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How do Polish men feel about gender equality?

Novichok  4 | 8677
9 Jan 2021   #571
who not only did that but they also trying to encourage other women to do so.

...but call it "progress" and a cherished constitutional right.
Women have two weapons: he abused me, he molested our daughter, and he raped me - repeatedly. Somehow, they seldom mention any of them until it's a divorce or a custody hearing. When they leave the courtroom to take a leak, they smile because they know the poor sob can't prove the negative.
Paulina  19 | 4556
9 Jan 2021   #572
Rich, how about recognizing how equally good women are? Are you even capable of that?

dumbest thing to say. Put some weight on killing one kid vs a stranger and you will see how that 7 to 1 ratio shrinks.

I don't know about the US, but in Canada:

I don't give a crap why.

It matters though, since if you know why, you can prevent it. Women are more likely to experience psychiatric illness after childbirth than at any other time in their life (Kendell et al, 1987). In the month following childbirth, women are up to 25 times more likely to become psychotic (Marks, 1996).

And especially group of women who not only did that but they also trying to encourage other women to do so.

I remember reading an article showing poll results stating that in Poland more men support abortion than women.
Also more men than women supported the latest protests against changing the abortion law in Poland:

Rich, in Poland there's something called "Niebieska Karta" (The Blue Card):

It documents the history of domestic violence in a family over the years and is seen as evidence in court during divorce, for example. And molesting your child is a serious crime - the child has to be questioned by a specialized psychologist to determine whether the accusations are true. Isn't it the case also in the US?
Lenka  5 | 3548
9 Jan 2021   #573
Thanks for the data Paulina. As usual you are right on the spot :)
Ironside  51 | 13083
9 Jan 2021   #574
No, Iron,

Yes Paulina. If you don't know yourself you cannot possibly understand others.

Iron, if you see it this way,

Sure, I'm the problem now. Not your posts! Context of your post is everything. You can't post what you posted in the thread about gender equality and expect that everyone will take it as a list of objective facts. If you think that way just Keep dreaming!

Please, enlighten me.

I just did! Has it worked.

As a final step on the path of your enlightenment you should pounder seriously and answer a following question - How I differ from Rich here when in come to the subject we talk about?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
9 Jan 2021   #575
I've noticed this and I always wonder why is it women tend to always agree with oneselves or other women or there is an argument with a man? they also cock block or try to get the man away even if their friend is interested saying she has a boyfriend or is married or some **** she herself wouldn't even say nor it mattered in the scheme of things until the other woman interfere. they also tend to put you down or treat a man like **** if he isn't hug or willing to **** on her demand or on the spot but if a man says the tiniest thing wrong she rejects the man and the sex.
Novichok  4 | 8677
9 Jan 2021   #576
I finally saw the light and I am sorry it took me so long. Of course, women are equal and should welcome the opportunity to compete with men in sports that till now were reserved only for women. So, let's make the next Olympics gender-neutral. No more of this X and Y nonsense!

Am I a genius or what!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Jan 2021   #577
You may're joking novichoke but that's the truth of it. Women's sports are being erased. Soon there will be men's sports and mixed sports.

Anyway seeking equality of educational or promotional opportunity, for example , doesn't mean I want to play rugby with men don't be so extreme its silly. Xx

The most equal sport is three day eventing. The you also need heaps of cash and nerves of steel, male or female.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
9 Jan 2021   #578
Women's sports are being erased.

I think women are being erased, maybe this is what they call progress.
kondzior  11 | 1026
9 Jan 2021   #579
Women's sports are being erased.

In order to do it you must lower the standard to compensate for women's inferior ability. The rules for both sexes should be the same, but by no means is it to be achieved by dragging the measuring stick down and pussifying men, or babysitting women. Women have never broken the 10 second barrier in the 100m sprint, for instance.

