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How do guys from Poland flirt?

dancer7  1 | 19
30 Sep 2012   #1
There is this guy at my gym I really like. Im Dutch and he is Polish. My guess is that he arrived here 2 or 3 months ago for work. We havent really talked yet but Im extremely attracted to him. I had some short talks with his friends, I know a little bit Polish/know some Polish words and phrases (they cracked up) because Im of Polish descent. It got me interested in Poland many years ago and spend a month in Poland.

Whenever I greet him he puts on this huge smile, looks me in the eyes and quickly looks downwards. While working out he keeps on catching my eye, although I was trying real hard not to reveal my intrest. He sometimes stares at me, even when Im talking to people I know and my face is not pointing towards his direction. I was wondering if he is deliberately flirting with me/ or if he is just not aware of this. I remember that during my stay in Poland people gave me stares, but at that time, the amount of tourists was zero and they could tell youre abroad from miles away.

How do Polish men flirt, I would love your thoughts on this, cant find anything on the net so I guess there are no differences?
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Sep 2012   #2
How do Polish men flirt,

More romantically than other men. They prefer to play noble knights, but first they have to make sure they do it with the right princess. It takes some time, so be patient. To hasten the process, tell him you are in a terrible danger and need quick rescue. Always works!

poland guys

/rycerz2.jpg - poland date
Orpheus  - | 113
30 Sep 2012   #3
Whenever I greet him he puts on this huge smile, looks me in the eyes and quickly looks downwards.

So he obviously likes you.

While working out he keeps on catching my eye, although I was trying real hard not to reveal my intrest.

Why not. Women!
He's shy, that's all. I thought you cloggies were a bit more forward. Ask him if he knows a good place to get a sandwich, something like that, then ask him to show you where it is. The cafe I mean.
milky  13 | 1656
30 Sep 2012   #4
More romantically than other men. They prefer to play noble knights, but first they have to make sure they do it with the right princess. It takes some time, so be patient.

LOL, noble hahahahahahahahah Staring,,, is pretty much a gorilla hanging in a tree technique.
OP dancer7  1 | 19
30 Sep 2012   #5
Pawian; Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this, dig your flag !
pgtx  29 | 3094
30 Sep 2012   #6
Dancer7, good luck, but be careful, he might be married!
OP dancer7  1 | 19
30 Sep 2012   #7
Thanks! I found out his facebook profile and it says he is single, unless he is very much calculated.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
30 Sep 2012   #8
unless he is very much calculated.

Most men are (when it comes to this sort of stuff), regardless of their nationality.
OP dancer7  1 | 19
30 Sep 2012   #9
Orpheus; Thanks for the comment. Cloggies :)? Im pretty much direct and open, even by Dutch standards, Im rather shy when it concerns someone I really like. He doesnt strike me as a rather shy person.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
30 Sep 2012   #10
Whenever I greet him he puts on this huge smile, looks me in the eyes and quickly looks downwards.

He sounds a little shy or is a bit intimidated by your looks. Looks like you're just gonna have to go over and say Hi!

I remember that during my stay in Poland people gave me stares, but at that time, the amount of tourists was zero and they could tell youre abroad from miles away.

Funny enough my one friend just recently returned from Poland to the States. He says girls immediately noticed him on the street and could tell he was from another country, was well dressed, took take of himself. He said the average Polish man (in Poland) in his late 20s or 30s looks like a slob. Wears old out of style clothing, has a big beer belly, doesn't use deodorant and sits in a bar drinking that one beer for like 2 hours.
OP dancer7  1 | 19
30 Sep 2012   #11
Milky; Thanks! Its just that whenver our eyes meet, he keeps on staring (but at times, he is staring while he cannot know Im aware of it) I was just wondering if this could me a common way of flirting in Poland and if not so, how do polish men approach women they dont know well.

Pennboy; Thanks! Yes Polish men dont overdress that much. Personally I dont like men who spend more time in front of a mirror than women do, but hey, no one likes a guy who looks like a bum.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
30 Sep 2012   #12
Pennboy; Thanks! Yes Polish men dont overdress that much. Personally I dont like men who spend more time in front of a mirror than women do, but hey, no one likes a guy who looks like a bum.

Neither do I lol, I didn't say overdress, many completely lack common hygiene and new clothing.
f stop  24 | 2493
30 Sep 2012   #13
I think many Polish men wait for a definitive sign from the lady.
OP dancer7  1 | 19
30 Sep 2012   #14
There are many Polish men here in Holland, doing hard work Dutch people dont want to do. I never noticed them being smelly, sweaty or just not representable. They do stick out in terms of their clothing, its not new and just casual. Polish women overdress, even when they are very attractive, they tend to dye their hair extremely blond or black, wear trashy clothing, tanned, out dated, just not natural or sophisticated. However being Dutch, we are not praised for our exclusive taste in clothing either.

F stop; Thanks, I guess he is waiting for me (Dutch women have the reputation to just act like a guy when they like someone) to approach him, aint he lucky! But seriously, I should make it more obvious.
Warszawette  - | 128
30 Sep 2012   #15
Here again, Polish guys, just like Polish girls or any other nationals do NOT make homogeneous blocks and everybody is different from each other. Among Poles (and any other nationality) there is no one way to think, to act, to feel.....

