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How do Polish men feel about gender equality?

Novichok  4 | 8412
6 Jan 2021   #451
Well grounded Christian children make much better choices.

My problem is that they too often confuse religion and the rituals with obedience to men. Somehow, every religion has this men-women unevenness.
Lenka  5 | 3526
6 Jan 2021   #452
often confuse religion and the rituals with obedience

I don't see any confusion here, it's one of the core values. You are supposed to listen to god even if he/she/it tells you to kill your kid. Priests are supposedly his messenger on earth and we should listen to them.

I still remember that during my first confession priest would ask whether I was a boy or a girl as if it had impact on our sins (stupid too as soon he would find out by the verb endings)
Ironside  50 | 12928
6 Jan 2021   #453
Hey, they are great- why not teach boys more of it?

Do you even listen you yourself? What kind of nonsense is that? You should be ashamed of yourself.

Once a teacher,

A totalitarian prick. Unfortunately anybody can be a teacher.

or in other words

You are mixing things up. General with specific, individual with society, private with public, ideological with practical. Does not do you any good.
Some ideological big mouth with an agenda. What it has to do with the way couples deal with stuff?

'put up and shut up biatch'.

If you cannot express yourself properly and be assertive in other way then using expletives and acting vulgar, your problems run much deeper than relation with men.

On a practical level its pointless as if that escalates to a physical confrontation women lose 99999 times out of 100 000.
Unless you talking about being like that to kids, other women or a man that put up with it for some reason. That being an ah0le big time not a big woman or a decent human being.
Lenka  5 | 3526
6 Jan 2021   #454
You should be ashamed of yourself.

Well I'm not.

If being meek, shy and quiet are so great for people you should want more of it for boys. But somehow it's only great for girls?
Ironside  50 | 12928
6 Jan 2021   #455
If being meek, shy and quiet

I guess you have no idea what manners are. So pearls and pigs once again.
Lenka  5 | 3526
6 Jan 2021   #456
If it's just manners why should they be different for boys and girls?
johnny reb  49 | 7888
6 Jan 2021   #457
No, it's not just manners.
It's the make up of little boys.
They were designed to sit behind a little girl in class and pull her pigtails.
You feminist want to give little boys Ritalin and other mood stabilizers to feminize them.
That's why you hate Dirk so much is because he is an alpha male that you can't 'control'..
If man hating women could vote on it, they would vote to castrate all males at birth to make gender equality.
pawian  226 | 27364
6 Jan 2021   #458
A totalitarian prick.

hahaha Calm down, darling. Fury is blinding you.

because he is an alpha male

Only in the forum, remember.

that you can't 'control'..

Of course we can. He is being under control right now, isn`t he? :):)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
6 Jan 2021   #459
An argument is totally fine to have between men and women. Both just need to know how to do it in, and if it isn't handled well, then atleast inside the confinement of their own homes.

I used to hate conflict as I saw it as an disturbance to the status quo, which I appreciate most often as it is peace and quiet (I used to be pretty oblivious to passive-aggressive attitude from people and couldn't pick up any hints of problems/conflicts with other people)

Now I know from experience that conflicts need to be resolved as soon as possible before they grow too large to handle.

Difference is hiding something under the rug in a social setting as to handle it privately compared to hiding things/feelings/thoughts constantly

Shy vs Open in ones own company
Hiding inproperly vs hiding it properly
Lenka  5 | 3526
6 Jan 2021   #460
An argument is totally fine to have between men and women.

Of course it is. Noone said otherwise.
Novichok  4 | 8412
6 Jan 2021   #461
I don't see any confusion here,

To me, religion is a relationship with God., not with anyone else - pope included. In fact, we should avoid them like we avoid covid. Any parent that would trust them with their kids should be charged with child abuse.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
6 Jan 2021   #462
I do wonder about that stance and how it is defended when talked about sense of community and how it should be, a religious community should communicate. Should it not? Is one of one body or not?
Novichok  4 | 8412
6 Jan 2021   #463
You feminist want to give little boys Ritalin

They already do. The US - 5% of the world's population - consumes 80% of it.

they would vote to castrate all males at birth

They already are doing it psychologically with that "toxic masculinity". Now, a white man is supposed to be ashamed twice - for being white and a man. Soon, they will require a consent form signed by the woman to have sex with after she undergoes an evaluation if she is legally sane.

a religious community should communicate.