Muslims rapes in the West are a symptom of the breakdown of the Feminist Utopia. Women's freedoms need to be enforced, or they are meaningless. Even though women can take steps to protect themselves, the primary responsibility for protection will always belong to men. Women will only have as much freedom as their men are willing and capable of guaranteeing them. It is a major flaw in many feminist theories that they fail to appreciate this fact. Perhaps you can succeed in turning your men into doormats, but it will be on the cost of doing so to your nation and to your civilization as well. Male energy is a driving force of any dynamic culture.

Novichok  4 | 8677
9 Jan 2021   #580
as much freedom as their men are willing and capable of guaranteeing them

It's the "honey, go check who is at the door" problem. So far, "honey" is always the guy. When it gets to be the woman, I will believe in that "equality" crap.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Jan 2021   #581
Kondzior you missed my point. Never mind.

Anyway I agree with you Novichoke men and women are handy in different ways. Nobody would dispute that.

I mean no doubt I could handle a baseball bat or a nine bore if pushed but I would far rather a man did it. Or maybe I couldn't. Would rather not find out.

There are a few terrifying and legendary women who run pubs and do their own bouncing, usually Irish lol.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Jan 2021   #582
Remember back when women were not allowed to smoke or vote ?
Everything seemed to work just fine back then.
Now with this new progressive feminist movement things don't seem to be working so good for the women.
Hell back then most women didn't need a job outside the house.
Now look at the mess we have.
Novichok  4 | 8677
9 Jan 2021   #583
Hell back then most women didn't need a job outside the house.

But now they are so fulfilled with their burger and large fries, please jobs that at the end of the day, all they want is rose petals and passionate sex - while desperate not to fall asleep in the process.
Lenka  5 | 3548
9 Jan 2021   #584
Oh for Pete's sake, if it was so great you should have stayed at home when kids were little. As it is me, and a lot of other women choose earning money and getting out of the house at least for few hours
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Jan 2021   #585
Remember back when women were not allowed to smoke or vote ?

Yes, those were glorious times, weren`t they? Fake machos were masters and could do what they wanted while poor women had to obey those idiots.

Luckily, those horrible times are gone. Today no woman will allow fake alphaville boys to treat her like a door mat.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Jan 2021   #586
"New progressive feminist movement' lol JR are you 120?

There is no 'new progressive feminist movement' if anything things have have gone backwards re gender stereotypes...
Novichok  4 | 8677
9 Jan 2021   #587
and a lot of other women choose earning money and getting out of the house at least for few hours

You are conflating two things - earning and getting out - which is a logical fallacy as if those were welded together.

If the guy makes 100 gees rather than 30, she can get out of the house, get into her own car, and order that bugger with fries instead of making them for a woman who is more fortunate. The reason why he makes 30 is - as I already explained - that the ruling mafia sent his well paying job to China while professing their love of civil rights, freedom of speech, and fair worker wages.

Yes, those were glorious times, weren`t they?

In 1969, 10% of women were below the poverty line. In 2012 - 15%. Yes, these glorious times of ours, aren't they?
Lenka  5 | 3548
9 Jan 2021   #588
If the guy makes 100 gees rather than 30, she can get out of the house, get into her own car,

I'm more of the type of mixing business with pleasure so I prefer to go out AND earn money, do something instead of just hunging around.

In 1969, 10% of women were below the poverty line. In 2012 - 15%

40% of workforce was female by then...
kondzior  11 | 1026
9 Jan 2021   #589
Here are some weightlifting records (combined):

Men -56 kg: 307 kg
Women -58 kg: 252 kg

Men -105 kg: 437 kg
Women +87 kg: 348 kg (Tatiana Kashirina=107 kg)

Want more fun?
Men -62 kg: 333 kg

Yep, the strongest woman in the world barely lifts more than a 62 kg man.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Jan 2021   #590
If the guy makes 100 gees rather than 30, she can get out of the house,

If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive, they'd eventually find me attractive.
First question (by design) when a female sits down beside a guy in a bar is, "what do you do for a living ?"
So obvious what they are looking for.
Novichok  4 | 8677
9 Jan 2021   #591
so I prefer to go out AND earn money,

That would be a good option to have.
As the poverty data shows, fewer, not more - as the leftist bulls**ters here would have it - women have that option today. That is not progress.

