The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Polish women are the most beautiful in the world!

21 Jun 2011   #1081
Sorry I'm not that much into Mediterranean looks.


idk, I met a Greek person with her last name...

I think it's not too rare for people from Sicily/Sardinia to have Greek surnames. I knew a Sicilian family from my childhood that had a Greek surname but they had no knowledge of any Greek ancestors.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
22 Jun 2011   #1082

TV presenter of sorts - more famous for her body than her skills...
PennBoy  76 | 2429
22 Jun 2011   #1083
Gorgeous face and body. I don't get where English girls get this bad rep from, there seams to be many beautiful girls in modeling and acting.
25 Jun 2011   #1084
I think Polish women & Slovakian women both look better than Czech women.
Look at Miss Universe this past year from Poland & Slovakia they looked alot beter than Miss Czech Rep.

Wow, I want what you r smoking! I'd love to be that oblivious and far gone. Polish don't look better than Czech. Never has there been a statement more true. A trip to Poland and Czech will clear this up fast quick and in a hurry. Looks like this blogger is obsessed with individual models and people from certain countries like POland and Czech, when its much more intelligent and correct to look at the people from each country overall, normal regular people on streets, in stores, schools, churches, etc of their country. Models come from everywhere, but that doesn't say which country has the most beautiful women. Some countries like Germany have some of the top models, but go look on their streets and a beautiful woman will be hard to find. So models and famous pretties don't count for much, obviously the ugly countries got this fact covered. Hard to find any pretty ones at all in Austria, Switzerland, France or Italy for that matter. Put up all the pictures you want. Italy is the only country with real beauties, and those beauties are models from countries around the world, not so much native Italians. I can think of several Czech models that are way better looking than the top 10 or so from POland. Much better. And Brazilian women are by far better looking than anything you got in Poland. You should be slapped for writing Brazil and India are overrated; anyone who goes to these countries can see these have some of the best in the world, much better than Poland. I think some puke just rose in my throat at the mere thought of including India and Brazil in the same sentence as Poland on the subject of beauty--thats how barren and far from beauty is Poland, especially with those huge noses, hanging over like cliffs like the well known Roman nose. Very typical of German women, not so much Slavic women. Poland really got the bottom of the barrel as far as beautiful genetics goes. Not to mention the typical low cheekbones. Dont be such a lying freak. Poland is scraping the bottom of the barrel, theres no getting out of it; they are the worst of eastern europe, and eastern Europe is not the best, just ask people who travel (who are not Polish, who don't have a reason to lie). A few other countries have better, individually and overall. Poland has overrated itself for sure. Baltic women rate higher, but still not #1. A trip around the world will cover which country has the best looking women, or a trip around the internet. How it is on the internet gives an accurate idea of how it is to travel and see for yourself. Internet is cheaper. Most sites usually put Sweden number one, and Denmark is usually in the top ten as well on several sites; credit to the north. Brazil holds number one a few times, and Argentina. Then a string of others like Netherlands, Baltics, India, Czech, Russia, etc. These sites vary a little from each other. After all, they are by different people. Everyone has their own opinion. Looks like opinions are not so different from each other, because these lists of which country has the most beautiful women do not vary from one another very much at all, they are fairly agreeable and consistent with one another. Good for them, bad for Poland. As far as the contestants for the universe and world beauty pageants, Poland has year after year consistently the ugliest or plainest women representing your plain, ugly farmland country. Every once in a while they are not completely unfortunate looking, but still definitely not the best. Me, friends, and the rest of any random population agree, some Slavic countries have beautiful women, but Poland is not one of them, by not on the top lists of the most beautiful, and by simple observation.
teflcat  5 | 1024
25 Jun 2011   #1085
Poland has year after year consistently the ugliest or plainest women representing your plain, ugly farmland country