Therefore, one Polish guy shall do x or y and another shall do something else and that's it.

It's unbelievable to read such (stupid) stereotypes about Poles and others.

In any national group, everything can be found and needless to say, it applies also to Poles.

Wouldn't it be boring if for instance all the Poles were x, all the Greeks y, all Americans z and the others something else ?! ;)
OP dancer7  1 | 19
30 Sep 2012   #16
Warszawette; Thanks for your input! I do believe that there can be cultural differences between countrys, its just a fact I cant deny. I had a relationship with an American guy for four years, every person is unique but in each country there are habits, dos and donts, its about probability.
Warszawette  - | 128
30 Sep 2012   #17
Dancer7: I've been living abroad (7 countries) for other 20 years so I can tell you that in each national group, everything can be found, both the best and the worst ;). My husband (unfortunately deceased) was Polish and believe me and "thank God", he was much different from a lot of Poles (and others).

In Poland there are may be some 10 million (?) adult males and believe me, they are all different from each other. Are all the people in your place all the same? I doubt so why would it be different elsewhere? ;)

Your question could be more relevant if you were talking about a guy living in an isolated tribe.
30 Sep 2012   #18
they tend to dye their hair extremely blond or black, wear trashy clothing, tanned, out dated, just not natural or sophisticated.

Mind that the women who look like that are certain type of women. If you visited Poland you would find also women who dress classy and sophisticated. Warszawette is right. Trashy clothing, tanned? Sounds like "Jersey Shore' episode... ;)
Warszawette  - | 128
30 Sep 2012   #19
A.K.: Dancer7 does not live in Poland, does she?

Sorry but such nonsense "irritates" me.

In Poland - just like in any other country - everything can be found and people are all different.
OP dancer7  1 | 19
30 Sep 2012   #20
Ive noticed a big difference in flirting down in Italy....
PennBoy  76 | 2429
30 Sep 2012   #21
Trashy clothing, tanned? Sounds like "Jersey Shore' episode... ;)

I wasn't trying to make Polish guys sound bad I'm one myself. I was just just saying what my friend (also Polish) noticed after going back on a recent vacation. The guys who have pretty well paying jobs, dress nice, are clean have nice cars. Just the average guy in Poland, who doesn't work abroad, and doesn't have much money looks like a slob. As for the females, thankful things are changing. I remember how it seemed like every other Polish girl who was new to the States had bleached blond hair, orange tan, and wore very bright and colorful clothing. It was kinda embarrassing.
Orpheus  - | 113
30 Sep 2012   #22
I wasn't trying to make Polish guys sound bad I'm one myself.

I thought you were an American.
Rysavy  10 | 306
30 Sep 2012   #23
More romantically than other men. They prefer to play noble knights,

Yep, that is My Wadulsili. Pessimist with the heart of a Paladin!

Took forever to decide to approach.. so veeeeeery proper and cautious. Then, charged in and swept me up!
Once decided=Romantic+Passionate+Direct (in genteel way)

And I have never seen him slovenly.not his environs nor his clothing (his hair now and agian in early mornin).
He is always dressed neatly casual, rarely I ..american sloth often still in my bedclothes until 10-11am
OP dancer7  1 | 19
30 Sep 2012   #24
Rysavy; Thanks for the math! And the poem!
peterweg  37 | 2305
30 Sep 2012   #25
I was just just saying what my friend (also Polish) noticed after going back on a recent vacation.

I think he may have exaggerated a little.
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082
1 Oct 2012   #26
How do guys from Poland flirt?

I always ask the girl if she wants to see my postage stamps collection.
OP dancer7  1 | 19
1 Oct 2012   #27
Thanks Peter, which lines do work?
Rysavy  10 | 306
1 Oct 2012   #28
I always ask the girl if she wants to see my postage stamps collection.

Wadusili? is that you?..... <_<

LOL OMG that is joke I have with BF.....!!!! I told him that certain softer foreign languages (obviously not finnish or russian) Come up and see my stamp collection tonight it can sound sexy!! And so now once in a while when he knows I am unsuspecting he'll asy that ..or some other innocent phrase in "the voice". ^_^

(It stemmed from me trolling a secondary cousin that wanted to say in Portugeuse something that would end rather risque to a guy she barely knew. So I taught her to say "Come up to my place and see my stamp collection tonight"

Venha ateeminha casa hoje a noite... e ver a minha "colecao de selos" *waggle brow* He warms to her tone; has a laugh-broke the ice and he didntthink her a slut based on the somewhat forward american pickup/invite translated would be. I just told her HOW to say it. But I was being really really trolly *blush*..because I had refused her and she insisted)
OP dancer7  1 | 19
1 Oct 2012   #29
:) Well, I appreciate Wadusili sense of humor!
PennBoy  76 | 2429
1 Oct 2012   #30
I thought you were an American.

Nope Polish, moved here as a kid.

I think he may have exaggerated a little.

Might have. I'm sure it's different in major city like Warsaw and smaller towns.

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