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cheesymac  4 | 60
16 May 2011   #121
all women are trash... if you are a guy and are trash...
only a good guy will get a good woman... if he gets a bad one... how and why did they get together...
a lot of aspects need to be taken into consideration, such as where you met, what made you take interest in one another...
although you might not find in equal in this life, God is always there watching and will punish the trolls and this life might reflect the next, so be good yourself
sascha  1 | 824
16 May 2011   #122
Which priest told you that or better from which priest did you copy that speech?

My guess is that they are not more/less than other slavic women. ;)
stinkybugger  - | 56
16 May 2011   #123
all women are trash...

Contradicting yourself there...all women trash..only good men will get a good woman?

Make your mind up!
16 May 2011   #124
you are said "most of Polish girls are.." do you know most of Polish girls? No, you don't.
it only shows how intelligent you are.
A J  4 | 1075
16 May 2011   #125
My opinion is that you can talk girls into doing bad things, and that you can talk them into doing good things as well. (Of course the same goes for boys!) For the record: Most girls and boys are alright, and you can be serious your whole life, so do whatever the hell you want to do when you're young, and don't let *any* of these bitter old folks tell you how life works..

a lot of aspects need to be taken into consideration, such as where you met, what made you take interest in one another...

I'd like to see more people who are *willing* to believe in each other, because only with belief in each other will we ever achieve anything. The way I see it, there are no ''good'' or ''bad'' people, but only actions and consequences. Consider this: Maybe love is like a flower which actually *needs* water to grow and blossom, so maybe it doesn't need any judgement calls, any fingers or any lectures, and maybe all you need to do is to show a little love and belief in someone who got his or her heart torn to pieces a little too often. See, I can hope for a flower to grow, but I can also choose to give it some of my time and actually *give* it some water.


I've never met any trash!
SeanBM  34 | 5781
16 May 2011   #126

There is an element of hope in this because it is a question ;)
16 May 2011   #127
you are said "most of Polish girls are.." do you know most of Polish girls? No, you don't.

I was referring to most polish girls i know personally, which are quite a few.
16 May 2011   #128

no you didn't mean it.don't lie now.
"my experience here in the Uk has made me believe that most Polish girls are very easy and always have their mind on money"

this makes me think most girls in the UK are stupid like you:/
by the way, come to Cracow to see how your girls behave here...or actually you don't have to come here. it's same there.but you pretend to not notice it because you prefer to stereotype about foreign girls. filthy personality.
A J  4 | 1075
16 May 2011   #129

I'd like to ask another question to this question: Are people who ask questions like these allergic to women?

There is an element of hope in this because it is a question ;)

Hell yeah!

Amathyst  19 | 2700
17 May 2011   #130
by the way, come to Cracow to see how your girls behave here...or actually you don't have to come here. it's same there.

Been to Krakow twice and Wraclaw once..Didnt see any bad behavour from English women...See plenty of it at home as you stated..but this thread is about Polish women not the behavour of my countrywomen...Personally the Polish ladies Ive met have been very nice and certainly not sluttish in any way shape or form, maybe it just reflects on the types madhec associates with? Does not our social circle not reflect on who we are as a person?

Im not english.....English women behave really bad...i agree...

What all English women???? So what nationality are you?

And I was referring to most polish girls I know here in the Uk...

As I said above...just shows what kind of people you associate with..Personally Ive met only nice polite educated Polish females...

SOME not all, please dont group ALL english women together!

JustysiaS  13 | 2235
17 May 2011   #131
I'd like to ask another question to this question: Are people who ask questions like these allergic to women?

more like: Are people who ask these kinds of questions really have nothing more important in their lives to worry about? Cos there are people out there who would swap their REAL probems and worries for petty cr^ap like this anytime.
A J  4 | 1075
17 May 2011   #132
more like: Are people who ask these kinds of questions really have nothing more important in their lives to worry about?

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to answer this question, since I'm not Polish.

