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About Polish sex - are Polish women made for love?

Exiled  2 | 424
14 Feb 2010   #1
Are polish women made for love?
time means  5 | 1309
14 Feb 2010   #2
made for love

Do you mean sex or do you actually mean the emotion of love?
childwithin  8 | 136
14 Feb 2010   #3
Are polish women made for love?

another topic i don't know much about
it comes with experience? no? not neccessary sexual experience, it's emotional growth
espana  17 | 947
14 Feb 2010   #4
Are polish women made for love?

depends , if you have 40 pound or not .
SeanBM  34 | 5781
14 Feb 2010   #5
What goes on in that filthy dirty Spanish mind of yours? ;p
OP Exiled  2 | 424
14 Feb 2010   #6
Today I had again a polish triole and I have to admit I am rather satisfied.My only complain is why do Polki leave you with the condom on?Anyway such a sweet feeling I now beginning to understand what was the reason for this explosive expansion of Slavic genes.
time means  5 | 1309
14 Feb 2010   #7
My only complain is why do Polki leave you with the condom on?

How very rude of him.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
14 Feb 2010   #8
Maybe he should train the goat to take it off when he's finished?
OP Exiled  2 | 424
15 Feb 2010   #9
Polish women have warm
legs and cold butts.But all women have cold butts.(except the ones visited by Balkan beauty).
Arien  2 | 710
15 Feb 2010   #10
Polish women have warm legs and cold butts.

OP Exiled  2 | 424
17 Feb 2010   #12
Polish BJ is of clear superiority.In my opinion it is due to the straight action suppression by catholic church which drove polish girls to develop this inclination by shaping also their lips conveniently due to natural selection mechanisms.

A similar procedure took place in the south Italian ass.
childwithin  8 | 136
17 Feb 2010   #13
Polish BJ is of clear superiority

i disagree

it is due to the straight action suppression by catholic church

it has got something to do with praying, that's why practising catholics are better at it i think
OP Exiled  2 | 424
17 Feb 2010   #14
Although it was a Czech woman who provided to me the most flabergeist BJ,polish BJ is in an excellent level and I regard it superior to Ukrainian one despite the existence of Lugansk institute of oral sex.(Vlad).There are many reasons for this excellency:

2.Prohibition of natural contact by church
3.Desire for quick finish to hunt more flesh and real thing.
Lots of reasons.

On Monday I will have again the opportunity for the ultimate battle between the polish and Czech BJ.They will be so close and in such row that fresh impression will object no doubts.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
19 Feb 2010   #15
Exiled,southern....or that other name i have been watching too much youprn.

Why u dont have gf i wonder?
OP Exiled  2 | 424
19 Feb 2010   #16
Ha,ha western civilization.Give me Slavs everyday.There is such a huge offer that you get overwhelmed.No discounts here.
hague1cameron  - | 85
19 Feb 2010   #17
Ha,ha western civilization.

i'am not sure if Spain counts
OP Exiled  2 | 424
19 Feb 2010   #18
What has Spain to do?I am in CR where the goulash,beer and pusssy flow in abudance.This is a man's heaven,only problem that you cannot move your legs after a while.
Wroclaw Boy
19 Feb 2010   #19
I am in CR where the goulash,beer and pusssy flow in abudance.

You Tube again, hey Southern why dont you post a picture of yourself for once instead of girls all the time. Lets have a look at the real state of you.

You dirty arab bastad you make me sick.
OP Exiled  2 | 424
19 Feb 2010   #20
Naughty boy.

Yes,although they tend quickly to germanic direction the hidden quality remains the same.Not a boring country yet.

And hot girls date absolute losers and very ugly looking guys here.Give me some hours and I will land on a new czech milenka bed for sure.
Wroclaw Boy
20 Feb 2010   #21
Give me some hours and I will land on a new czech milenka bed for sure.

No you wont you dirty old Arab, youre still in Greece in that fantasy world of yours.
wildrover  98 | 4430
20 Feb 2010   #22
I will land on a new czech milenka bed for sure.

Yeah right...?
Morsczi_Purtk  1 | 25
20 Feb 2010   #23
I will land on a new czech milenka bed for sure.

Seeking for a new transvestite again? Good luck!
OP Exiled  2 | 424
20 Feb 2010   #24
Damn.The place is destroyed.It is not like I remember it.They even changed the infrastructure making approach much more difficult.Slavic chick is always there but they don't give numbers as easily as in the past.Even Poland is better than that(probably province is better).

And this cold makes me bite my d1ck as is our expression.You cannot move from the cold.All this Slavic chick is wasted.
Wroclaw Boy
20 Feb 2010   #25
Damn.The place is destroyed.It is not like I remember it.They even changed the infrastructure making approach much more difficult.

And this cold makes me bite my d1ck as is our expression.

Hey Arab, thats Schindlers List your watching, ITS NOT THE REAL WORLD!!
Arien  2 | 710
20 Feb 2010   #26

*building up the suspension*

I've had Polish sex for the first time and it was wonderful! The second time was awesome, the third time was amazing, and the fourth time blew my mind.

I'm hooked, I'd say it's better than the English sex I've had so far. (Sorry!) But if there's an English lady who honestly thinks that English sex is better then ofcourse she's welcome to prove her point..


I know, I'm hopeless.
beckski  12 | 1609
21 Feb 2010   #27
I know, I'm hopeless.

I totally agree with you 110%
beelzebub  - | 444
21 Feb 2010   #28

Read this article...apparently Polish men are afraid of women and even fake headaches so as to not have to perform. Not surprising.
OP Exiled  2 | 424
21 Feb 2010   #29
Ha ha,Polish women watching pûrn?I knew it.
Yesterday I drilled a lesbian Czech couple and when I thought about the irresistibility of the Balkan penis came the bill.Muzes dat nám trochu finacni pomoc?''

And I ask you:Why is it better from the polish Pomogesz nas?
And the performance as usual.So definitely while Czech BJ is done with great delight and persistence it clearly loses to polish BJ due to the way polish lips embrace the Balkan art.

I have to be clear here.Although Czechs are very liberated in sex department and asked me if one muz and two zeny is common in Greece.I have now two Polki I answered but this is not exactly the Greek way.
Wroclaw Boy
21 Feb 2010   #30
Yesterday I drilled a lesbian Czech couple

You mean last night in your dreams you dirty ARAB.

Balkan penis

Ahh that'll be the dirty shrivelled maggot.

I have now two Polki I answered but this is not exactly the Greek way.

Lie, lie, lie.

You make me sick, you dirty greasy Arab

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