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Do Polish people like Scottish people (friendship or relationship with a Scot)?

11 Apr 2012   #1
Do Polish people like Scottish people? What are peoples thoughts on entering a friendship or relationship with a Scot?
11 Apr 2012   #2
i have been to Scotland few years ago I find Scottish girls very attractive...and guys are "w porzÄ…dku"...(decent people,ok)

OP silentshout
11 Apr 2012   #3
Thanks for your reply,

I will be going to Poland in the summer and I hope I won't be stereotyped as a loud-mouth Scot, but seen as a lady!
Hipis  - | 226
11 Apr 2012   #4
My mother is Scottish, does that answer your question?
11 Apr 2012   #5
Do Polish people like Scottish people?

Have a look at the links
11 Apr 2012   #6
It's just an opinion, Scots and Brits are alike, they share the same language so they can communicate and understand eachother better. What do Poles and Scots have in common?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
11 Apr 2012   #7
Scots and Brits are alike

ummm...Scots ARE 'Brits'?
Hipis  - | 226
11 Apr 2012   #8
What do Poles and Scots have in common?

Being oppressed and exploited by larger and more powerful neighbours, we like a drink or several ;) and our football teams always flatter to deceive.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
11 Apr 2012   #9
Being oppressed and exploited by larger and more powerful neighbours,

that's such a myth, all the money in Britain is in the hands of Scots and has been for many years. Just my opinion, but I don't buy into all that wildly inaccurate 'Braveheart' tosh, it was all just an invention.
Hipis  - | 226
11 Apr 2012   #10
Believe what you want. Being half Scottish I think I have a better understanding of Scottish history than most people outside Scotland. Whilst the Braveheart film was very much Hollywood script it was based around historical events, even though they were inaccurately portrayed.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
11 Apr 2012   #11
Whilst the Braveheart film was very much Hollywood script it was based around historical events, even though they were inaccurately portrayed.

you could say that.....just a bit. That Gibson should have been done for inciting racial hatred. Mind you he looked good in a kilt.

and having a parent from a certain country doesnt give you some fantastic insight into the history and politics of that country, it just makes you biased.
11 Apr 2012   #12
What do Poles and Scots have in common?

Better question would be "what do they have not in common?"
Richfilth  6 | 415
11 Apr 2012   #13
Do Polish people like Scottish people?

No, every Scot bears a silent loathing hatred that goes back a thousand years. Even making eye contact with a Scot will be enough to instil a blind rage in him that will ignite a Celto-Slavic War that will ravage all of Europe, so deep is the dislike of Poles by the Scots.
Trevek  25 | 1699
11 Apr 2012   #14
What do Poles and Scots have in common?

One of the major figures in Scottish history, Bonnie Prince Charlie, was great grandson of Jan Sobieski 3rd.

There were also around 30,000 Scots living in Poland in 17th century.

Whilst the Braveheart film was very much Hollywood script it was based around historical events, even though they were inaccurately portrayed.

That's an understatement. The battle of Stirling (Brig) was totally misrepresented and the whole thing about the sh@gging the princess!!!
isthatu2  4 | 2692
11 Apr 2012   #15
Believe what you want. Being half Scottish I think I have a better understanding of Scottish history

BLAH BLAH.... I was born in Simpson Memorial, Edinburgh.
Scotland invaded England far more times than the other way round.
If you like the poor wee victim role,thats fine,but keep that to your Polish side :)

OP, you will be fine. Poles in general still believe all the celtic bollox about oppression and all that guff, they love us :)
Try telling them how many Scotsmen were Kings of England and it blows their minds :)

PS, pahh to Wallace, about time *they* made a decent film about The Bruce,now there was an interesting story of greedy opportunist turned absolute heroic patriot,with still the trace of shady barstewerd.....
Hipis  - | 226
12 Apr 2012   #16
I never said I was impartial ;D
12 Apr 2012   #17
considering the number of polish people in scotland , id assume that they must like scotland a lot
16 Apr 2012   #18
I'm from Poland and I love scotland, scottish people, scottish music and kilts :)

there is also polish tartan
17 Jun 2013   #19
I realize this is a bit late for a response, but I happen to be a Polish/ Scottish- American, married to a Polish national. So obviously there must be some attraction. I know many Polish as moving to England and Scotland currently. I personally can tell you that at the Uni. Wroclaw many students are moving to Scotland once finished- money plays a big part, but there is a camaraderie in both cultures.
19 Nov 2013   #20
I'm Polish and I had a Scottish boyfriend, he was lovely :) I don't like the chavs, obviously, but as long as you're a nice person, the Poles will love you ;)
20 Nov 2013   #21
I'm a Scotsman, met my now polish wife in Scotland, we lived together there, got married in Poland last year and moved to Warsaw this year, we met at a wedding of a Scottish guy & a polish woman, and that is a regular thing these days in Scotland and England..
Crow  154 | 9485
21 Nov 2013   #22
Scots, same as Slavs, are in fact Sarmats (previous and older universal ethnic name of native Europeans). So, there is some general sympathy between Slavs- particularly Poles and, Scots. People feel each other
21 Nov 2013   #23
I like scots :-)
Funny people.
Poles and scots havecsimilar history.
I hope thatScotland will finally get their independece soon

Go Salmond!!
Crow  154 | 9485
21 Nov 2013   #24
I hope thatScotland will finally get their independece soon

yes, i share the same hopes. Scots deserve to live as free people
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
21 Nov 2013   #25
Poles and scots havecsimilar history.

Not really, although there is a limited shared history.

I hope thatScotland will finally get their independece soon

Yet you seem to be very upset by the idea of Silesian autonomy. Goofy, your politics are - like your age - immature ;)
sobieski  106 | 2111
21 Nov 2013   #26
Not really, although there is a limited shared history.

Somewhere in Warsaw Old Town, there is a plaque about a Scot who became mayor of Warsaw in 16th (?) century. I will have a look at it when I go to my pub - it's on the way :)
22 Nov 2013   #27
That wold be Alexzander Czarmer aka Alexander Chalmers
sobieski  106 | 2111
22 Nov 2013   #28
Exactly. That's him.
David555  1 | 19
3 Feb 2018   #29
I don't know anymore where from I am but I do like Scottish people and I'm sorry for what the English did to Scottish and and and I truly hate engayland
Crow  154 | 9485
6 May 2021   #30
I wish independence to Scottish people. They deserve freedom from the vermin.

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