala Harris' Candidacy

Surprise, surprise.

During Obama's term in office Russia occupied Crimea, during Biden's term they conducted a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Russia must be really thrilled to think what they can achieve with Mrs Harris in office.

However, one has to admit that Kamala Harris is an expert on Central/Eastern Europe...


... so maybe it won't be that bad. ;)
Miloslaw  21 | 4870
26 Jul 2024 #310

HaHaHaHa!!!!She is almost as pathetic as Biden but doesn't have a medical excuse......
pawian  220 | 24944
26 Jul 2024 #311
Women for Presidents all over the world!!! Except Poland where Mr Trzaskowski is the best choice right now.
Miloslaw  21 | 4870
26 Jul 2024 #312
Women for Presidents all over the world!!! Except Poland

Really? Why? Are Polish women inferior to British, French,German,Italian and American ones??
pawian  220 | 24944
26 Jul 2024 #313
Really? Why?

Please, read with better comprehension. I clearly said: Mr Trzaskowski is the best choice right now.
Miloslaw  21 | 4870
26 Jul 2024 #314
You did, but it still came across as mysogynistic.
OP Alien  22 | 5486
27 Jul 2024 #315
French, ones??

Who are you thinikng about? Marine Le Pen?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 887
27 Jul 2024 #316
Wiener schnitzel, is not a wiener, as much as it is a schnitzel. And a kielbasa is not a hotdog, but they can look the same. So, essentially, Kamala likes wieners, that are not hotdogs, but more like kielbasa, and doesnt even know what wiener schnitzel is. This is Kamalaspeak

The endorsement from Obama's was such a bull$hit staged production I almost threw up.
johnny reb  46 | 7363
27 Jul 2024 #317
The endorsement from Obama's was such a bull$hit staged production I almost threw up.

I agree as all obozo did was appoint his next puppet for his fourth term.
Joker  2 | 2153
27 Jul 2024 #318
I agree as all obozo

Obozo is going to have an rude awakening once the honeymoon of Harris is over.
Poland loves Trump, especially in Chicago.. Polands second capitol!

BTW...all of Bidens disasters are equally the old black slappers as well.
cms neuf  1 | 1743
27 Jul 2024 #319
Poles in Poland had a clear preference for Biden - no idea where Kamala would poll but for sure higher than moron Trump

But anyway the only poll that counts is in November - now looking very close though obviously Kamala will get maybe 7 million more votes than Trump
Lyzko  42 | 9519
27 Jul 2024 #320
Good to know. There may be hope yet:-)
johnny reb  46 | 7363
27 Jul 2024 #321
The Swamp keeps saying that Trump is vindictive and will start investigations on all their crimes including obozo's and bidens crime families.
NO, they are guilty of committing some heinous crimes and need to be brought to justice to stop their illegal activities from insider trading to bribes, to money laundering to rigging elections to set an example for our leaders.
They are getting very nervous that some of them will be going to prison now that the shoe is on the other foot.
Poland will suffer if the giggling Border Czar gets elected.
Trump has always admired Poland for paying their own way in NATO and will protect them, give them military equipment to protect themselves and respect Poland.
Marxist Kamala couldn't even find Poland on the map.
Marxist oslama knows Trump will undo everything that they did to destroy America and expose them.
People on the streets of America have had enough of their divide to conquer using the race card.
Trump has done more for the minorities than the puppet master obozo ever did for them and they have finally caught on.
And if the self-serving feminists of this country would get that murdering babies is a crime and sin, Trump would win in a land slide.
Novichok  5 | 7672
27 Jul 2024 #322
Poles in Poland had a clear preference for Biden

...said a lying idiot who would never want him for president in Poland.

I hope you will die soon...
cms neuf  1 | 1743
27 Jul 2024 #323
Cheer up and watch the Olympic action - women's time trial cycling is on right now plus awesome Rugby between Fiji and France
OP Alien  22 | 5486
28 Jul 2024 #324
There may be hope yet:-)

Hope dies last.
gumishu  15 | 6235
29 Jul 2024 #325
...said a lying idiot who would never want him for president in Poland.

many people in Poland think that Trump is an American version of PiS (Law and Justice): a Polish political party who lost power in the elections of the last October. And they hate PiS so they "naturally" hate Trump.
Novichok  5 | 7672
29 Jul 2024 #326
Trump's problem is with women. They just don't like him. If you ask why you get "I just don't".
That's why women should not be allowed to vote or serve as jurors.
johnny reb  46 | 7363
29 Jul 2024 #327
. If you ask why you get

Because he shows no respect for them and thinks it's o.k. for him to grab their crotch when he feels like it.
Thats Womens problem with Trump.
Novichok  5 | 7672
29 Jul 2024 #328
As far as I recall, he said that some women don't mind...Which, BTW, is true...A quick fvck is the shortest way to start an acting career. No need to go to acting school for four years.
pawian  220 | 24944
5 Aug 2024 #329
American rightists consider women inferior to men. We have multiple examples for that in the forum. Trump shares this attitude, too. That is why Kamala will win because angry female voters will mobilise to vote against misogynist Trump and his maniacal followers. Excellent!!!

"She's Really Stupid!"

Victory over Kamala Harris was supposed to be a formality for Donald Trump. However, the duel is turning more and more into a David-Goliath fight. The confident Republican is starting to lose more and more in the polls and, in order to reverse this trend, he resorts to blows below the belt - organizing attacks on her race or intellect. Trump's behavior irritates even the Republicans themselves. They fear that in this way the scenario of 2008 and 2012 with Barack Obama in the leading role could repeat itself.

Paulina  15 | 4425
5 Aug 2024 #330
many people in Poland think that Trump is an American version of PiS

Because in many ways he is. In some aspects he's even worse, imho.

If you ask why you get "I just don't".

Maybe they know there's no point in talking to someone like you about it. I can't blame them lol

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