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Polish women: what do you think of Polish men? Physically unattractive?

Magdalena  3 | 1827
29 Sep 2013   #31
shouldn't take long....

OMG. You have google at your fingertips after all. You don't need to go anywhere.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
29 Sep 2013   #32
OMG genius, you you just saved me 13 hour flight and a nice bunch of money, I feel like celebrating... Seeing as I'm gonna be busy having fun for a while, could you possible google it yourself?
Magdalena  3 | 1827
29 Sep 2013   #33
could you possible google it yourself?

Why? I never claimed that Slavs are round-faced fuglies, you did. It's up to you to either prove your claim or recant ;-)
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
29 Sep 2013   #34
The key words being: up to me. Cheers, I know what I've seen and based on that Poland wouldn't have been my prime destination, had I been a romantically inclined woman or gay. Other than that it's a pretty awesome place.
Magdalena  3 | 1827
29 Sep 2013   #35
I know what I've seen

Too bad nobody else does.
Peter59  4 | 35
29 Sep 2013   #36
Slavic countries women are often quite glamorous, while men often look like hobos.

I do have to admit that I made close to the same comment to my Polish friend that I was traveling with last Summer (in Poland) that the women were much more pleasant to look at then the men. But then again I'm a guy :)
Madzia22  - | 72
29 Sep 2013   #37
Ideas about genetics? Please do work on your comprehension skills.

If you didn't understand what I wrote then indeed reading comprehension seems to be something you have issues with and the fact you are a native English speaker makes it even more laughable xD

Well good for you, being overly patriotic does make you stupid but let's hope that you at least are in good health.

It's really amusing how the truth is hurting you that you went as far as insulting me. It's funny how you like to live in your imaginary world where all the men around you are ugly, my advice for you is to grow a pair and start taking the truth like a man.

long time ago there was a survey for the most handsome player in the national German team and Lucas Podolski won it xD

OP McDouche  6 | 282
29 Sep 2013   #38
Many of them are also racist

To be fair, many Polish women are also racist and anti-Semitic.

That's not a Polish phenomenon, women everywhere adapt better to changes.

This is true. For example, here in America women are more likely to be liberal

I do know that, what is your point? There was this chart floating around this forum showing the genetic makeup of various European countries, Czech had the highest Germanic admixture of all Slavic countries, Poland coming second.

Poland second? That wouldn't make sense according to your theory though considering women generally find Serbs, Russians, and Ukrainians more attractive than Polish men and Poles have more Germanic admixture.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Sep 2013   #39
To be fair, many Polish women are also racist and anti-Semitic.


I wonder what you base that observation on, apart from your general loathing of Poland.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
29 Sep 2013   #40
a native English speaker makes it even more laughable xD

Last time I checked Danish is the native language of Denmark

It's really amusing how the truth is hurting you that you went as far as insulting me

Truth doesn't bother me, stupidity on the other hand can be annoying, hence me pointing yours out.

long time ago there was a survey for the most handsome player in the national German team and Lucas Podolski won it xD

Oh boy here we go again, another Moania in the making. Again your comprehension skills, never said handsome men of Polish extraction didn't exist, they do but they are indeed very rare. Go ahead post another picture of a handsome Pole if it makes you feel better, and do grow up while you are at it.
OP McDouche  6 | 282
29 Sep 2013   #41
I wonder what you base that observation on, apart from your general loathing of Poland.

Look man, I don't know why you get the idea that I hate Poland. I don't. There's just some things about Poland that need to be improved. There have been studies shown that Poland is one of the most anti-Semitic countries in Europe along with Spain and Hungary.

I dated two Polish women in my past too and I can confirm the both of them would get pretty ******* annoying whenever they made stupid comments like "Wow, this place has too many blacks."
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Sep 2013   #42
Look man, I don't know why you get the idea that I hate Poland. I don't. There's just some things about Poland that need to be improved. There have been studies shown that Poland is one of the most anti-Semitic countries in Europe along with Spain and Hungary.

Those studies are also utterly worthless, as has been proven on here repeatedly. Tell you what - if you want to start somewhere, start by examining the method used to obtain such results.

As for "some things", given the amount of times that you degenerate Poland on here, one has to wonder what your real motive is.

I dated two Polish women in my past too and I can confirm the both of them would get pretty ******* annoying whenever they made stupid comments like "Wow, this place has too many blacks."

Strange, you claimed to be married to one in other threads. Perhaps getting your story straight would be a good start?
OP McDouche  6 | 282
29 Sep 2013   #43
Those studies are also utterly worthless

Says you.

as has been proven on here repeatedly.

Proven how? And are we talking about the same studies?

Strange, you claimed to be married to one in other threads. Perhaps getting your story straight would be a good start?

Really? I think a good start would be you showing me where I ever claimed to be married to a Polish woman.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Sep 2013   #44
Says you.

