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Woman 28 single, too late for a relationship with a Polish man?

johnny reb  49 | 7888
15 May 2022   #61
I met this polish guy but I've the unconfortably sensation to been "judged"...

This is a typical Polish inferiority complex trait.
Judgements are merely opinions so be confident in yourself and walk with your shoulders back, your chin up while wearing a big smile.
Innocently ask him where he got his last haircut to turn the table on his judgements.
Confidence in yourself girl but don't go 'Butch' on him.
Alien  25 | 6359
17 May 2022   #62
It is never to late for relationship, even with 70. Just try again.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
17 May 2022   #63
Polish men in places like Lodz still see women as property and I dont think there is really much of a charge of domestic violence unlike western countries as I assume its the same as assault laws here are where as long as she isnt in a hospital for seven days its a small ifnraction or even just a money private charge. I just saw this tatood looking chick with a black eye walking across the street crying yesterday.
Videobroker  11 | 22
20 May 2022   #64
I must say that most Polish ladies that I meet, who speak English, state to me that they have no interest in dating or marrying Polish men. I asked why. The common reason is that, while they are generally good-looking men by Western standards, and have good genetics, the men tend to be controlling, boring, think women are property, many are Mama's boys, bossy, and expect the woman to be like their mothers, cook, clean and wash for them. Many also said to me that Polish men are sexually boring. The only women I have met who had no issues with Polish men were ladies from Ukraine, many hitting the clubs and bars. One Ukraine lady flatly told me that she looks for Polish men who are successful, own a business, and who will pay for gifts and trips (she is 24-25) and that she saw nothing wrong with her statements. My impression is that Polish ladies are more traditional and want serious relationships and love, and are generally not too interested in multiple sex partners. Personally, I think age doesn't matter and I am engaged to a Polish girl half my age. As an American, I have not sensed any racism from men or women, or even older people. I also part Italian, and white. Polish men, it seems, are very focused on business, and cars, and seem a little too direct, impatient, dry in conversations, not much into laughing or jokes. I can see why women think they are boring to date, relate to, or marry. All Polish ladies I know are dating or engaged to Western men. A woman in her mid-20s or early 30s is in her prime to have kids and raise a family but ultimately it is her choice. I am 59, divorced and I can tell you, I am amazed at people that say they never want to marry or have kids. If you remained looking like you do in your 20s and 30's, fine, but time forgives no one, your body starts to go to crap, you begin to lose marketability and after 50-60 being alone isn't even healthy, your dog will die, your cats will die and you could end up an old man or old woman living alone in some dinky apt, barely having the strength to go grocery shopping and no one near you to talk to and spend quality time with. It's really not a good idea. If you can marry and have a family, please do so. Especially if you are young in your 20s and 30s. Don't pass up this chance. My personal opinion only. I am glad I had 3 kids and am raising a Polish daughter now who is only 8 and we are very happy.
pawian  226 | 27364
20 May 2022   #65
, but time forgives no one,

Even Dorian Grey.
mich190  - | 3
21 Dec 2022   #66

come out with it ! and just ask him find the right moment, this is the problem even after marriage people cant communicate, just ask him how he feels
Wariat38  - | 1
21 Dec 2022   #67
"looks for Polish men who are successful, own a business, and who will pay for gifts and trips (she is 24-25) and that she saw nothing wrong with her statements."

you dont think the polish ones are like this? go to and sign up and see gold digger central or go to any club in lodz that caters to prl byeotches or older women or cougars like pewex and they wont even leave your place in the morning and expect you to even pay for their cab ride back as well as to yur pad as well as breakfast as well as everything and wont even put out bro. retarded ****.

"My impression is that Polish ladies are more traditional and want serious relationships and love, and are generally not too interested in multiple sex partners."

again how is this a good thing theyre right wing conservative bring gold diggers? when not just ukrainians but every eurpean including british gals and german are not like this? again why make excuses for sh@t?

"Personally, I think age doesn't matter and I am engaged to a Polish girl half my age."

because again theyre all gold diggers. and hypcrytes. theyll fuk some american visa hler twice their age but wont fuk me when theyre ver the age of consent because i speak their language and theyre too retarded to realize my superirity to their backward religious right wing culture.

"Polish men, it seems, are very focused on business, and cars, and seem a little too direct, impatient, dry in conversations, not much into laughing or jokes."

yes because theyre retarded and ive been saying this on this forum to deaf ears for years look at even the polonia polish men like dirk diggler theyre even like this.

"I can see why women think they are boring to date, relate to, or marry."

why the f@k you keep bringing up amrriage. its a retarded spell witches or wmoen do to men t get you entrapped like a slave to them and just a retarded propsition. Its called a prenup is what yu need.

"All Polish ladies I know are dating or engaged to Western men."

because you probably hang out at meetups and know gold diggers. and either way this proves my point theyre all ****** and sluts like i saw even 16yr lds at a club in bulgartia to german men getting molested from behind and letting it happen. then they cme here act all religious and prissy and that theyre hard tg et and shet treating me bad.

"A woman in her mid-20s or early 30s is in her prime to have kids and raise a family but ultimately it is her choice."

Nah Id say 16-19 is prime look at **** or prime **** age they start and are most desired. youre an old man so you dont count.

"I am 59, divorced and I can tell you, I am amazed at people that say they never want to marry or have kids."

me included. why the fuk would i even trust a female much less a polish one or sign some stupid paper and be tied to one when the world is so big and i have s many aspirations and plans like to travel?

"and after 50-60 being alone isn't even healthy,"

dude Im 28 not 60 so dont compare myself to you. you can compare yourself to amiga on here or johnny rebb.

"your dog will die, your cats will die and you could end up an old man or old woman living alone in some dinky apt,"

tell that to all those retarded older women on sympatia with their high standards like how tall a man should be or the fact he shuld have a car and some fancy house due to their polish gold digging standards and the fact they havent realized they are old has been ladies. not only this but unlike latinas in the west they dont even fuk younger men. fuk them.

I dont need to spend quality time with some prl has been old lady who fuking thinks i should be spending my money on her while she is a nationalist racist sh@tfuk on top of being a demanding **** and looking like a witch in that conan and barbarian movie. If thats the only choice i get and even that **** doesnt want to fuk why would i even want that or who would? literally who would want any of these plish ***** on sympatia or clubs? or meetups?

Home / Love / Woman 28 single, too late for a relationship with a Polish man?

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