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Simon Mol - would he have been so "successful" in other countries than Poland?

JustysiaS  13 | 2235
14 Apr 2011   #91
rather because education is not stressed enough

rubbish, Polish parents will insist on eduaction, no matter if they have sons or daughters. it's what sets you out for your adult life. now when it comes to parents in UK... never mind! where did you get all this information, your trailer trash neighbourhood?

Slavic parents are awful when it comes to raising daughters. They don't stress enough that using your body in inappropriate ways is shameful.

excuse me, but what the %^$£?! Polish parents are ever so strict, those girls you know are only wh*res cos they escaped the parental custody. i will never believe that Polish parents would bring their daughters up this way. if they behave like this i'm 99% sure their mom and dad know nothing about it, would not believe it and would certainly not tollerate it.

These are not poor girls with limited opportunities either...

my point exactly, they have everything paid for and provided by their folks, don't have to work, so what else are they gonna do with their spare time?
Ogien  5 | 237
14 Apr 2011   #92
rubbish, Polish parents will insist on eduaction, no matter if they have sons or daughters.

Notice I said Slavic parents in general...

where did you get all this information, your trailer trash neighbourhood?

Trailer trash? I live in a wonderful neighborhood located in one of the richest towns in my state.

my point exactly, they have everything paid for and provided by their folks, don't have to work, so what else are they gonna do with their spare time?

Girls should act like wh*res in their spare time by ******* half of the male population on campus? Well, since you seem to deem that normal and you're a Slavic woman, I think you're a great example of my point.
southern  73 | 7059
14 Apr 2011   #93
by ******* half of the male population on campus

This is not bad.Can you imagine having to put up with Brunhildes and other amorphous masses?At least polish girls add spice to our lives and make us krali.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
14 Apr 2011   #94
Girls should act like wh*res in their spare time by ******* half of the male population on campus?

i was being sarcastic, you richy rich prat. that's what college kids do these days, i was not like that at all when i was at school. if guys f*ck around then it's great but if girls do it then there's always prats like you who go OMG what total hoes! If that's what they do then so be it, not like American girls wait to get laid till they're 25 is it? i bet that half of the male population of your campus ain't complaining, it's just you cos you're not getting any.

Well, since you seem to deem that normal and you're a Slavic woman, I think you're a great example of my point.

oh please, spare me your nosense you stupid college prat
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
14 Apr 2011   #95
that's what college kids do these days

You keep those generalizations on yourself. College going people are not kids ... and no all of them (men or women) do not do those things. They go there to study, they have friends ... not its not like this for everyone.
sascha  1 | 824
14 Apr 2011   #96
Notice I said Slavic parents in general


Trailer trash? I live in a wonderful neighborhood located in one of the richest towns in my state.

Good for you, but tells a lot about your arrogance and ignorance. Spoiled idiots like you are the ones why CNN, BBC etc. are still alive.

Well, since you seem to deem that normal and you're a Slavic woman, I think you're a great example of my point.

And you are that other extrem, babbling and spreading narrowminded prejudices which shows a lot about your intellectual potentials.
OP Midas  1 | 571
14 Apr 2011   #97
It started on Simon Mol and perhaps it might be better to stick to him in the topic.

Despite my pleas, none of You were able to provide a recent case of same scope from Western Europe/U.S. in which an African immigrant managed to get 40 (??? - the jury is still out on the specific number ) women infected with HIV because he told them they're racist when they asked him to use a condom. Cases You provided concerned at best a few instances of getting someone infected.

In my humble opinion Poland and a few other states from Eastern Europe are the only places in the world where such a case of such scope was possible right now. In other places it would have been downright difficult for any African charmer/scammer to find such amounts of gullible women on whom accusations of racism worked like a court issued "shut up and spread 'em" order.

Ogien -

Women don't exactly head off to college to become nuns, You know?

But apart from that I agree, that the reason the number of materialistic/slutty women amongst women from Eastern Europe is visibly higher than amongst women from other parts of the globe is because many parents from Eastern Europe do a ******** job while raising their daughters.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
15 Apr 2011   #98
Ur an idiot Midas. All your answers were given, but still you dont see them as answers because you want something that you can agree on. Something that is according to what YOU want to hear ... but truth is not so sweet.