Where are you from Kash?
southern  73 | 7059
25 Jun 2011   #1086
Poland is some of the few countries that can send missiles to moon fuelled by the appearance of Polki.
Crow  154 | 9552
25 Jun 2011   #1087
because of Polish girls, Serbians would fu** complete Germany
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Jun 2011   #1088
Crow, what did you mean by that? Is that a 6th glass of slivovica comment or a 12th glass of slivovica comment? ;)
southern  73 | 7059
25 Jun 2011   #1089
He means that the SRB warririors inspired by the appearance of Polki will raise their penises and penetrate Germany in a cluster from Oder to Rhein.
lacanaupro  - | 4
25 Jun 2011   #1090
Polish girls are the prettiest and mine happens to be the prettiest of them all :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Jun 2011   #1092
He collects stickers, Shawny ;0 It's permanently on his fridge.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
25 Jun 2011   #1093
Either that or his shweetie-pie has told him as much...
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Jun 2011   #1094
Oh, there you go :) :) That's the more likely scenario. Although Kash pours it on rather thick, I see his point that vanity isn't in short supply here. People quickly turn ugly when the vanity button is pushed.
sascha  1 | 824
26 Jun 2011   #1095
because of Polish girls, Serbians would fu** complete Germany

nice joke, most probably not going to happen ;)

penetrate Germany in a cluster from Oder to Rhein

unless they prepare with an einlauf ;)
Amathyst  19 | 2700
27 Jun 2011   #1096
Gorgeous face and body. I don't get where English girls get this bad rep from, there seams to be many beautiful girls in modeling and acting.

Here's another for you. I dont know where they get it from either, but to be quite honest, English women dont really care ;0)

  • Rosie

  • Rosie
PennBoy  76 | 2429
27 Jun 2011   #1097
Oh I know you don't care ;) Found a few English hotties myself

  • Danielle Lloyd
sascha  1 | 824
27 Jun 2011   #1098
we all can see what is your major objective for hottie. for sure not the face. ;)
PennBoy  76 | 2429
27 Jun 2011   #1099
for sure not the face. ;)

I meant the face and body they both make a girl hot, I don't use that word in a derogatory way.
Looks to me like there are many pretty English girls, found a few more models...

  • Katie Green
sascha  1 | 824
27 Jun 2011   #1100
I meant the face and body they both make a girl hot, I don't use that word in a derogatory way.

understood, but the most visible trump card is not the face. ;)

found a few more models

cup size?
PennBoy  76 | 2429
27 Jun 2011   #1101

cup size?

That's not what I meant by those pics I like faces more, your assumption is wrong man.
sascha  1 | 824
27 Jun 2011   #1102
That's not what I meant by those pics I like faces more

ok. understood. :)

your assumption is wrong man

though the faces are let's say nothing special i was thinking you aim at the other 'prefrences' ;)
PennBoy  76 | 2429
27 Jun 2011   #1103
faces are let's say nothing special

Mater of preference again, i actually think they have gorgeous faces :)
Amathyst  19 | 2700
27 Jun 2011   #1104
There's no pleasing some people hun..I bet he'll say this one is a bit of a minger!
PennBoy  76 | 2429
27 Jun 2011   #1105
cup size?

sascha buddy I don't pick them out. They simply have them because British girls have the largest breasts in Europe.

There's no pleasing some people hun

Very true. A few more...

  • Louise Cliffe
Amathyst  19 | 2700
27 Jun 2011   #1106
Very true. A few more...

Its a matter to taste and you evidently have very good taste in women lol :D

As for bust size, we average out at a C / D which isnt too bad! Thats women who are in proportion, not the fatties.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
28 Jun 2011   #1107
Its a matter to taste and you evidently have very good taste in women lol :D

Ey, I know what I like ;)
MediaWatch  10 | 942
28 Jun 2011   #1108
PennBoy you're right.

The British have some pretty hot babes.

That Elizabeth Hurley is smoking hot.

(I'd post pictures but I haven't figured out how....DOH!)

Hurley is 46 now and she's still hot.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
28 Jun 2011   #1109
Elizabeth Hurley

Yes liked her in Bedazzled ;)
Gemma Arterton is a hot English actress also.

  • Gemma_Arterson.jpg
Havok  10 | 902
28 Jun 2011   #1110
All women are the same and here is how they think....

sec too big

Damn it. Anyway


Well i think all women are the same no matter what country they're from.

Home / Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world!

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