Here is another statistic for the "liberated' women to consider: unmarried women in poverty - 15%, married women in poverty - 5%. Add a child to it and the ratio shoots up from 3:1 to 5:1 or 25% for unmarried women with children. Yeah, those evil men. All these bastards wanna do is work and hate doing dishes and vacuuming.

You, the leftist ass-kissing male feminazis trying to score cheap talking points with the stupid women who are too lazy to get the stats should be ashamed of yourself and do the research or shut up.

On the other hand, that's time-consuming and takes more effort than dropping your pants and pulling some good-sounding PC woke crap out of your leftist ass.
Lenka  5 | 3548
9 Jan 2021   #592
That would be a good option to have.

No, that is the option most women have as most of them can find work.

And your statistic proves what? That more people bringing in the wages in the family means less poverty for them? Eureka! How does it translate to women working AND doing the housework vs man working and not doing their share?
Novichok  4 | 8677
9 Jan 2021   #593
No, that is the option most women have as most of them can find work.

We are not speaking the same language, it seems. "Can" is ability. "Have to" is a necessity. When poverty is 15% vs 10% in the past, the "havetos" went up and in the wrong direction.

How many women in Monte Carlo work? How many work because they find it challenging? How many of them work because they have to?

The answer: 0, 0, and 0.

And your statistic proves what?

Let me try again.

In 1969, 10% of women were below the poverty line. In 2012 - 15%.

These figures are self-explanatory and show the "progress" women made in 43 years. But I can't force you to drink.
Lenka  5 | 3548
9 Jan 2021   #594
These figures are self-explanatory

The same as the fact that 40% of workforce was female so we are not talking about times when women were stay at home

2012 - 15%.
These figures are self-explanatory and show the "progress" women made in 43 years.

Not to mention that the numbers are the same for the whole society not only women so it means simply that the standard of living dropped or we put the poverty line higher.

And again if you think household should be supported by one adult why not advocate for the man to stay home? According to some of you it's such a great option that I'm sure most man will jump to it!

Btw, I have nothing against women that want to stay at home, I just think all women should go to work if they wish and have their partner do their share. And trying to depreciate women's work won't change that.
Novichok  4 | 8677
9 Jan 2021   #595
by one adult why not advocate

In a free-market economy, there is no such thing as "advocating" - a term without meaning.

I just think all women should go to work if they wish and have their partner do their share.

Wishing solves nothing. The crude facts are that both men and women are victims of underemployment doing macjobs - the service "industry" that creates no wealth.

Arguing who does what at home when both parents are dead tired at the end of the day is pointless and a distraction from the core question: with every scum on top getting richer by the hour, how come the lower 80% is as poor today as they were 50 years ago. Everything else, including the alleged inequality of pay feminazis claim, is bulls**t.

On top of all that, women are notorious for letting their teens get away with doing nothing and the pussified husbands just go along and abdicate their roles. That is why when a family reaches a crisis point, it's the women who show up on Dr. Phil and complain, but immediately defend the family bum when a solution is offered.

Women are attention-seeking enablers and love to be the martyrs of the family.
Spike31  3 | 1485
9 Jan 2021   #596
I remember reading an article showing poll results stating that in Poland more men support abortion than women.

I'm not among those men.

I'm talking about the essence of child-murdering, which essentially what abortion is, and you're sending me links with the opinion polls...

Question #1: If we held a nationwide opinion poll on the subject of whether we should or shouldn't let a certain group of people live or die and 51% of voters would say "yeah, just kill them" shall we proceed?

Question #2: And what if a popular opinion swing to the other side and in the next few years the new majority would say: "you know what. Now we should kill another group of people for the sake of our convenience". Shall we proceed?

Question #3: Can a given majority do anything they want with the current minority, including stripping them off of their basic human rights, as long as they have 51%?