Polish and many Eastern European mother do a great job. If you have no faith in their job, then go ahead separate ways. No one wants you, and no one could give a damn to what you feel like for them.

Why are you so concerned, or rather obsessed?

People do not go to college to become nuns, and being decent and focused is not being nun, but being normal. College is a place to study and become interactive. However you wouldn't know ...
PennBoy  76 | 2429
15 Apr 2011   #99

Ja bym tego śmiecia na pal wbił
Ogien  5 | 237
15 Apr 2011   #100
that's what college kids do these days

Yeah, maybe for eastern European college students it's "normal" to have sex with a different guy every week or even day but not for college students in general.

if guys f*ck around then it's great but if girls do it then there's always prats like you who go OMG what total hoes!

If you think I don't condemn men for doing the same thing then you're wrong. However, that doesn't really fit into the thread as it's much more difficult for a man to go through life by using his body instead of his mind as opposed to a woman.

If that's what they do then so be it, not like American girls wait to get laid till they're 25 is it?

We're not talking about losing virginity! We're talking about acting very slutty. Obviously your reading comprehension isn't developed enough to participate in an English-speaking forum. I'm not trying to be rude either...

i bet that half of the male population of your campus ain't complaining, it's just you cos you're not getting any.

I've read your posts before and it seems you always have to revert to an attempt of trying to insult someone whenever your little turd brain can't handle a debate.

Women don't exactly head off to college to become nuns, You know?

Yes, I know, but I never said sex in general is wrong and I don't know why some of you are assuming that's what I meant.
OP Midas  1 | 571
15 Apr 2011   #101
If you have no faith in their job, then go ahead separate ways. No one wants you, and no one could give a damn to what you feel like for them. - or what, boy?. You're in absolutely no position to tell me what to do :-)
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
15 Apr 2011   #102
You're in absolutely no position to tell me what to do :-)

Oh yes I am ... I am in the country of which you badmouth u trash.
OP Midas  1 | 571
15 Apr 2011   #103
Lodz the Boat - I will continue to express my opinions regardless whether you like them or not, boy :-) So what You're going to do about it? More sandbox insults? Lol...

PennBoy - Ja bym tego śmiecia na pal wbił - I agree. The state should have pressed murder charges against this ******.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
19 Sep 2012   #104
Translation of one of his poems.

illuminating the darkness of the night
two tears ran down her left eye

ending their journey
burying all the nightmares

healing wounds foisted upon me
and upon my Brothers
by those like her

"Simon wanted to exploit white people. That is how I would describe his mentality. He felt like every white person owed him a living. I don't know if someone once robbed him, or maybe exploited his forefathers, but now it seems Simon is evening the score. I felt this notion was fundamental to his personality."

His African colleague.

Did he deliberately infect those women?

Of course he did.


Because he hated white people.
25 Sep 2012   #105
No I don't think he would have been anywhere near as successful in the West,specifically Metropolitan area like London for example.The reason being is that English women are not really interested in African immigrants,some are attracted to black guys who are born and bred in western countries like the characters they see on MTV but nearly all, even lower class girls would simply laugh at any African immigrant who approached them,and its the same in France and Norway also which I know quite well.The reason he was successful in Poland is because these Polish women cannot tell the difference between westernised black guys and poor immigrant black guys like Mol so in their eyes they just assume they are the same thing,thats why he was successful I think..Also I might add I have noticed an awful lot of Polish women in London who seem to be dating Asian guys that white English girls would not even look at,anyone know why,because all the Polish women I know who were born in UK don't care for them?.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Sep 2012   #106
The reason he was successful in Poland is because these Polish women cannot tell the difference between westernised black guys and poor immigrant black guys like Mol so in their eyes they just assume they are the same thing,thats why he was successful I think..

