the woman once she finds out.
Well, she could have a more relaxed attitude to the issue. We can assume that she is doing something wrong if he is looking at younger women with such longing.
Yes, you are :)
No, I'm not! You never listen properly and jump to easy conclusions. How about you deflate your ego a tad and learn something? Deal?
First of all, we see that situation from our perspective. We are living like fishes in Christian waters, one fish or another may have their ideas some flatly deny they have anything to do with Chirtanita but so far our country and our part of the world is steeped deeply in a lack of a better term a Christian civilization.
Such civilization has a moral code and views on what constitutes marriage and a family and the relationship between those individuals involved in that.
So from a point of view of moral or ethical (principles not motivated directly by religious beliefs) standards, he shouldn't cheat - he is the bad end of the story, by the same token that would be equally bad if he was she i.e. the same standard apply for a woman.
We could just leave it at that and forget about OPpost which is more likely a hoax.
However, if we detach our moral or ethical principles from the situation there is quite another story.
First of all psycho-physical disposition of both genders. It is known to science that men can have multiple partners and it doesn't affect them at all. what's more in Asian countries wife has a social place and most of the resources at her disposal but does not care that much if her husband has some random sexual encounters outside the marital bond.
On the other hand, women can't help it but after say few partners they are broken and are unable to form a long-term bond with one man.
Therefore women cheating and men cheating are not the same - simple.
Hence I'm not a hypocrite and feminist by attacking Christian religion and its moral code is akin to shooting themselves in the foot. In short, they are stupid!
I don't have a drinking habit :)))
It figures, you still do not know!