A general question: Do you understand that we don't live in a cultural vacuum and the basic laws are based on our traditional values, a cultural code which in the case of Poland is based on Christian values and Aristotelian Natural Law?
Novichok  4 | 8677
9 Jan 2021   #597
Good post except that I would like to give the 51% majority the ability to decide things when their decision has no victims.
Like: a person who has a penis and a prostate gland is not a woman and is not allowed to function anywhere as a woman.
Paulina  19 | 4556
10 Jan 2021   #598
@Lenka, you're welcome :) By now I've learned to double check whatever Rich is writing.

Remember back when women were not allowed to smoke or vote (...) progressive feminist movement things don't seem to be working so good for women..

Johnny_reb, I'm deeply moved by your and Rich's genuine care for the fate of women and I'm greatly impressed by your profound insight into the plight and quality of their life during the times when they had no right to vote and nowadays. Your selfless attitude has inspired me to better myself and care more about the fate of men in return! Therefore, I've come to a conclusion that men should be stripped of their voting rights. Yes, sir, you're reading it right! No voting rights for men! If it was so great when 50% of the adults in the society had no voting rights, I'm sure it can be great again, but this time - with men not being allowed to vote. I think men should be able to experience the bliss of not having to decide about the fate of the country they're living in. Also, it would probably be better if they didn't work outside the house either. Men are so overworked and stressed out by work nowadays that more and more of them have problems with "getting it up" or simply don't want to have sex altogether. So, stay-at-home dads sound like a great idea, right? I'm sure they'll fall in love instantly with cooking, cleaning and taking care of kids 24/7 for the rest of their fascinating lives :) I would also go a bit further than you and say that men shouldn't be allowed not only to smoke but also to drink alcohol. Both are unhealthy and alcohol destroyed so many families - I'm sure you'll agree! Of course, since, we, the women, will be the only ones bringing the money home, you, men, will have to repay us by being our wh0res in the bedroom :)

How do you like my ideas? You aren't hypocrite, so I'm sure you're loving it, right??

Of course, women are equal and should welcome the opportunity to compete with men in sports that till now were reserved only for women.

I wasn't asking about competing in sports, I asked whether you recognize that women are as good as men morally. You wrote that you're recognizing how equally evil women are. Are they also equally as good as men then, according to you?

Arguing who does what at home when both parents are dead tired at the end of the day is pointless

No, it isn't pointless, because if both parents work and after work they're equally tired, but only one of them is doing all the house chores and is taking care of their children then it's simply unfair and exhausting. And if the husband expects "rose petals and passionate sex" then he should relieve his wife by doing his share at home too, so she wouldn't be so "desperate not to fall asleep in the process".

I'm talking about the essence of child-murdering, which essentially what abortion is, and you're sending me links with the opinion polls...

I've posted those links to show you and other right-wing men that it's not only women who are pro-abortion, but also men. Especially Rich likes to write how evil women are for being in favour of having the right to abortion. However, those polls show that in Poland, which is a Catholic, conservative country, not only majority of men are pro-abortion and supported womens' protests, but also more men than women are in favour. How do you explain this?

Btw, Spike31, you don't have to convince me about anything because I'm against abortion "on a whim", not only for religious, but mainly for ethical reasons.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
10 Jan 2021   #599
How do you like my ideas?

Fantastic women on top that's the way to go, you got my vote girl.

P.S I Cook (Expert in Indian Thai Chinese , Italian Cuisine) , plus I Vacuum , do dish washers, washing machines, plus I don't look too bad in a frock (see my vid)

Oh I can also fix cars have all the modern obd software , I can drive tractors forklifts heavy trucks , motorcycles, can speak three languages (kind of) and loads of other stuff (shooting lots of different guns) oh I do building electrics plasterwork , computers, maths, errrmmmm

Can I join your team please. erm I'm little nuts too but my therapist said its nothing to worry about.

Oh and farming I do that too EU registered.

I am a equal opportunity partner.
Novichok  4 | 8677
10 Jan 2021   #600
I asked whether you recognize that women are as good as men morally.

No, I don't. 1. Women refuse to see the details of how abortions are done and their consequences. 2. Men create wealth, women spend it. 3. Women want to control but not be held responsible.

Don't catch me with that "not all". I am always speaking statistically.

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