Wrong. He was successful with women because he deliberately targeted stupid idealistic very left wing young women - who would fall for "you don't want me because you're a racist" line anytime. They'd do exactly the same in any other country in the world.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
25 Sep 2012   #107
ha that's true delph, I remember years ago being chatted up in Amsterdam by some African sleazebag, well I said no of course, and he hit me with the...'oh you are so racist line' -

um no not racism, just instinctive self preservation and not fancying men with mossy teeth..know what I mean? But still he did manage to make me feel bad....a certain type knows exactly what they are doing with this.

what? he was a sleazebag and he was African...something wrong?
jon357  72 | 23483
25 Sep 2012   #108
sleazebag, well I said no of course, and he hit me with the...'oh you are so racist line' -

Some kinds of needy individual will use any excuse he can find to wheedle and wine in the hope of winning what he's after.
25 Sep 2012   #109
The guy would have had some success in most countries, there are always naive women about. he had 'success' in Poland because some of the women he did were daft, some were greedy and some just genuinely liked him! Quite a few girls would think that an African student must have 'money' and this 'd be attractive, as for the 'no contraception', getting banged up is big business for some Polish girls! Put it down to bad education, laziness, and some parents only encouraging their girls to get a 'man' instead of a life! Happens in the USA/GB as well, but the state picks up the tab!!!
jon357  72 | 23483
25 Sep 2012   #110
This guy actually met the women through a particular group whose meetings he sometimes went to (some sort of green environmentalists) and the awkward thing is that before they agreed to have unprotected sex with him, they knew full well that he was HIV positive.
Wulkan  - | 3136
25 Sep 2012   #111
, and he hit me with the...'oh you are so racist line' -
um no not racism, just instinctive self preservation and not fancying men with mossy teeth..know what I mean? But still he did manage to make me feel bad

I don't understand why would that make you feel bad?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
25 Sep 2012   #112
oh I was very young.....nobody in London wanted to be considered 'racist'
Wulkan  - | 3136
25 Sep 2012   #113
ok that's good, never fall for racial card sh1t that blacks play
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Sep 2012   #114
I know a white guy in South America who plays exactly the same card. It's certainly not a black-only thing!
26 Sep 2012   #115
These guys might seem exotic to some Polish girls but growing up in UK surrounded by lots of different cultures women here just don't fall for that bullshit anywhere near the same level its same in France,we are talking around a hundred women he had sex with,thats crazy.....the guy was like 40 years old having sex with dozens of 20 somethings,,nooo way would that happen in any Western country I am sry your wrong...Some white women like the Jamacian guys but these same women do not go for an African guy straight off the boat....if fact I would say the only way a guy like that would get laid in Western country would be either he convinces people he is a king or he loses the accent and even then we are talking maybe a dozen women not a hundred,damn.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
27 Sep 2012   #116
It's certainly not a black-only thing!

Stop lying. Are you saying whites use the race card as much as the black chappies?

What parallel universe do you inhabit?
joshua lazy
2 Sep 2015   #117
No, only in Poland it could happen. We now know that simon mol was travelling a lot (london,amsterdam,germany, possibly other places) for a long period of time. But i have never heard he infected any british or german woman. I even doubt he ever had sex with any other white girl except Polish (i don't count any really ugly desperate girls). That's how our women are - strong preference for foreign men no matter what quality they really are. In fact vast majority of foreign men you see on streets of polish cities are just sextourists, especially black/brown but also southeuropean.
2 Sep 2015   #118
It's been discussed endlessly. Western Europeans have successfully manipulated Slavs into questioning their "White-ness" and overall quality. Sure Muslims, Africans, etc are an "enemy" to Westerners but the more immediate target is Europeans Slavs. They want nothing more than to hold onto their European dominance. This self-hate trickles down to the youth and especially females. This is the foundation of Inter-racial dating. Poles aren't Americans who have no heritage or direct ancestry to be proud of.
Wulkan  - | 3136
2 Sep 2015   #119
Western Europeans have successfully manipulated Slavs into questioning their "White-ness"

Would you like to prove it?
Slavictor  6 | 193
24 Jan 2019   #120
Seeing how we are resurrecting threads around PF, this one is ripe for a timely revisit. The thread title asks if this sociopath Mol would have been as successful in lying his way between womens legs in other countries. It depends. The West has been under attack for many years by marxist methods of subversion and promotion of miscegenation is one such mode. I'll weigh further in on this later.

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