There is a difference between power and authority. I recognize power but not authority. Too many people fall for the authority scam that often starts with a lie - like "God told me". This is the moment to quickly look for the exit door and run to it as fast as you can.

The last sentence of the post above should be:
This is the moment to quickly look for the exit door, grab your kids and your wife and run to it as fast as you can.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
6 Jan 2021   #464
I have it opposite in fact: I do not recognize power (as one can't be more powerful then the almighty, so in the grand scale of things we are quite the small rocks of a mountain, either on top or near the foundation of the mountain, still rocks)

While somebody having the knowledge and experience naturally has authority in their "specialty"
Wether somebody specializes one form or multiple ways of communication (oral, written or body-language) their knowledge doesn't become less or more important.

Are you afraid of local religious extremists or a large religious institution dictating your or someone close to you ways of living?

Just curious
Strzelec35  19 | 830
6 Jan 2021   #465
the only thing men and women should be discussing and have in common is *******, if there was more ******* going on in the world, there would be less war or need for drugs.
Novichok  4 | 8412
6 Jan 2021   #466
Are you afraid of local religious extremists or a large religious institution dictating your or someone close to you ways of living?

I only recognize power because the power of the state, for example, can cause me harm. That includes the cop who pulled me over. Black still didn't learn how to be selective in this respect and that is why they die a lot, not because God is upset.

I reject the concept of authority because it presumes that somebody is smarter than me in guiding me through life. No, I am not talking about education that a nuclear physicist has and I don't. That's pure knowledge, but not authority one bows to. I bow to no one. If everybody followed that rule, this would be a very peaceful place, asit takes obedience to the "authority" for good men to do evil things.

Since it's hard to sort this out beforehand, I say no, or "f**k off, to everybody who would attempt to act superior to me. It works.

get back to the topic please
Ironside  50 | 12928
6 Jan 2021   #467
If it's just manners why should they be different for

I hope you understand your post because nobody else understands you.
Novichok  4 | 8412
6 Jan 2021   #468
Memo to Polish girls and women: As soon as you see a man asserting his "authority", remember why God gave you two middle fingers.
Lenka  5 | 3526
6 Jan 2021   #469
soon as you see a man asserting his "authority",

The point me and Pawian are trying to make is that young women are actually getting more assertive and picky and man are getting annoyed because they can't find a gf as they don't meet their standards.

And it's not personal as Iron is trying to make it, it affects society
pawian  226 | 27364
6 Jan 2021   #470
The point me and Pawian are trying to make

Yes, we need to constantly remind our interlocutors what is being discussed. They either don`t understand or they are twisting and taking it off-topic on purpose. E..g, Iron.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
6 Jan 2021   #471
By being more assertive and demanding more while self bringing less to the table during negotiations... I don't know what ones call it, I myself demand more of myself now and have a hard time finding any women offering enough for me compared to how much I am able to offer now and in the future to her.

I had a very open mind about dating and meeting women, now I prefer to focus on myself as I have become rather pessimistic about meeting somebody I will be able to bond with from the opposite sex.

So in my instance (and possibly other men aswell) you can talk all you want about men not doing their share. I'll do my own share (the 100% share) on my own terms if it's so difficult for women to negotiate.
Lenka  5 | 3526
6 Jan 2021   #472
And great. That is exactly what those young women are doing too.

demanding more while self bringing less to the table

Why do you think they bring less?

I myself demand more of myself

You are doing more around the house or doing it more thoroughly?
johnny reb  49 | 7888
6 Jan 2021   #473
man are getting annoyed because they can't find a gf as they don't meet their standards.

And visa versa for the alpha guys that refuse to put up with controlling over the edge feminist that demand.
We can't be bias here and not let some twist this thread to take it off-topic on purpose. E.g. P.P.
Us guys will take an Atch over the rest of you other controlling girls put together.
Face it.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
6 Jan 2021   #474
Traditional gender roles in a household cut short:
Men: Fixing something broken (material), paying the bills, having professional contacts through their job or spare time activities.
Women: Keeping household clean (dust cleaning/washing), cooking food taking, care of children and having social circles locally with other women to update the entire family of the situation locally.

