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Incels in Poland

Lenka  5 | 3484
20 Feb 2021   #121
.Now, men can get custody, and women have to pay child support and alimony.

Most man don't want it. You see, taking care of the kids 24/7 screws with their life...(not all but still majority)

You are the one constrained and ultimately enslaved by your toxic ideology.

Thank you very much, that is all I need. I'm happy in this set up even if you call it being constrained

I'm not the one moaning about my life and ******no about man all over and getting aggressive. Incels are
Novichok  4 | 7809
20 Feb 2021   #122
women who said they actually enjoyed their traditional role in a nuclear family model

Try to get elected to more than the village dog catcher with that disclosure...Hahahaha...
Poloniusz  4 | 869
20 Feb 2021   #123
******no about man all over and getting aggressive.

Daddy issues there. Clearly.

Try to get elected to more than the village dog catcher with that disclosure

I know, right?

Feminists say women need independence in order to make choices for themselves. But the choice of being in a heterosexual marriage and being a housewife and a mother is always met with scowls and howls of outrage, disapproval, shame, and cancellation from the always angry mob feminist commissars.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
20 Feb 2021   #124
That is why God created beer to promote sex between undesirable Incels and ugly women.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
20 Feb 2021   #125
" I'm not the one moaning about my life and ******no about man all over and getting aggressive. Incels are"

what about them tho? why are they complaining if you say youre not?

how are those woke women complaining men not wanting them better than incels?
Lenka  5 | 3484
20 Feb 2021   #126
Daddy issues there. Clearly

If that helps you sleep at night.

However it's hard to deny incels are complaining like old ladies on the internet and can be agressive (few instances shown on this thread)
Strzelec35  19 | 830
20 Feb 2021   #127
" That is why God created beer to promote sex between undesirable Incels and ugly women."

what about king cobra tho? he talks about incels right her ein beg of video? what u fink lenka and johnny?

" However it's hard to deny incels are complaining like old ladies on the internet and can be agressive (few instances shown on this thread)"

so can old ladies in Poland tho who complain about every little thing so how are they better than incels? since you yourself just compared them?
Atch  21 | 4149
20 Feb 2021   #128
You refuse to accept any notion that women should have responsibilities and be held to account.

Do I now, Pollyanna? Expand on that.

Sorry for the delay in responding btw. I was making raisin bread and then went for a walk in the last of the snow. I know, it's shocking. The depraved antics of us feminists. What a way to spend Saturday. Btw I also made kartoflak today. Husband grated the spuds, he says that's a man's job and I did the dainty bits as befits a lady like myself :)
OP jon357  72 | 22979
20 Feb 2021   #129
old ladies in poland tho who complain about every little thing

A similar sort of psychology. More worrying in the young though.
Poloniusz  4 | 869
20 Feb 2021   #130
undesirable Incels and undesirable women.

Men are providers and protectors so they will settle for a lower status woman as long as they are fit enough to bear healthy children and sane enough to rear them.

It's the lumpen mass of many undesirable women out there who have been brainwashed by feminism into thinking they can and should have only the top tier of the most desirable men in the world.

But this was made easy for feminists by simply weaponizing innate female hypergamy.

Unrealistic expectations have also been abetted by vast changes in telecommunications and transportation.

Low status women no longer believe they have to settle for the descent looking guy with a steady and good paying job in their small town.

They would rather hold out for that globe trotting millionaire or billionaire who they just know one day is going to miraculously stop by the podunk coffee shop or store they work at, give them a perfect, winning smile, and sweep them off their plump and tired feet.

Expand on that.

Nah, I already generously provided you enough information in response to your ever changing criteria needed by you to pay attention.

I'd rather watch you keep spinning on your merry-go-round of evasion and denial.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
20 Feb 2021   #131
he says that's a man's job

You have him trained well.
They say marriages are made in heaven but so are thunder and lighting.
Atch  21 | 4149
20 Feb 2021   #132
But this was made easy for feminists by simply weaponizing innate female hypergamy.

Carry me out and bury me decently - charts and graphs!!

Meanwhile here is a picture of me and my feminist friends enjoying a delicious dinner which I prepared single-handedly with limited kitchen facilities, using my feminine/feminist ingenuity.

  • ef3e581a924f7997577b.jpg
Strzelec35  19 | 830
20 Feb 2021   #133
are we really living in such woke times where we need to have safe space just to hear or have hard conversations? is safe space online always needed now like with lgtbs or can they be had without the safe space online?
Novichok  4 | 7809
20 Feb 2021   #134
Now in defense of "feminism"...To me, "feminism" is about financial independence. The rest is just slogans and posturing for attention. In that sense, I am a feminist and my line for women is to forget women's studies and other socially relevant and "rewarding" crap. Don't waste your time in Africa or Guatemala. Get the education and the job that will allow you to support what you are left with when the bum leaves you - which 1 in 2 will.

