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Must go to confession before the wedding in Poland?

Flashinius  1 | -
24 Jun 2011   #1
Hey I'm getting married next year in Poland and I am told that my Best Man has to go to confession before the wedding. Problem is - he's an atheist so I think it would be inconsiderate of me to force him to go to confession. Is it true the Best man MUST go to confession?
24 Jun 2011   #2
It all depends what the priest says (and whether you're willing to lie to the priest).
teflcat  5 | 1024
24 Jun 2011   #3
Is it true the Best man MUST go to confession?

I suggest you be a bit jesuitical about it. If the priest says the best man has to go to confession, make it clear that he has his own confessor. The priest cannot insist on hearing anybody's confession. If the subject is not raised by the priest, don't bring it up. I know it's a bit different but when I stood godfather to some friends' baby there were no questions asked.
24 Jun 2011   #4
I suggest you be a bit jesuitical about it. If the priest says the best man has to go to confession, make it clear that he has his own confessor.

Either that or just tell the priest that the best man is Jewish. I very much doubt that a priest in Poland would refuse to allow a Jew to be best man at a wedding (and if he does refuse, I can easily sell that story for you).
milky  13 | 1656
24 Jun 2011   #5
Problem is - he's an atheist

In that case he should have no problem going to confession. There are (much)harder things to do in life. Confessions are easy(talk b0l0x to a man in a dress). If you asked him to paint your house and pick the stones out of your stoney garden,well that would be really hard,especially if he was a non-painter or non-gardner. Confession are even easier when your athiest so ....................
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 Jan 2021   #6
Has anyone heard of similar demands before? I guess it might go on in dark Podlasian villages, but...really?
pawian  226 | 27397
12 Jan 2021   #7
Has anyone heard of similar demands before?

It is a suggested recommendation but not a formal rule for best men/bridemaids. Nobody checks if they went to confession or not. But it is still a custom to receive the Holy Communion during the wedding ceremony so if they don`t do it, sb, especially devout believers, might frown. .
Novichok  4 | 8446
12 Jan 2021   #8
My confession would be that it's nobody's damn business and God already knows, so fo.
Crow  154 | 9526
12 Jan 2021   #9

Here where I live and you know where I live we have talk to a priest before the wedding. One goes togather with his/her partner. No any kind of confession. Its talk about what is marriage.
Novichok  4 | 8446
12 Jan 2021   #10
Its talk about what is marriage.

Tell me it's a joke or you are just yanking my chain. A guy who molests boys for breakfast tells you about marriage?
If that's the case, I am going to counsel transgenders.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
13 Jan 2021   #11
You are over stepping your boundaries, I would be careful if I were you. You are playing with fire

Since it's your business, I would do some cleaning before opening the shop again. People do tend to be superficial and look at your actions more then the words itself

As for the topic at hand: Confession is a Good way to lift your burdains, especially if you want the allmighty to hear you in a sincere and honest way
Novichok  4 | 8446
13 Jan 2021   #12
Confession is a Good way to lift your burdains,

I am OK with that. My problem is with who you confess to. God already knows all your sins, so no further action is required. Next should be the victims of your sins. Confess, apologize, and ask for forgiveness while mindful that a confession can end your marriage and destroy your family or get you fired, which would potentially produce the same result. If that's the case, keeping your mouth shut may actually be a better choice. A priest does not need to be involved since he is no better than your barber or car mechanic. That is why the best choice is to talk to God directly. He can hear just fine.
Crow  154 | 9526
13 Jan 2021   #13
Tell me it's a joke or you are just yanking my chain. A guy who molests boys for breakfast tells you about marriage?

Its not a joke. Man, I thought you know I am St. Sava Orthodox. Priests here are all married man and they approach to you on the ground of experience and spiritual aspects of marriage. Its all fine and function. Nothing perv.

Sure, not that we don`t have pervs in the Church. Always some perv anywhere but in essence, Church is organized on positive and valid ground. I can even say, its Chuch that follow souverenistic policy, not globalist. We like that way. Why would we go global when we aren`t same as Ethiopians, for example. Why would we want to have same God. The very idea of it is morbid.
Novichok  4 | 8446
13 Jan 2021   #14
Why would we go global when we aren`t same as Ethiopians,

Confessions are about cheating, stealing, and abusing, and you drag "Ethiopians" and globalist policies into the discussion?
Crow  154 | 9526
13 Jan 2021   #15
I just mentioned that to give you picture. Please disregard that and focus on the main topic.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
13 Jan 2021   #16
damn that Vatican and its rule over Europe for so many centuries. normies just dont get it do they?
Novichok  4 | 8446
13 Jan 2021   #17
Vatican and its rule over europe

The Vatican rules only over those who want to be ruled by them. You can easily say no.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
13 Jan 2021   #18
I see, continuation of this topic by me seem to not lead anywhere. A was a bit too optimistic.

You don't need to concern yourself Novichok, I am quite allright.

Believe it or not. I just hope I can worry less about you and @Strzelec35
Novichok  4 | 8446
13 Jan 2021   #19
You don't need to concern yourself Novichok

I am discussing confessions, so what is the problem now? I did a couple so I am speaking from experience.
pawian  226 | 27397
14 Jan 2021   #20
tells you about marriage?

Yes, church wedding requires that you to attend a Catholic marital course. We attended it decades ago.

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