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Is it true that Polish women are very busty?

ShawnH  8 | 1488
27 Apr 2011   #31
You mean busty or not?

southern, as a homework project, I would appreciate if you could find some videos that take the following into consideration:

a) Busty and Attractive
b) Busty and Not Attractive
c) Not Busty and Attractive
d) Not Busty and Not Attractive.

Based on that empiracle evidence, it might be worth putting the results into a venn diagram, so we can draw some meaningful conclusions.
southern  73 | 7059
27 Apr 2011   #32
Not Busty and Not Attractive.

This must be the worst to say to a woman.
sascha  1 | 824
28 Apr 2011   #33
Busty and Attractive

Gravity will take it's toll, fast. ;)
wildrover  98 | 4430
29 Apr 2011   #34
A typical Polish girl...smiling despite having much smaller boobs than all her friends.....
ShawnH  8 | 1488
29 Apr 2011   #35
A typical Polish girl

You could never kiss that girl. You'd never get close enough.
Eurola  4 | 1898
29 Apr 2011   #36
A typical Polish girl...

You're silly...wildrover.
Is this picture for real or some Adobe stunt? I've never seen a woman with this kind of jugs.
z_darius  14 | 3960
29 Apr 2011   #37
You could never kiss that girl. You'd never get close enough.

depends on which part of her you'd aim for

Is this picture for real or some Adobe stunt? I've never seen a woman with this kind of jugs.

don't be silly
she wouldn't be able to stand in an upright position if those were real :)
ShawnH  8 | 1488
29 Apr 2011   #38
depends on which part of her you'd aim for

I have seen the reverse angle of this particular photo. She is Equally blessed in the aft section.
alteris  1 | 7
29 Apr 2011   #39
no kidding, she would have to have a steel spine.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
12 Jul 2011   #40
Is it true that polish women are very busty?

Many do have large breasts but so do Russian women, British women have the largest in Europe.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
12 Jul 2011   #41
Is it just me who thinks this thread is totally retarded? ...and pretty demeaning toward our ladies? When starting a thread we should be able to chose the "silly, stupid and sexist" subject. That's where this one belongs.
Seanus  15 | 19666
12 Jul 2011   #42
Some are, yes. I've just turned round and confirmed that one is :)
milky  13 | 1656
12 Jul 2011   #43
British women have the largest in Europe.

fat breasts don't count...
Pedro9a  - | 2
25 Jul 2011   #44
Polish women are very big boned. They have broad shoulders and are often 6 ft tall.
canadian_girl  1 | 6
5 Aug 2011   #45
Is it just me who thinks this thread is totally retarded? ...and pretty demeaning toward our ladies? When starting a thread we should be able to chose the "silly, stupid and sexist" subject. That's where this one belongs.

Your comment was like a breath of fresh air! Too bad the majority of the other posters in this thread don't share your respect for women! They sound like a bunch of giggling little schoolboys... "OOOH! BOOBIES!!!" lol
Seanus  15 | 19666
5 Aug 2011   #46
Some boobies here are truly firm and that can give them the appearance of being really busty but it's just because they are that way that people think so.
brisrodney  1 | 18
5 Aug 2011   #47
Why am I even reading this? Get a life boys.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
5 Aug 2011   #48
Some boobies here are truly firm and that can give them the appearance of being really busty but it's just because they are that way that people think so.

Has this poster recently suffered a head injury?
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589
5 Aug 2011   #49
They are not above average in Europe.
sascha  1 | 824
6 Aug 2011   #50
they have 4 to 5 cups ;)
blubayou  - | 2
22 Aug 2011   #51
What I would like to know do Polish girls have big asses.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
22 Aug 2011   #52
yeah, polish women have husbands :)
southern  73 | 7059
22 Aug 2011   #53
Slavic ass is not big and definetely smaller than the mediteranean and latin airports.However polish women do posess an interesting dupa among slavic females it is rounded amd not completely flat probably the natural selection after thousands of strokes.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
22 Aug 2011   #54
yeah, polish women have husbands :)

lol J/K guys... I couldnt resist.

I hear alot of jokes about guys talkin to each other and sayin,, Man do I really have a headache and the other
guy says, yeah I have a wife too.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
22 Aug 2011   #55
demeaning toward our ladies?

Don't women who pose like that demean themselves.......then?

respect for women!

First, women have to respect themselves. is rounded amd not completely flat probably the natural selection after thousands of strokes.

Well then, I deserve credit for keeping so many women in shape.
Palivec  - | 379
22 Aug 2011   #56
This thread needs more pics. :D
skibum  8 | 62
14 Feb 2013   #57
I agree Palivec and it needed resurrecting too.
11 Feb 2021   #58
Yes Poland is known for Hot Beautiful Busty Women.
Polish girls are very Busty.And older mature women have very large breasts.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
11 Feb 2021   #59
he should go to the Irish pub on miodowa if he is a serious mommy lover. just got to think of some lie when they ask what u do tho because for some reason thats their first question even the ones hanging out with patologia pimps in there or weirdos they never ask it.
jon357  72 | 23519
11 Feb 2021   #60
he should go to the Irish pub on miodowa if he is a serious mommy lover.

Or down ul. Poznanska if covid hasn't finished them all off. Used to be 20zl, and not many of them much under about 60.

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