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Do women like strong men in Poland ?

12 Aug 2022   #1

We often talk about how beautiful women are in Poland .
But recently i have noticed many young mothers are with strong polish men.

Polish fathers seem to be usually either naturally strong and tall or body builders.
Some fathers are normal. As a spanish man i was kind of feeling like polish wo;en zqnt strong men :D.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
12 Aug 2022   #2
I'd have to agree.
Having observed social behavior, to this day, a woman is still usually greeted by a man with a hand kiss (not really a kiss) whereas a man to another man, with a bone-cracking grip!
OP PiwuskiFan
12 Aug 2022   #3
What i mean is that polish mothers seem to enjoy a strong man as a husband.
I rarely see a physically weak man with kids.

The average polish man seem to be taller than spanish men.
The average polish father seem to be strong but necessarly tall.
Only teenager polish boys seem to have weak arms.

Is there any polish women here to tell me if what i saw seem true on average ?
Alien  26 | 6527
13 Aug 2022   #4
A lot of muscles and a little brain is not necessarily what a man should offer a woman.🦏
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Aug 2022   #5
Polish fathers seem to be usually either naturally strong

Do you observe them in Spain or Poland?
OP PiwuskiFan
13 Aug 2022   #6
Are you living in Poland ?
I have observed this in the center of Poland.
I wonder if others have noticed it ?
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Aug 2022   #7
have noticed it ?

Not really. Alien and me prefer to observe women.
OP PiwuskiFan
13 Aug 2022   #8
What about women of this forum ? Do they have also a preference for strong men ?
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Aug 2022   #9
strong men

No, they prefer guys with a sense of humour. hahahaha
Lyzko  44 | 9723
13 Aug 2022   #10
@Alien, are you trying to stereotype Polish men as somehow cavemen with limited intelligence but less limited biceps??

Seems you've been living in Germany too long, pal!
Alien  26 | 6527
13 Aug 2022   #11
No, quite the opposite.
Joker  2 | 2447
14 Aug 2022   #12
woman is still usually greeted by a man with a hand kiss (

You really are stuck in a 1940s time warp. Nobody doesnt this anymore.
Novichok  4 | 8677
14 Aug 2022   #13
Nobody doesnt this anymore.

For two reasons...The guy doesn't know if she washed her hands after the last visit to a restroom. She thinks the guy may be infected with some sh*it like fagpox.
Joker  2 | 2447
14 Aug 2022   #14
They will think youre some weirdo if you try it these days.

"Get away from me, you creepy Lyzko". Haha
Lyzko  44 | 9723
15 Aug 2022   #15
Check out "Crossroads", a Polish flick from the last ten years if that, and just watch the young guys in their '20's, fairly common-looking types at best, when one of them introduces them to his girl friend aka fiance. Second nature to him, the first bloke raises her hand to near his lips in the traditional hand kiss. This film isn't from the 1940's, Joker.

gumishu  15 | 6228
15 Aug 2022   #16
You really are stuck in a 1940s time warp. Nobody doesnt this anymore.

100 per cent true - well 99,9999 per cent as the only man who regularly does it publically is Jarosław Kaczyński, an old bachelor suspected by many to be gay ;)
Lyzko  44 | 9723
16 Aug 2022   #17
If you care to watch the above-mentioned film, you might think differently.

I met the daughter of some Polish acquaintances a few weeks ago, and I greeted her with the customary hand kiss. Even if she objected, she exhibited a trait practically non-existent in the States any longer, namely good manners.
Atch  22 | 4299
17 Aug 2022   #18
If you care to watch the above-mentioned film, you might think differently.

Young men do not routinely kiss women's hands anymore. Plenty of men over sixty still do it when they're being extra chivalrous, but lots of them don't either. If the film you're referring to is that documentary 'At the Crossroads', then don't forget that producers often 'stage' things in documentary films. For example: 'When you're introduced to the girlfriend it would be nice if you kissed her hand in the old Polish style for our American viewers' ..............

If you love that kind of pre-war formality then Austria is the place for you. You really have to watch your Ps and Qs there.

polish mothers seem to enjoy a strong man as a husband.

I don't think it's that so much as the fact that a lot of Polish men under forty are in to their appearance. Body building is very popular and they like to look muscular. Ironically many of them are not that fit and steroids are commonly used. The body building crew are mostly working class while the more middle class guys/bearded hipsters do yoga, cycling, running. That's a broad generalisation but there's a lot of truth in it. And yes, Polish men are much taller on average than Spanish, but then so are a lot of European men. Spaniards are somewhat pocket-sized :)
Lyzko  44 | 9723
17 Aug 2022   #19
Once again, Atch, the difference between the Austrians vs. the Poles is as I've said many times before; the Austrians today feign the hand kiss and pretend both superficial politeness as well as Catholicism, whereas the Poles still take that stuff seriously, very seriously.