Says someone who understands the methodology of such studies.

Proven how? And are we talking about the same studies?

Search back, you'll find them largely discredited by virtue of the small sample size and the way of sampling.

As for the studies, I imagine you're referring to the usual ADL polls. Here's a clue : anyone relying on stationary phone lines cannot be taken seriously as a polling organisation.
pierogi2000  4 | 226
29 Sep 2013   #45
Look man, I don't know why you get the idea that I hate Poland. I don't. There's just some things about Poland that need to be improved.

Or it's you that needs to improve your view to get with the times. Europe doesn't want those individuals around, it's our region so we can say/do what we want here. Why don't you go to Israel and tell them to open their immigration walls or South Africa and tell them to stop murdering white farmers.

Please, go "improve" the world and then come back to Poland.
Madzia22  - | 72
29 Sep 2013   #46
Last time I checked Danish is the native language of Denmark

So many American ignorants here and you perfectly blent in with them with your silly views, that would be the reason why I mistook you with one of them.

hence me pointing yours out.

Appart from revealing your insecurities you haven't pointed anything out. This topic is about Polish women giving their opinion and you come here throwing a temper tantrum like a little boy who lost his toy. Man up.

Go ahead post another picture of a handsome Pole

Since we all know how much it hurts your ego I will save you from that pain xD
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Sep 2013   #47
Europe doesn't want those individuals around, it's our region so we can say/do what we want here.

You're in America and have been for most of your life, so less of the "our" and "we", please.

Why don't you go to Israel and tell them to open their immigration walls or South Africa and tell them to stop murdering white farmers.

Why don't you keep your views in America where they belong?
Paulina  19 | 4491
29 Sep 2013   #48
I am not seeking to start any conflicts here, but I have noticed that many Polish women have said Polish men are not as physically attractive as men in western countries such as the UK, France, Ireland, Netherlands, etc..

The UK - no, the typical British man is way too pink and porky lol
France - maybe, but that's because I like men with dark hair, eyes and not pale, but they're too metrosexual and talk like "pussies", as men call it (sorry :P)

Ireland - no, but the accent helps ;)
Someone mentioned Germany - no o_O I don't like the typical Germanic look in general, Scandinavian look - either.

On a more serious note :) There are all kinds of men in all kinds of countries. I've been to the West, someone mentioned Berlin, I think - yes, I've been there too and only one German man made me stare (he had the typical German look but was very handsome nevertheless). Besides, Berlin is so multicultural that there's no point in comparing it to Poland, imho.

It is not unusual to hear a Polish woman say British men are more handsome than Polish men.

Really? I must say I'm surprised by this since I've known a few women my age and younger who either live in the UK or were working there.

I've met a few British men in my city too and I definitely wouldn't say they were more handsome than Polish men. Only one of them could be called more or less handsome (I mean his face), but he was also very tall, skinny and a bit goofy.

Male models are not masculine-looking.

That's true. But young girls like this "feminine look", I've noticed.

Is there a point to argue about personal preferences? One like apple the most, other prefer oranges.

A voice of reason lol

You guys should understand that there are women who like the metrosexual dandy types, slim (or even skinny) with pretty faces and there are women who prefer more masculine looks. Jude Law may have a face as pretty as a doll, but he just doesn't work for me.

Of course, there's always the ideal type - a handsome face with nice body, but I guess the biggest condensation of those are in the US, not in Europe ;) Well, maybe the South of Europe has sth to show, but again, that's my personal preference, and I've seen some really unattractive men and boys in Italy (and the gel on their hair really doesn't help either lol). And, again, I didn't really see any abundance of handsome men in Italy (or any other Western country I've been to). Italian men simply dress different and have different temperament.

Polish women often find the exotic looks of Southern men attractive but at the same time Italian men, for example, are viewed as cheaters using pretty words, more air than substance. I also know some girls who really like Hungarians :)

I think that not only looks matter for women when we consider whether someone is attractive or not. Some man can be objectively handsome but not considered hot, sexy but many women.

And for some women anything foreign is considered exotic and thus more interesting than what can be found in their home countries ;)

I do have to admit that I made close to the same comment to my Polish friend that I was traveling with last Summer (in Poland) that the women were much more pleasant to look at then the men. But then again I'm a guy :)


As for "some things", given the amount of times that you degenerate Poland on here, one has to wonder what your real motive is.

+1 I def get a bad vibe from McDouche lol

Damn. We need more women in this thread. Right now this is a men discussing men.

Yeah, reading this thread was hilarious :D

No, really, this thread is silly :)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Sep 2013   #49
+1 I def get a bad vibe from McDouche lol

It is rather queer that him and "pierogi2000" come on at the same time. One criticises Poland constantly, the other makes Poland look like a racist backwater. And they're both obsessed with racial issues. hmmm.
OP McDouche  6 | 282
29 Sep 2013   #50
I like men with dark hair, eyes and not pale

It seems many women prefer this. This is probably why Italian men are the most desirable in all of Europe. Of course, there are some women who like a tall blond blue-eyed man from Norway or Sweden.

