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Cheating from spouses. Is cheating very common in Poland ?

Senator  4 | 42
7 Aug 2012   #1
I hear that most of the households in Poland have experienced cheating from spouses.
It is said that polish women cheat more than men!! Is there any truth in it ?
jon357  72 | 23482
7 Aug 2012   #3
When I first arrived, I was told that getting engaged is the appropriate time to take a mistress. The guy was certainly exaggerating, however there are a LOT of brothels and tirowki in Poland.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988
7 Aug 2012   #4
It is not as common as in the USA or Britain, or other more liberal European countries, mainly due to Poland being a Catholic country and marriage being considered sacred. In fact cheating is seen a very serious sin [breaking 1 of the 10 commandments]. Not to say that it does not happen in Poland and yes in more liberal cities, particularly the capitol there are some very 'immoral' places that you can go to.
pawian  226 | 27453
8 Aug 2012   #5
Yes, Warsaw is notorious for cheating.
I am sure there is much less cheating in Biała Podlaska.
MoOli  9 | 479
8 Aug 2012   #6
Are you from Biala podlaska pawian?
pawian  226 | 27453
8 Aug 2012   #7
Nope, but I know students from that city. The most decent I have met. I suppose they will grow into decent adults.

MoOli  9 | 479
8 Aug 2012   #8
Yup!as its my place of future retirement few kms befor that I mean:0 lovely area to pick mushrooms as well:)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
8 Aug 2012   #9
Since 1989 there have been only 7 cases of cheating in Poland. Surprisingly, they all occurred in £odz. All 7 cheaters were women.
Any other intelligent questions?
MoOli  9 | 479
8 Aug 2012   #10
Yes! is it true that a pole went to a brothel to find his wife working there?or just a hear say story?
raku  - | 4
9 Aug 2012   #11
Cheating is not popular in Poland and considered as one of the worst things that can happen to a person!

Zdrada nie jest popularna w Polsce i jest odbierana jako jedno z najgorszych rzeczy jakie mogą człowieka spotkać!
20 Apr 2020   #12
Please add one mine as well
25 Apr 2020   #13
Well I personally find cheating out of the realm of possibility in a healthy relationship, no excuses
5 Dec 2020   #14

Polish husband cheating on his wife

I know a Polish woman who has a husband that is cheating on her for so many years but she seems to be clueless. I pity her. Both of them are our regular guests in our hotel. Shall I tell her? How can I tell her? I don't Polish language and the wife is zero English. They live in Szczecin. They have two kids. I don't know how many years they are married. Looks like they have been married for many years.
Joker  2 | 2374
5 Dec 2020   #15
I pity her.

I pity people like you that interfere in other marriages. How about minding your own business?
johnny reb  49 | 7926
5 Dec 2020   #16
Excellent advice Joker.,
Adel seems to be a self appointed busy body.
#1 is that most likely his wife already knows and is sticking with him for the children's sake.
#2 is the key line in Adel's post which is :

Looks like they have been married for many years.

Then why do you want to stick your nose into it and cause irreparable trouble ?
Hopefully they will be married many more years until at least the children grow up.
The road to hell was built on good intentions Adel but you will be doing much more harm then good.
Now tell us what your pet sin is.
5 Dec 2020   #17
@johnny reb I pity the wife because she is very nice. She is in her 40's and she seems a fine and sweet woman. I really like her and I am hurting to know that his husband is bringing other women in the hotel. I have a strong feelings that she, as the wife does not know what an ******* husband she has. I am just concern about her.
johnny reb  49 | 7926
5 Dec 2020   #18
Then pray for her and be concerned about your own matters.
Don't be a self appointed home wrecker.
Paulina  19 | 4458
5 Dec 2020   #19
The husband is the homewrecker, not her.

Adel (Amber?), write her a note in Polish - "Your husband has been cheating on you for many years. I've decided to tell you because you're a very nice person. I'm really sorry, I think you deserve better than this."

My translation to Polish:

Twój mąż zdradza Cię od wielu lat. Postanowiłam Ci o tym powiedzieć, bo jesteś bardzo miłą osobą. Bardzo mi przykro, uważam, że zasługujesz na coś lepszego.

Put that note in an envelope maybe and give it to her when the husband isn't around and make sure that she understands that this note is for her and it's important for her to read it.

If she's in her forties she still has a chance to find someone for herself. By not telling her you're wasting her time/life. I personally would prefer to know if my husband was cheating on me.