1. I am fully able to vacuum clean by myself (done so a lot as a kid, also throwing out trash... Not a big deal) washing I got still a lot to learn, there are YouTube videos on that so that so not much of a barrier.

2. I have the last few years focused on my eating habits and I prefer that I cook/make the meal myself as I will know what I eat. Not going to gamble away my health for the sake of somebody's taste sensitivities.

3. Even if I did have kids, there are kindergarten, school etc. most kids don't require that much maintenance like in the past when it came to watching them as parents. The effort required now is more to listen and being there for them, which I can easily do. Kids love me so it ain't a problem.

4. We got newspapers nowadays and female co-workers so we get the information we need anyways. So why even bother.
Lenka  5 | 3526
6 Jan 2021   #475
Traditional gender roles in a household cut short:

I do know what the traditional roles are but I'm at a loss of why you mention them...
If it's to show you can give more while women give less then straight away you sink as women were earning money and paying bills long before man knew what a housework even is :)

And what about carpets, windows, spring cleaning? Scrubbing the toilet and kitchen top to bottom? If you can take your half of that on yourself than you are not one of the man we were talking about and you are prepared for true partnership :)

All the points are a credit for you besides that kids part. Awful misconception and a pretty surprising in someone who, as I remember, would like to have quite a lot of them. That is of course unless you want to send them full time into nursery since they are 3 months old.
Novichok  4 | 8412
6 Jan 2021   #476 are getting annoyed because they can't find a gf as they don't meet their standards.

Please, don't tell me that you, a smart lady, bought that bs line about meeting standards. Life is a lot simpler. They, the guys, talk s**t like this because they were never fortunate enough to have that special moment when everything clicked. When it does, nobody is thinking about a 10-page interview and "meeting expectations". That's just an excuse why they are still single. When that once-a-decade moment comes, you just grab it with both hands because they are so bloody rare.

Who vacuums or does dishes comes later, if ever.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
6 Jan 2021   #477
I read the title and presumed too much then

About kids, I would very much prefer to raise them as much as possible in a family (me+a women)

I just don't see it realistic as women tend to issue divorce papers majorly and I am for monogamy, I just have rather grim view of my future partnership with a women. I don't seek a short relationship with several break ups and divorces. If marriage ain't sacred. I just lose interest, not cause I need some legal barrier cause I could think she wants get away as soon as possible, but rather I wouldn't want to bond with someone who see it as trivial or merely a social expectation
6 Jan 2021   #478
Do Polish women expect the guy to pay? After living in the Netherlands I asked whether it is the done thing in Bratislava to split the bill or not. No wrong intentions, I just wanted to know what's right, yet the girl I was dating took it as an offense. Before that I met with another Slovak girl and she insisted to buy me a pizza. I offered to pay her for this but she reffused. So that let me to the faux pas I mentioned above. Well she was a gold digger anyway. The other with the pizza was a career woman but she hated the fact I earned more than her in her own country (she's a journalist). Women, can't win with them.
Ironside  50 | 12928
6 Jan 2021   #479
The point me and Pawian are trying to make

Not very successfully I might add. It convoluted and muddy like hell. Shouldn't you think it over first?

it affects society

Really? In what way? If a dude won't wash dishes and his woman doesn't like it. How that affect society and what should be done? A bill making in compulsory and the police should do some policing? Maye same school for toxic males paid by the taxpayers?

It really hard to take you seriously!!!
IF I do you look like a totalitarian fool!

re twisting and taking it off-topic on purpose. E..g, Iron.

You talk first and then do your thinking. That is your general problem. You should think and then speak, that is correct order of things.

I guess you have so called gift of the gob and that made you lazy and sloppy. You simply make no sense and you should fess up to it rather than blame others for your shortcoming. That is immature and marks you as a clown.
pawian  226 | 27364
6 Jan 2021   #480
A bill making in compulsory and the police should do some policing?

Don`t be silly. Think! High time for that. We are offering you one chance after another but you still refuse to use them for your good. Why? .

You didn`t live in Poland when various campaigns were taking place here. And the results were always amazing - people learnt to do things they had never done before. The education started in kindergartens and schools in 1990s and we are reaping their fruit now.

That is immature

Yawn. Stop those useless incantations, you won`t convince any reasonable person here, you are wasting your time with this sillinness. .

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