On a side note, it's a pity if Poles give up the hand kiss, maybe the last bastion of non-politically correct civility left these days! What with LGBTQ, "We-them" etc.. sexuality itself is beginning to mean little. Where do we draw the line?
OP PiwuskiFan
17 Aug 2022   #20

Most men I have seen in poland are taller than the average spanish men that's true.
In Spain there ay many tall men but i did notice them being strong.

In Poland not only men are tall but looking sometimes very strong.
I noticed many of them were fathers.

Lot of Polish men with weak arms were either drifters, looking artists young teenagers.
Maybe i am doing a big generalisations.
To my mind it is going to be hard for a "normal" spanish man to seduce a polish woman with so many tall strong men.
Paulina  19 | 4556
17 Aug 2022   #21
i have noticed many young mothers are with strong polish men.

I think it's because Polish men from the younger generation take better care of themselves.

For example, all of my cousins look good, they aren't like some kind of body builders or anything like that, but they do have some muscles on them. They also pay attention to the clothes they're wearing, good cologne, etc. It's the stark contrast to the generation of my father and their fathers (my uncles). It's nice to see that things are changing in this respect in Poland. They're also more ambitious, educated, outgoing, adventurous, they have interests, they travel, etc.

I think you're generalising though. All kinds of men are getting married and have children in Poland.

What about women of this forum ? Do they have also a preference for strong men ?

I do. I like it when a man is well built or at least has some muscles on him. He has to have brains too though and a good character :)
OP PiwuskiFan
17 Aug 2022   #22

I like your honesty. What you said seems to corroborate my observations.
It is true that older men seem more normal but I observe some of them look strong as well.
I have seen some men with no muscles having kids it is true but they seem like a minority.
I have seen smaller polish men looking like spansih men with strong muscles having a wife and kids.
That's what shocked me because in Spain men don't do so much bodybuilding.
What surprised me is that many men with good jobs seem to do bodybuilding too.
If I would live in Poland for good I would probably do bodybuilding just to get a girl.


I talk to a polish woman in her thirties today.
She said she has seen only one time a man hand kissing a woman as you said.
It was in England though and everybody was surprised.
She said she has never seen ever this behavior in Poland.
Men in Poland tend to shake the hands with women or hug close friends.

You might have a distorted vision of Poland. You should come here from America.
It is a lovely country with nice traditions.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
17 Aug 2022   #23
I used to userd to see hand kissing amongst the Polish community in England when I was a little boy.
I have never seen it since and most of those hand kissers are probably dead now.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
18 Aug 2022   #24
My vision is neither distorted nor unrealistic! No two Poles are the same, and it is a fact, that in certain circles, the hand kiss remains a common ritual.

Admittedly, it's not as it once was in former generations.

For the US, men, regardless of their status, used to tip their hat to a woman. I haven't seen that for nearly forty or more years. A shame too.
Videobroker  11 | 22
5 Sep 2022   #25
No. Most Polish women that I know will say that they don't care about muscles or strong men. In fact, if the man is too "manly", many women fear that they will be abusive, jealous or angry. They don't want another guy, perhaps, similar to their father. Educated Polish ladies want a real man, healthy and in good shape, but most importantly, intellectually and emotionally stable. So don't worry too much about physical strength. Character, brains, personality, sense of humor, and intelligence are all more attractive to smart Polish women than some guy full of tattoos and looking like he's with the Polish Mafia. But, many of these guys are actually nice men who also happen to be physically fit and strong. If you feel inadequate, hit the gym as they do. Muscles can grow. If you are too short, you won't get taller but you can still get stronger.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
5 Sep 2022   #26
Character, brains, personality, sense of humor, and intelligence are all more attractive than some guy full of tattoos and looking like he's with the Mafia

I don't think that is just about Polish women.
But all women in general.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
5 Sep 2022   #27
Hand kissing has long gone.
I haven't seen it for decades.
Why is this ancient Polish custom even being discussed now?
Novichok  4 | 8677
5 Sep 2022   #28
Because some freaks still do?

Just as some freaks still say Prosze Pana and Prosze Pani and see 'ty" as an insult while "wy, oni, and my" is OK.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
5 Sep 2022   #29
Because some freaks still do?

Novichok  4 | 8677
6 Sep 2022   #30
In Poland or this would not be a subject here. Plus, did you notice that I asked, not claimed?

Because some freaks still do?

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