British men are pale and it's why British women prefer a Mediterranean man over a British man but at the same time at least British men don't look goofy like Polish men.

I imagine you're referring to the usual ADL polls. Here's a clue : anyone relying on stationary phone lines cannot be taken seriously as a polling organisation.

Yet every sample from every year seems to yield the same results. It's always found that anti-Semitism is less common in the US and UK while it is more common in Poland, Spain, and Hungary.

It is rather queer that him and "pierogi2000" come on at the same time. One criticises Poland constantly, the other makes Poland look like a racist backwater. And they're both obsessed with racial issues. hmmm.

You wearing a tin foil hat? I didn't know you're from the same crowd as Wroclaw Boy. Was Osama Bin Laden made up by the American government?
pierogi2000  4 | 226
29 Sep 2013   #51
Polish men aren't pale. They also aren't as feminine as Western & Northern Europeans.
Paulina  19 | 4491
29 Sep 2013   #52
It seems many women prefer this.

And Italian women like blue eyed blondes :) And Italian men are absolutely crazy about blue eyed blond women (even if they aren't that pretty) :)

Many people find what's different attractive.

at least British men don't look goofy like Polish men.


Are you trying to cheer yourself up by the expense of Polish men? ;) Because it looks like it, to be honest :P

What do you mean by "goofy"? Some men are goofy (as far as I understand "goofy"), some aren't. It doesn't depend on nationality.

It is rather queer that him and "pierogi2000" come on at the same time. One criticises Poland constantly, the other makes Poland look like a racist backwater. And they're both obsessed with racial issues. hmmm.

I don't do conspiracy theories ;) I get a bad vibe, that's all.
pierogi2000  4 | 226
29 Sep 2013   #53
I don't do conspiracy theories ;) I get a bad vibe, that's all.

Douche is an American troll that has probably never been outside North America

I'm an experienced traveler that has been all over the world and my opinions reflect that.
OP McDouche  6 | 282
29 Sep 2013   #54
Kiddo, you probably live in your mother's basement. Have you even graduated from high school yet?

I'm a young graduate student who also has a fantastic job. I've also been to Poland a few times and I will be going again in the future.
pierogi2000  4 | 226
29 Sep 2013   #55
and I will be going again in the future.

Please don't. Why don't you instead go to some enriched and evolved country like France.
Polson  5 | 1767
29 Sep 2013   #56
And Italian women like blue eyed blondes :) And Italian men are absolutely crazy about blue eyed blond women (even if they aren't that pretty) :)
Many people find what's different attractive.


don't look goofy like Polish men.

I don't think Polish men are any...uglier than their European counterparts, it's just that they tend to not take as much care of their look, in general. But things seem to change (they always do after all). My Italian (female) friend said she saw a few stunning guys when she visited Cracow. Believe me, coming from her, this really means something ;)
Wulkan  - | 3136
29 Sep 2013   #57
look goofy like Polish men.

Are you gonna elaborate that "goofy" phenomena of yours or you gonna just bluntly repete that?
pierogi2000  4 | 226
29 Sep 2013   #58
He has yet to elaborate on anything
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
29 Sep 2013   #59
Appart from revealing your insecurities you haven't pointed anything out. This topic is about Polish women giving their opinion and you come here throwing a temper tantrum like a little boy who lost his toy. Man up.

This one made me chuckle, what sort of insecurity would that be prey tell? Temper tantrum...? I'm mere relaying my observations which as it turns out are being confirmed by many, you're the one on a frantic defense mission to prove I must have been hallucinating and imagining things, posting a picture of some Polish athlete as the irrefutable proof of your 'argument'. I'd say that's a bit emotional (emotional being euphemism for pathetic). And by the way my observation doesn't get any less valid just because I'm not a Polish woman, even though the issue did come up in a few conversations while in Poland (with Polish females), why? Because it is very noticeable, particularly for someone from outside. All my friends visiting Poland say exactly the same thing; Polish women yes, Polish men meh.
OP McDouche  6 | 282
29 Sep 2013   #60
Are you gonna elaborate that "goofy" phenomena of yours or you gonna just bluntly repete that?

Ok, weird shaped faces and fat tends to build up in their cheeks. With men, fat usually evenly distributes around the body but with Polish men, it tends to concentrate in their faces. Also, it doesn't help when a lot of Polish men shave their heads.

Are you trying to cheer yourself up by the expense of Polish men? ;) Because it looks like it, to be honest :P

Hey you just admitted you like guys like me. Guess what? My heritage includes Native American and Italian. I have olive skin and dark hair. :P

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