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How do Polish men feel about gender equality?

Lenka  5 | 3526
4 Jan 2021   #391
Oh ok so you have a big garden and a ride on mower!

It must be such a heavy task. I assume a women wouldn't be able to do that and would take her man back just for that.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Jan 2021   #392
Yes her tiny weak hands might not be able to grip the handlebars....then she might get scared if it went too fast.
pawian  226 | 27364
4 Jan 2021   #393
disappointed in good for nothing dead weight that text all day

I see. That is why you are such a woman hater as you presented so many times in other threads. I understand now.

But you are talking about American women now while in this debate we focus on Poland and Polish women who are dutiful mothers and wives - most of them.

Still want to provoke with your cunning remarks about the worthless man

Still want to provide comparisons useless for our discussion, johhny boy?? hahaha

Oh ok so you have a big garden and a ride on mower!

hahahaha this sarcasm is so precious.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
4 Jan 2021   #394
you have a big garden and a ride on mower!

No Pal, I am talking about my riding lawn mower.

We all have homes.

No, you live in little flats while our home are over 2000 square feet with lots of elbow room.

her tiny hands might not be able to grip the handlebars....

Firstly she would know how to check the oil or fill it with gas before she started it.
Then she would run over the dogs chain to destroy the blades and clutch if she didn't run into a tree first.

It must be such a heavy task.

Can you fix a flat tire on a car without any help ?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Jan 2021   #395
Good for you JR do you want a 'I have a big house' medal?
Or a chest to pin it on?
johnny reb  49 | 7888
4 Jan 2021   #396
Polish women who are dutiful mothers and wives - most of them.

So are American women - most.
I was just giving one extreme to counter your sarcastic extremes for your Fem Club.

you are such a woman hater as you presented so many times in other threads.

No, I treat women with the same respect that I get from them so see how your rumors get started.
I could say that you hate alpha men as you have presented so many times in your other threads.
It's game over for you Peter Pan.
pawian  226 | 27364
4 Jan 2021   #397
you live in little flats while our home are over 2000 square

Yes, and that`s why we are right talking about useless bums who lazy around but demand their wives do everything.

Can`t you see you contribute worthless info all the time and dig a deeper hole in every post?

Can you fix a flat tire on a car without any help ?

Yes, amazing help, flat tyres happen twice a day!!! hahaha

So are American women - most.

You contradict yourself in every post. Funny. Do you control what you write here at all?

I could say that you hate alpha men

No, I hate nobody. But I certainly hate situations when fake macho bums pretend to be alpha, while in fact they are alphaville losers.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
4 Jan 2021   #398
You must hate yourself then.

do you want a 'I have a big house' medal?

Do I detect a little E.U. jealousy again ?
I do believe I stated:

No, you live in little flats while our homes are over 2000 square feet with lots of elbow room.

By 'our' I meant American homes and not mine specifically so please don't target me with your sarcasm as it only makes you look foolish.

Do all you girls really wonder why you are all single ?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
4 Jan 2021   #399
You're not still.using one are you? Lol

Yeah I do except I use gas/petrol and sit on it but I still have to use the trimmer which is a pain.
pawian  226 | 27364
4 Jan 2021   #400
Do all you girls really wonder why you are all single ?

Should we also wonder why you are single? If you continue this topic, we shall wonder and make nice suppositions....
Novichok  4 | 8411
4 Jan 2021   #401
Do all you girls really wonder why you are all single ?

Wait, hold on...Are you saying that we are debating how to be better men with single childless women? Please, tell me it ain't so.

BTW, I can just feel it in my joints how this thread is about to get an x because it is interesting.
Lenka  5 | 3526
4 Jan 2021   #402
Omg Rich, are you that stupid?
Even few post before Roz talked about her kids!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Jan 2021   #403
I don't live in the EU

I have two children and a grandchild rich.
Obviously you don't actually read people's posts. I had wondered.
Novichok  4 | 8411
4 Jan 2021   #404
No. I asked it after reading JR's post.
Next time ask me "why are you so stupid?" I heard that question so many times from my wife that it hurts less. Strangely, when I am trying to explain why, she says "shut up". Women...
pawian  226 | 27364
4 Jan 2021   #405
Wait, hold on...Are you saying that we are debating

It is the second time since your return when you are taken for a ride by your ideo buddy who says obvious bs and you swallow it like a goose swallows a dumpling. The first time happened in education thread with Dirk`s post.

Rich, do sth with it coz it is really disappointing and you prove my suggestions from the riddle thread that your mind is tragically untrained and unprepared for such a strenuous mental effort as discussions in the PF.

"why are you so stupid?" I heard that question so many times

Now, stop pretending a wronged boy hurt by bad people. We won`t buy it.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
4 Jan 2021   #406
I don't live in the EU

lol how long? not even 200 hrs?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Jan 2021   #407
Is it that long cargo? Feels like years already.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
4 Jan 2021   #408
If you continue this topic, we shall wonder and make nice suppositions....

