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Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government

jon357  72 | 23706
9 Jan 2013   #361
He's certainly on call, and does need to take a day off. I'm sure his predecessor did too. As Head of Government (not state) he still needs to spend time with his family. Even the President has at least one weekend retreat.
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Jan 2013   #362
the link is working now
Ironside  51 | 13124
9 Jan 2013   #363
You see, we're not living in 19th century anymore, documents can be accessed electronically, staff and advisors can be called.

That is all true. However that doesn't change the fact that give and that PM are just locust. They couldn't do more harm to Poland.
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Jan 2013   #364
the link is working now

btw the article shows what kind of filthy liars PO politicians are - Mrs Kopacz claimed Donald Tusk works in his MP office in Gdańsk during the weekends - Fakt investigation proves this is a blatant lie - they will come and lie in your face - Mrs Kopacz is actually famous for her lying: she claimed that the soil in Smoleńsk was dug up 1 meter deep in search for the remains of the victims which was just one of her blatant lies about Smoleńsk

it's actually pretty reasonable that every word Mrs Kopacz says is a lie
jon357  72 | 23706
9 Jan 2013   #365
filthy liars

I'd take them over the opposition any day. Those guys are the personification of filth.
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Jan 2013   #366
you have nothing but your own prejudice to support your words
OP Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
9 Jan 2013   #367
Tusk is good hard working guy.

This is a joke, right ?
9 Jan 2013   #368
That's what I thought at the beginning ;) but this forum is full of lemmings... ( I am not trying to insult anyone, it just means, the people that yet had not opened their eyes and are blinded by G*wno Prawda and TVN/onet/interia itd... Someday this people will wake up :D

... I hope!

Meanwhile the serial suiceder is still uncaught, watch out people!


PS: for all polish speaking people on the forum:
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Jan 2013   #369
the people that yet had not opened their eyes and are blinded by G*wno Prawda and TVN/onet/interia itd... Someday this people will wake up :D

Those lemmings, as you say, already woke and opened their eyes in 2005 when manical PiS came to power.

And they decided to put a stop to stalinist methods used by PiS.

Why did Tusk win the second elections?
Cali  - | 56
9 Jan 2013   #370
Why did Tusk win the second elections?

yeah, that's a legit question: why? You hear so much anti-tusky stuff on this forum that you wonder why this guy is in office? That's like Obama, when you read the papers and talked to people, this guy had no chance to win. Guess what? he smoked his Rep rival...
9 Jan 2013   #371
Because believed the propaganda of the green isle... btw, where do you get all the stalinist methods from?\
Where is that green isle then, eh pawian?
I don't see it anywhere... Tusk and his government did nothing more than extended the public debt, sold out everything that owned by the country, all our treasuries etc... a bit like Edward Gierek Tusk is...

Soon we will have December 1970 again... history really likes to make loops and I think that we are about to see events that already happened in the Polish history, some of them already took place...

Pawian and people like you are still trying to grasp that beautiful lie, that Poland is normal country, the Tusk's propaganda, just like in Communist times, but things like the Serial Suicider keep on happening regardless of whether you want to believe them or not...

gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Jan 2013   #372
Why did Tusk win the second elections?

because the brainwashing of the masses continues
9 Jan 2013   #373
Ecatly my point!
Years, and years have been spent on so called social psychology in Poland,
Tusk has a lot of great experts working on programs, news and artcles, people that still greatly remember times from the old Peoples republic...

I have recently read an article, that if you'd to move back in time, to about 2003/04 people back then thought that a termm " kibol" meant just a great fan of footbal... now kibol means something else, over time media gave a very vulgar sound, and that's just one simple word!

What about things like Kaczynski, or Radio MAryja??
What pictures are brought to mind?

Everything that you see in TV/Radio and polish newspapers (the mainstream bs) is taken into great considiration by old experts from public psychology so called: " psychologia tlumu".

Cali  - | 56
9 Jan 2013   #374
brainwashing of the masses continues

so the Polish people cant make the "right choice." I mean if Im unemplyed, living in poverty n there are tons of people like me then, sorry, I don't get it, why would i wanna vote for this guy?
9 Jan 2013   #375
When people are poor, have debts that they have to pay, have rents that they pay, kids, bosses that treat people like swine they can take in anything...

