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About Polish sex - are Polish women made for love?

Morsczi_Purtk  1 | 25
21 Feb 2010   #31
I have now two Polki I answered but this is not exactly the Greek way.

You want photos?You will have photos.Where I will put my hand on them with southern written.

Show them us finally (S)Exiled and stop annoying us.
OP Exiled  2 | 424
21 Feb 2010   #32
I will not show because you threaten.But maybe I will show.Damn,so long in this commercial center and I just managed to collect numbers of three Russkaye,one of which will come to me in a week when I finish with the Polka.

Maybe Russkaye the answer to our problems?
Wroclaw Boy
21 Feb 2010   #33
Im debating wether or not i should allow you to live in this fantasy world unapposed, i mean does it mean that much to you. Is your life so sad that you need to lie and lie on a forum in order to make your miserable life meaningfull?

Im not because you are a disgusting, dirty animal, you are derogatory to women and i cant allow that.

Get a real girlfriend you dirty fake, loser.
Morsczi_Purtk  1 | 25
21 Feb 2010   #34
I will not show because you threaten.But maybe I will show.Damn,so long in this commercial center and I just managed to collect numbers of three Russkaye,one of which will come to me in a week when I finish with the Polka.
Maybe Russkaye the answer to our problems?

OP Exiled  2 | 424
21 Feb 2010   #35
O.K. I will post.I am telling the truth.At least I managed to get a phone number from a very nice Czech girl who will come to stay with me.Endless possibilities.

But I was shocked at the airport.I just saw a Black really very ugly with a hot Slavic girl.How is it possible?Also a Turk looking with a very beautiful one.Here it seems most of hot girls go for obviously second category guys.Strange.

In one day and a half I managed to get four wannabe girlfriends for the future.Not good compared to Ukraina.I also laid a milenka and the lesbian couple.But there are so many unbelievably hot girls on the street that you get blown away.All the foreigners had Czech girls way beyond their league.But this Black caused me pain in stomach.And one more I saw in the morning.Such a difference in appearance and body type.Scandallous.
Wroclaw Boy
22 Feb 2010   #36
But this Black caused me pain in stomach.

Humm a black boyfriend or an Arab kebab mummys boy? that is the question.
OP Exiled  2 | 424
22 Feb 2010   #37
Balkans cannot be compated.I regard as failure if staying one day without a girlfriend.
Wroclaw Boy
22 Feb 2010   #38
I regard as failure if staying one day without a girlfriend.

I wouldnt worry about that in reality youve never had one.
OP Exiled  2 | 424
22 Feb 2010   #39
Let's bet then.I will travel to Gdynia to a city I have never been to meet childwithin.If we don't manage to get girlfriends in three days,I lose.
Arien  2 | 710
23 Feb 2010   #40
I totally agree with you 110%

I'm disappointed, I was hoping for 120% really.. I've got a question though, did you actually take my post seriously? (You're not the only one who lies sometimes you know.)

Wroclaw Boy
26 Feb 2010   #41
I will travel to Gdynia to a city I have never been to meet childwithin.If we don't manage to get girlfriends in three days,I lose.

Alright but come to Wrocław instead so i can smack you around a bit first.
OP Exiled  2 | 424
26 Feb 2010   #42
I will come to hiss you a d1ck.
Wroclaw Boy
26 Feb 2010   #43
What are you babbling on about now weirdo?
Morsczi_Purtk  1 | 25
26 Feb 2010   #44
I will come to hiss you a d1ck.

Someone needs to change back into his happy pants...
wildrover  98 | 4430
14 Mar 2010   #46
Tiger Woods

I think you are already in enough trouble....
adam656  - | 2
27 Sep 2010   #47
English girls are not sexy.. beleive me.. they just got the look and they play hard to get which gives the impression as sexy. They like to cock tease starved men in england.. especially in London.
Alien  22 | 5460
23 Dec 2023   #48
English girls are not sexy

Some are sexy.

Home / Love / About Polish sex - are Polish women made for love?

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