If that leads to fewer kids, it's society's problem, not yours.
Atch  21 | 4149
20 Feb 2021   #135
And here is a picture of me on my way to mass, one Sunday, last summer. I made the dress myself, even the lace trimmings are my own work. I also made the hat and the parasol. I need them to protect my delicate fair, Irish lady skin.

Ironside  50 | 12333
20 Feb 2021   #136
A friend of mine

You don't have friends.

ou are obsessed by sex...

Cause he never had any, Being buggered in a prison doesn't really count.

but inappropriate to blame and hate women for their own failings

Sure, so I don't like those idiots here who confuse feminisms with women (including some women)and they just waffle on ... or that sicko Strzelec his own mental problems project on women and at the some time is desperate for sex, Castration' would be his cure.

On the other hand there is lots of women like that out there.( that blame and hate men for their own fallings)
Poloniusz  4 | 869
20 Feb 2021   #137
Meanwhile here is a picture of me and my feminist friends

Yep. The preachy ideology of feminism demands equality while excluding men from the picture. Literally in your case.

Has anyone else ever noticed the fishy stench of lesbianism on feminism?
Atch  21 | 4149
20 Feb 2021   #138
I already generously provided you enough information

So, basically you can't.

Now, you see, I on the other hand have provided you with two images of my dainty, feminine lady ways including an example of my ability to cook, sew and entertain.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
20 Feb 2021   #139
yes definitely. thats what king cobra claims that incels and feminists should fck each other while denying about being an incel himself. but he is not in denial about his ass bergers.
Novichok  4 | 7809
20 Feb 2021   #140
who day is going to ...stop by the podunk coffee shop, ... and sweep them off their plump and tired feet.

You just killed the Hallmark and Lifetime channels and the dreams of so many viewers. That was cruel...
Atch  21 | 4149
20 Feb 2021   #141
excluding men from the picture. Literally in your case.

Here is one of me and my beloved. This was taken in 1963, if memory serves me correctly. I'm wearing a snazzy outfit called 'Dream Date'.

  • 57ccba4117631187e70c.jpg
Novichok  4 | 7809
20 Feb 2021   #142
Meanwhile here is a picture of me and my feminist friends

...talking about guys and their body parts.
Poloniusz  4 | 869
20 Feb 2021   #143
You just killed the Hallmark and Lifetime channels

They need to be.

Cinderella was meant to be fictional fun to entertain children and not serve as a strategy guide for adult women to approach life with.

taken in 1963

Yep, that was during the early stage of second-wave feminism which only concerned itself with cultural inequalities, gender norms, and the role of women in society.
Atch  21 | 4149
20 Feb 2021   #144
On the contrary, we're discussing our lovely homemade dresses which by an amazing coincidence are in coordinating cotton prints! You can imagine the tinkling of our silvery girlish laughter when we realized that we'd all had the same idea for dresses :)
johnny reb  46 | 7613
20 Feb 2021   #145
And here is a picture of me

Your halo is missing and who the hell does your hair ?
Atch  21 | 4149
20 Feb 2021   #146
Your halo is missing

This is a better likeness actually. My halo is still missing but you can see my wings.

  • f07a07e946b9fc8a8fb5.jpg
Joker  2 | 2211
20 Feb 2021   #147
I'm wearing a snazzy outfit called 'Dream Date'.

Hey, those outfits match your carpeted UK bathrooms!😆

johnny reb  46 | 7613
20 Feb 2021   #148
Get the education and the job that will allow you to support what you are left with when the bum leaves you

Or a good attorney that gets you the house, alimony, maintenance fees, huge child support checks to be spent as you see fit, him being responsible for all credit card debt, a new car of your choice, and half of what he earned that he put into a savings account, half his pension while all he gets is his truck and his tools.

(Not to mention free health care and all the welfare benefits that she qualifies for as a single mom.)
Then she moves on to the next fool or two to peddle her goods in trade for wine and dine twice a week living large.

That's why the diamond in her wedding ring gets bigger and bigger ever time she gets married.
I've seen it to many times.
Novichok  4 | 7809
20 Feb 2021   #149
Easy with those candles. Feathers are flammable.

Then she moves on to the next fool...

to talk him into buying life insurance and a bottle of antifreeze. I heard it's yummy.
Atch  21 | 4149
20 Feb 2021   #150
Hey, those outfits match your carpeted UK bathrooms!

Now, now Joker, that pic is American, from Better Homes and Gardens 1970, I believe :)

However, if you want to see some truly wonderful outfits, here's my friend Daisy wearing one of her super seventies fashions. I must say, this is turning into a lovely thread isn't it? Instead of a horrid, ugly old cess pit of weirdness, it's a cornucopia of dolly delights!

  • aprilshowers2.jpg

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