Why do you thinksuch powerful reigimes like Benito Mussolini's were supported by people, it was a nearly identical situation, countries were poor, the future was bleak, and people wanted to believe that their country wasn't so bad, that their lifes weren't so poor Mussolini gave them scapegoats and then with countless parades he showed them that Italy was a "normal country...

Poland, 2013:

Kaczynski and his "mafia" are the bad guys, it is not PO's fault that the whole country is poor, altyhough I am in charge for about five years now, its all Kaczyniski's Rydzyk's and The Church's fault! ---> an insigitation.

And then showing that Poland knows how to Party: Euro 2012, and New Years Eve Parties... just like in Roman Times:

" Give people Wine and Gladiator fights and they will obey..."

gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Jan 2013   #376
so the Polish people cant make the "right choice." I mean if Im unemplyed, living in poverty n there are tons of people like me then, sorry, I don't get it, why would i wanna vote for this guy?

the turnup in Polish election is just above 50 per cent - it means that 50 per cent of people don't care who is ruling them cause they don't understand anything that is going on - they can't tell thus who is lying and pretending and just scoring good PR points

people will only learn that it matters who they are voting for or that they need to choose who is going to rule them when they get kicked in the butts meaning when they get desperate (and it looks like more and more people will get desperate among other things directly due to

actions of the current government like accepting the new Euro CO2 goals that will cost Polish energy sector billions and guess who is going to pay for it)
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Jan 2013   #377
Soon we will have December 1970 again...

Exactly, that`s what all PiS maniacs wish for. They are longing for revolutions, massacres,troubles. Shorty speaking, the worse, the better.

That is why PiS will never take power in this country again because there are still intelligent decent people in Poland who know that PiS rule is a moral and economic disaster.
9 Jan 2013   #378
Pawian have you aksed every PIS " maniac" ( thanx for insults man, how typical of a leftists that is :) ) what their opinion on a new december 1970 is ??

I doubt that you did, therefore could you stop spitting with GW/Neewsweek ???

Think something of your own man :/

gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Jan 2013   #379
Soon we will have December 1970 again.

according to your logic what people did in 1970 was wrong - hello pawian - turmoils can be very refreshing you know

thanx for insults man, how typical of a leftists that is

you are being on the verge of being nihilistic goofy - btw pawian is not a leftist

They are longing for revolutions, massacres,troubles

no, we are longing for truth and justice and leadership that is working for the good of the society dear pawian
9 Jan 2013   #380

Maybe he hasn't sdiscovered his iner personality yet..
as to what he said,seriously, I think the country needs some kind of a revolution...
like Pilsudzki did, not too bloody but to just shake the dirt off... maybe soon it will happen ?
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Jan 2013   #381
no, we are longing for truth and justice and leadership that is working for the good of the society dear pawian

Hey, you can read Gazeta Polska and other PiS oriented media.
9 Jan 2013   #382
I am sorry but Pawian, I don't qyuite understand what do you mean??
What does that got to do with brnging justice and leadership back to the country?
Don't you want Poland to be a wealthy and a powerful country again???

Surely reading Niezalezna, or Gazeta Polska will not bring an indepedence back for our country!

pawian  226 | 27817
9 Jan 2013   #383
I am sorry but Pawian, I don't qyuite understand what do you mean??
What does that got to do with brnging justice and leadership back to the country?
Don't you want Poland to be a wealthy and a powerful country again???

As a patriot of Poland, I want the best for her.

As an intelligent person, I know that another PiS rule will be a disaster.

gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Jan 2013   #384
I know that another PiS rule will be a disaster.

will be a disaster because???
9 Jan 2013   #385
Okay.. lets use reverse psychology ;)

What did PiS do that was such a disaster for our nation???
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Jan 2013   #386
looks like pawian 'połknął język' 'swallowed his toungue'

pawian an intelligent person is able to back his stance with arguments don't you agree??
9 Jan 2013   #387
Nahhh He is looking through the internet, trying to prove his ideology has an actual point :)
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Jan 2013   #388
looks like pawian 'połknął język' 'swallowed his toungue'

Sorry, it took me some time to prepare the first post in a new thread. I hope you will enjoy it.

Nahhh He is looking through the internet, trying to prove his ideology has an actual point :)

The point is simple: Down with maniacal PiS! :):):):):):):)
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Jan 2013   #389
Down with maniacal PiS! :):):):):):):)

actually this makes you just another maniac -even if PiS are maniacs (which they are not)
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Jan 2013   #390
actually this makes you just another maniac

This means what exactly? Smileys???? :):):):)

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