Guys, I've seen research showing that around 80% of wives who are being cheated on by their husbands never find out about it. So it's possibile that she doesn't know.

Joker, johnny reb, I think both of you are hypocrites. I bet that if your wives were cheating on you you would want to know. I have a feeling that you're cheaters yourselves and that is why you wrote such comments. Men like you make me sick, tbh.
cms neuf  2 | 1834
5 Dec 2020   #20
Forget the moral issues for a second, if you are working a hotel and you start to betray the guests confidential affairs that is a firing offfence.
Paulina  19 | 4458
5 Dec 2020   #21
Really? Why is that? After all, both the husband and wife are clients of the hotel...

But if that's the case I guess if she decides to tell her she can add to that note the following sentence:
"Please don't tell your husband who told you about it because I may get fired from the hotel for this."

Polish translation:
"Proszę nie mów swojemu mężowi kto Ci o tym powiedział, bo mogę za to stracić pracę w hotelu."
cms neuf  2 | 1834
5 Dec 2020   #22
The guy is not doing anything illegal - if he was dealing drugs or arranging dog fights then you could inform the police, but otherwise he is entitled to privacy in the hotel.

I know plenty of personal info about my clients but if any of my staff shared that outside the office it would be a straight no discussion dismissal.
Paulina  19 | 4458
5 Dec 2020   #23
@cms neuf, do you work in a hotel too?

Well, as I wrote, if she decides to tell her, she can add that one sentence to the note and hope that the wife won't blab it out to anyone about who told her the truth... But that's her decision - whether she's willing to risk her job or not...
cms neuf  2 | 1834
5 Dec 2020   #24
No but the principle is the same.

Of course her decision - but this is not a good moment in the hotel industry to risk your job
Paulina  19 | 4458
5 Dec 2020   #25
So you personally would fire someone for telling one of your clients, a very nice person, that her husband, a father of her kids, has been cheating on her for years?
Lenka  5 | 3528
5 Dec 2020   #26
I would. Sorry, but messing with my clients private life would be a ticket out.
Paulina  19 | 4458
5 Dec 2020   #27
I don't see it as "messing" with someone's private life in such circumstances - the wife has been her hotel's client for years and it looks like she's grown to like her... For me ignoring sth like that, especially in such situation, is simply cold and cruel. I think there are some limits to being "professional". I wouldn't take such decision lightly and it wouldn't be easy for me to tell someone about sth like that, but I hope I would have the guts to do it. I personally definitely wouldn't fire anyone for something like that.
Lenka  5 | 3528
5 Dec 2020   #28
I don't see it as "messing" with someone's private life in such circumstances

She's getting straight into their most private affairs. She is not her friend, not even a colleague.
Now imagine the wife knows about the cheating and stays with him anyway. It may be extremely painful and embarrassing for her to have a hotel employee tell her such stuff.

If I were the owner I would expect my employees to have the 'I don't see anything' attitude as long as there is no crime or felony.
cms neuf  2 | 1834
5 Dec 2020   #29
Yes I would. Clients lives are confidential, period. It is a simple rule to understand and if you start considering each case individually then you will tie yourself in knots.

They are running a hotel, not a monastery.
johnny reb  49 | 7926
5 Dec 2020   #30
Paulina you are obviously a feminist of the worst kind.
Think of the kids for crying out loud !

Guys, I've seen research showing that around 80% of wives who are being cheated on by their husbands

There are many studies about husbands and wives who cheat, but most studies indicate that husbands are slightly more likely to cheat than wives.
I suspect because men have a higher sex drive then women after 40.
The numbers that I found range anywhere from 22 to 37 percent of husband being unfaithful and anywhere from 14 to 22 percent of wives having affairs or cheating.

Joker, johnny reb, I think both of you are hypocrites.

That's because you are a feminist of the worst kind and think the worst of men.

I have a feeling that you're cheaters yourselves and that is why you wrote such comments.

Well Love, you just lost your condescending bet.
Just because you judge me so doesn't make it the truth, if fact, it's not true.

Men like you make me sick, tbh.

What kind of men is that Ms. Judgmental.
Females like you give women a bad name.
Amber, don't listen to Paulina as she doesn't know what she is talking about.
I just proved that.
The children should not have to suffer because some house wrecker thinks it's their responsibility to stick their nose in where it doesn't belong.

I know a Polish woman who has a husband that is cheating on her for so many years

Any woman with a brain would know then after many years.
Leave it alone and mind your business as it does not concern you in any way.

Home / Love / Cheating from spouses. Is cheating very common in Poland ?

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