17 May 2011   #133
What is it about Slavic women that makes me crazy!Its that look!!Polish,Ukrainian,Lithuanian,Hungarian etc the're gorgeous.Its Monday and I'm waiting for the Ukrainian housekeeper,I should be at the office but no I'm here thinking of her!!.I;ll offer her a cup of tea and a stollen,thats innocent,enough.I'll talk about the weather "My its been cold for this time in May"I hope she doesnt keep arching her back at me,as she is quite well-breasted with a thin wasit.I must be crazy what am I doing?Does she know what I'm thinking?Of course she does they all do!!Ahhhh Slavic, women they can turn a reasonable,logical, disciplined man into a babbling idiot!!
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
17 May 2011   #134
I dont think she does, but you sir need to get a hold of yourself... get your butt to work
and stop messing with the help..

sounds like a good romance novel, but me thinks you should be keeping your reserve
Especially if your a Married disciplined man. :)
26 May 2011   #135
Im italian... and I manage a bar so I witness a lot crap off a lot of people. Yes i associate myself with people who go out clubbing often, but that is due to my job. I have a lot of english friends and yes I agree that I was wrong at generalising everybody but up here in the north of the Uk lets not be naive you have to admit that many many english girls act stupidly on " a night out". Also my uncle owns a hotel in Italy and everytime there are english tourists staying there is almost always problems when it comes to alcohol. I am sorry if what I say maybe makes people angry but as I said before this IS MY PERSONAL experience and I am just adding my opinion to this thread...and as you can see I am not the only one that thinks this way(concerning the topic subject). Im sure there are many sluttish stupid Italian girls out there, but not to a point to make it an issue between people. On the other hand I agree hands down that Italian men have the name of being extremely flirtatious and "players"....I guess each country has its own generalisation on its people

There is no need to remove my comments...the whole subject of this thread is offensive in someway so oviously there will be posts that many people will not like...I have the right to express my views
Levi  11 | 433
27 May 2011   #136
The are many doubts behind the real meaning of the word "Promiscuous"

I Am from Brazil, and they say that the Brazilian Women are the most promiscuous in the Earth!

Why? Just because we are happy, pleasant and like to have body contact!

That is Not Promiscuous! That is just be pleasant and make good receptions to another people! =)
27 May 2011   #137
It's been proved anthropologically that the more promiscuous a nation's women the larger the manhood size of the men from the same nation.
pgtx  29 | 3094
27 May 2011   #138
It's been proved anthropologically

really? any link to the source?
28 May 2011   #139
As you are a moderator and a Polish woman, so naturally attractive, I won't tell you to go fish for yourself.

I read this several years ago. It was the god-killier himself Charles Darwin in his book the Preservation
of Favoured Races in the Struggle or words to that effect, who may have been looking at someones else findings. I can't remember it was years ago. Though really CDarwin is essential reading for anyone interested in life, imo. Though not politically correct by today's standards.

Spending 20 mins or so the best I found that has adequate authority are (do a find on page for p***s) if you don't want to read the whole page. Though seems like a goood site

Heres a map. By induction you can tell where the promiscuios women are for your next holiday (guys)

More recent ant-know-what-women-have-been-look-mens-genitals-i

Add 3Ws at the beginning of the site names, won't let me publish otherwise
30 Sep 2011   #140
It's been proved anthropologically that the more promiscuous a nation's women the larger the manhood size of the men from the same nation.

It also been factually proven bigger size means the nation's men are homomsexual and bisexual. So much for your gay study.

Arabs have a view that every Polish lady is a slut..

Not many Polish college girls visit those countries. It is cheap for those with money. There are more British there than any Eastern Europeans. Russians though visit Egypt a lot, but it is older group just like the Polish. Younger Polish visit Greece, Italy, and Turkey the most. Also, Northern Middle East has been very unstable.
30 Sep 2011   #141
There are a few college girls I know from Poland here in America. They are definitely sluttier than other girls I've met. Some of them have returned to Europe because they failed some of their classes. They should've spent more time studying instead of doing inappropriate things.
30 Sep 2011   #142
This is a great thread, it's incredible that some peoPle here are telling us the mind our business as the morals of others are none of our business so we don't have a right to discuss it. This is the worldview of a moral relativist as I discussed this in another thread, but even these people recognize some morals that are absolute which shows that this worldview is flaky lol.

