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Polish women are the most beautiful in the world!

Grounded  4 | 99
22 Feb 2008   #391
I didnt know they sold Walkers in Germany?

I'm sure somewhere you'd be able to get them in Germany but they sure do have them in Ireland
ShelleyS  14 | 2883
22 Feb 2008   #392
Couldnt believe that there werent any 16 year olds pushing prams whilst enjoying a bag of Walkers crisps

A feature that I seem to be missing when I'm back in Germany

I'm sure somewhere you'd be able to get them in Germany

Grounded  4 | 99
22 Feb 2008   #393
I love it when women putting words into my mouth lol
LondonChick  31 | 1133
22 Feb 2008   #394
I used to work in an English pub in Schleswig Holstein... we sold Golden Wonder there for about 6 D-Mark a bag (about 3 quid back in the day)
ShelleyS  14 | 2883
22 Feb 2008   #395
I find that seabrook or McCoys are the choice of crisps in the UK these day..lets not forget pork scratchins..
sapphire  22 | 1241
22 Feb 2008   #396
lets not forget pork scratchins..

you can rarely find pork scratchings in London.. I thought they were a Midlands thing, but sounds like they have them up North too? As for crisps, I dont touch anything except Walkers Salt & Vinegar.
LondonChick  31 | 1133
22 Feb 2008   #397
Kettle chips in the bars that I hang out in, schweeetie :)
ShelleyS  14 | 2883
22 Feb 2008   #398
Bloody Southerners! Always have to go that one better!

I thought they were a Midlands thing, but sounds like they have them up North too?

Hell yeah! you know when you're on a classy date and you get a half a larger and a bag of pork scratchin, thing is a bloke usually thinks he's on a sure thing....

I dont touch anything except Walkers Salt & Vinegar.

More of a cheese & onion person myself, but as we like to say so often wouldnt life be such a bore if we all liked the same things.
LondonChick  31 | 1133
22 Feb 2008   #399
Bloody Southerners! Always have to go that one better!

tornado2007  11 | 2270
22 Feb 2008   #400
tornado2007...I did overall post, not claiming they are the best or ALL are the most beautiful, but a general view, based on my experiences and other guys....Polish women could teach the "fancier" Western girls a thing or two........

hay mate i wasn't slamming you for posting this i was just slamming the general discussion as this must come up every week, lol :)

Enjoy the un-veiling of the "truth" of my opening post, when you visit Krakow...:)

true true we will see :)

I expect you will be just slightly disappointed.

True, there are a lot of good looking Polish women, but truly beautiful? I'd say no more than many other ethnic groups. And you will probably find that many are just average, or not very attractive at all. I've certainly met and seen a lot of Polish women I wouldn't touch with a bargepole.

a realistic view there, in any population there are going to the the good the great and the not so great :)
art69  - | 5
24 Feb 2008   #401
People, in an attempt to balance the negative thread about Polish men being ugly

mabe they are nice ... but empty inside, and without any target in life, just dance, and have funn, no thinking about the future ....

( Polish Guy )
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
24 Feb 2008   #402
yeah whatever, keep generalising. are you bitter or something? as you said in another thread, everyone is different.
art69  - | 5
24 Feb 2008   #403
yea it is, good to know, ,, "bitter" no im not, or think so, I had few polish girls , just said that from experience.. sry if someone feel rancorous
KasiaG  - | 44
24 Feb 2008   #404
I won't be joining generalizations, nor the bashing.
I will only say that after spending some time on Canadian dating forums and getting at least one thread a day about how beautiful Canadian girls are, it's nice to, for once, have 'my own flattering thread'.. in a way.. ;)

I've learnt that people will very often find opposite sex of other nationalities more attractive, assumption not necessarily logicaly grounded.. but it is darn nice. :)
ShelleyS  14 | 2883
25 Feb 2008   #405
will only say that after spending some time on Canadian dating forums and getting at least one thread a day about how beautiful Canadian girls are, it's nice to, for once, have 'my own flattering thread'.. in a way.. ;)

Hmm, I wonder if I can find a forum with a thread "British Woman are Beautiful"....
Kels  - | 3
25 Feb 2008   #407
I've learnt that people will very often find opposite sex of other nationalities more attractive

Bam. There's your answer right there.

Nothing to do with just Polish girls.

I myself am dating a Polish guy and although he is not the best-looking guy I've ever met there is something about him. I came to the conclusion that it is because he is not from this country.
jones101  1 | 349
25 Feb 2008   #408

I am going to call you Emeril now after the "Bam"
OP Frank  23 | 1183
25 Feb 2008   #409
Hmm, I wonder if I can find a forum with a thread "British Woman are Beautiful"....

Sure..S.....but only on a British Forum.....:)
Ranj  21 | 947
25 Feb 2008   #410
I am going to call you Emeril now after the "Bam"

Bubbawoo and I drove past Emeril's house in New Orleans.....pretty nice, it was and I heard the kitchen was out of this world :)
jones101  1 | 349
25 Feb 2008   #411
Physical beauty is found in varying quantities all over...truly beautiful people are like needles in haystacks. I sure as hell am not worthy but I have one that loves me. Some day she will wake up and figure out she can do better but I am enjoying it as long as I can.
sapphire  22 | 1241
25 Feb 2008   #412
I myself am dating a Polish guy and although he is not the best-looking guy I've ever met there is something about him..

I agree with this.. its the differences that attract.. and at times also pull you apart.
jones101  1 | 349
25 Feb 2008   #413
Amen...I love my fiancee more than anything. We rarely argue and when we do it is ALWAYS over some cultural issue from one of us or the other. Double edged blade.

We have decided a third country is the only place we can really be on even ground.
Kels  - | 3
25 Feb 2008   #414
I agree with this.. its the differences that attract.. and at times also pull you apart.

Totally. It's the difference in culture, appearance and language that is alluring.
sapphire  22 | 1241
25 Feb 2008   #415
We have decided a third country is the only place we can really be on even ground.

where are you thinking of? seems like many of us in Polish/non-Polish relationships have similar probs. around cultural differences.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
25 Feb 2008   #416
In Belgium you can find some of the most beautiful girls in the world as well. Also in Israƫl.

ShelleyS  14 | 2883
25 Feb 2008   #417
I think they are :)

Good boy ;-)

Sure..S.....but only on a British Forum.....:)

I'll be sure to try and find a thread on "attractive Irish men" - the words Holy and Grail are springing to mind ;-)
MareGaea  29 | 2751
25 Feb 2008   #418
But I do think that the Polish hold some of the most beautiful girls in the world as well...

M-G ()
jones101  1 | 349
25 Feb 2008   #419
Yes...and some of the nastiest as this forum proves.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
25 Feb 2008   #420
Hm, I'm very glad with my sample of Polish feminine :)

M-G (glad)

Home / Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world!

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