I see that these types of people like to attack lodz because he took a stand. Shame on you lodz!!!! How dare you say that there is any concept of right and wrong lol. How dare you tell us that promiscuous behavior is wrong. In moral relativism have sex with 20 women at once is no worse than saving yourself for marriage. Western Europe is a great example where moral relativism is starting to grow which is a shame. Even moral relativists know there is a universal right and wrong and it comes out in situations for example when their daughter gets raped. Watch how fast they cry out "this wrong!!!!" not this is subjectively wrong lol.

I have also heard the comments about Arab guys cOming to Poland and having sex left and right and that is a shame. Being Lebanese American I know middle eastern men very well and alot or even most of them will have sEx with anything in a skirt. I personally don't like to date Lebanese girls because they are snobby, moralless, and shallow ( most not all). To say that this kind of behavior doesn't effect anyone outside their bedroom is totally ignorant of reality.

In America we have Hollywood the great ***** of Babylon where moral relatvism is supreme and liberalism sits on it's throne unchallenged . We can all see how this effects our youth can't we.

Being born and growing up in America and being a male virgin who is waiting for marriage puts me in a position that is going totally against the grain, and it's tough, but Just because society is throwing itself off a cliff does it mean I'm going throw myself with them? If I did it would make me a wannabe robot with no mind of my own.

Ask yourself can we say universally that murder is wrOng and why is rape wrong, and why does lodz believe that promiscuity is wrong? Obviously the moral belief of this is outside of us and if it's outside of us it's our job to recognize this and find where it is that these universal moral ethics are a bedrock of all moral civilizations.

Think folks and see the absolute chows and loss of ociety's moral fabric that is screwing of this ridiculous worldview

Oh also, I have heard alot of good things about polish women as opposed to Russian , Romanian and Ukrainian women who seem to be adopting the ways of post modern western European women. It's so refreshing to know that here are still sOme women with a brain left to know the value of faith and tradition and how it positively effects the society as a whole today.
southern  73 | 7059
5 Oct 2011   #143
Polish women are not exactly promiscuous they are just friends of pienadze.I mean this paper dope turns them to sex hungry dziewczyny full of witaminy.But even without the paper dope slavic chick is always excited and always welcome.
EM_Wave  9 | 310
29 Jan 2012   #144
My guess is that they are not more/less than other slavic women. ;)

Slavic women in general are more promiscuous than most women.
southern  73 | 7059
30 Jan 2012   #145
Polish women for sure are promiscuous towards us obcokrajowcow and I suspect they are the same towards Polaci.
Natasa  1 | 572
31 Jan 2012   #146
Previous survey, US, showed:

The results of the 2010 survey broke down like this:

At What Point Does A Woman Become Sexually Promiscuous?

Never? 14%
When she sleeps with her 10th partner? 41%
When she sleeps with her 20th partner? 34%
When she sleeps with her 50th partner? 14%
When she sleeps with her 100th partner? 3%

Few years ago I heard for some insane definition given by allegedly WHO or some similar organization saying that if number of partners exceeds one per year, person should fulfill the high standards to be one of the stigmatized. Then 90 % of women are sluts.

I doubt the source, it was a rumor of one conservative MD.
30 Apr 2019   #147

Is it true that Polish women are promiscuous?

I've been reading a thread on reddit with this title:

Not so based and trad Poland: Facebook group where women and teenage girls were bragging about how much dick they take and cheat was infiltrated by users of Reddit-like site.

If anyone is interested, here's the link
6 Jul 2020   #148
What is the hogus bogus gibberish trash that you wrote that only betray the severe damage in your orbitoprefrontal cortex is so severe to the extent that you hardly have a vegetative mind to live with that is why you are spewing out laughable filth that only betray how much of a zombie moron you are. So, it is you who are pathetic and immoral. The fact that there are sexual perverts like you who sleep around and live their lives far lower than animals never makes such a behavior acceptable or correct. The result of such immorality is the sbortion, sodomy and all tge docial calamities that we suffer from in the west. Wake up fool and don't come to write laughable foolishness
cms neuf  1 | 1846
6 Jul 2020   #149
She wrote that 10 years ago so don't expect a reply - at s as guess she is enjoying a summer holiday with her husband and small kids now. Maybe you can also do something more fulfilling than trolling ?
Sylvio  19 | 154
6 Jul 2020   #150
Hey, I am a racist!!! No, seriously, just kidding.


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