Another threat with your dirty underhanded Trolling.
When you say "we" are you referring to your Fem Club here ?
All the time you spend on this forum shows "us' that your relationship with your wife is zilch.
If you continue to take this thread Off-Topic it will get closed just like Rich said.
Gender equality is the topic, not my personal life.
pawian  226 | 27364
5 Jan 2021   #409
Gender equality is the topic, not my personal life.

So use the same measure to yourself, darling and stop meddling into our girls` status.

Do all you girls really wonder why you are all single ?

Yes, that was silly of you to ask. Not only off topic but also rude. Try to behave yourself - act like an adult, not a spoiled johhny boy.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
5 Jan 2021   #410
I don't believe that the women who post here ARE single but whatever. ....
Personal lives....Yes.
pawian  226 | 27364
5 Jan 2021   #411
Single or not, it doesn`t matter and johhny boy knows it perfectly, he only attempted to offend you. Any adult woman may voice her opinion on the topic and share her observations of equality/inequality cases from her experience.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
5 Jan 2021   #412
Try to behave yourself

Your dirty underhanded trolling makes that impossible and who the hell put you in charge here.

johhny boy knows it perfectly, he only attempted to offend you.

More of your underhanded dirty trolling to even suggest that.
You are the offensive one here.
I was just giving the other end of the spectrum to even out the bashing of men.
Did that offend you, Gertrude. ?

Any adult woman may voice her opinion on the topic

I do believe the thread is asking 'men' how they feel about gender equality
You really should excuse yourself from this thread before you get it closed with your dirty underhanded trolling.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
5 Jan 2021   #413
Well if you want to get picky about who should reply JR it clearly states 'Polish men'.
So not you then.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
5 Jan 2021   #414
I'm not being picky, I was just setting Peter Pan's diminishing trolling straight again.
You were bashing men and thought it so cute like all the man haters here, so I was just bashing you back to show you how bitter you sound.

Do all you girls really wonder why you are all single ?

Wait, hold on...Are you saying that we are debating how to be better men with single childless women?

Not childless, Rich, Roz spawned a couple but they are all mid aged single and bitter.
Oh and I am more of a Polish man then you are, Roz, so na na.
Lenka  5 | 3526
5 Jan 2021   #415
The 'single women' thing illustrates what I posted before. By guys of certain character and age, it's used as an insult, to kind of suggest that women couldn't 'catch' a man. And as I said in my earlier post it stopped working on young girls, they are not ashamed.
pawian  226 | 27364
5 Jan 2021   #416
it stopped working on young girls, they are not ashamed.

Yes, but they still believe it does as they have no other arguments so they have to stick to this silly insult.

Oh and I am more of a Polish man

No, you aren`t, you claimed many times what proud American you are, and you tried to insult Poles on various occassions, calling them posses etc. So stop lying blatantly now.

Did that offend you, Gertrude. ?

No, of course not although it was your intention. :):):) It is only a discussion on a forum, you can`t offend me. But thank you for admitting to the intention of offending someone here. That is your ultimate goal in this forum.

it will get closed just like Rich said.

And that`s your second goal - lead to the closure of threads which you consider harmful to your fake macho supremacist ideology. Simple.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
5 Jan 2021   #417
Nowhere have I 'bashed' men JR. And I can assure you I have no interest in sounding "cute". Jeez I am 56 year old woman with zero interest in 'cute' ...get a grip.

I just mentioned some real life observations.

No other men here are whining and crying about it are they?

And you are an old American without Polish heritage. So stop lying. It's actually laughable.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
5 Jan 2021   #418
I know, I know, you were just being sarcastic, right ? Hoot !

you tried to insult Poles on various occassions, calling them posses. So stop lying blatantly now.

(There is only one s in occasions teacher.)
Your last post mirrors yourself perfectly, you HYPOCRIT.
If you can't show us where I ever called a Pole's "posses" then that would make you the blatant liar now wouldn't it. Liar !

You are such a HYPOCRIT !
Is this how you REALLY feel about women ?

women are not good managers because they reason through their womb, instead of brain.

Why do I even respond to your clown lies and b.s. hypocrisy.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
5 Jan 2021   #419
Yes it was 'tongue in cheek' as I imagine every else who read it understood

As i said none of the men are complaining as they had the wit to understand a bit of light humour.

You know...humour....

We need it or we would all just be reduced to your kind of hateful spite and insults....
pawian  226 | 27364
5 Jan 2021   #420
If you can't show us where I ever called a Pole's "posses"

This or a similar one, stop denying now, it is useless, everybody remembers such acts of yours. I am not going to look for it coz you are not worth it. It is enough that I said it and decent people know what I am talking about.


btw, hypocrite is spelled with e at the end, Mr Native Speaker. hahaha

Is this how you REALLY feel about women ?

Do you really think that quoting me from 2011, nearly 10 years ago, will help you wiggle out of trouble which you got into here? No way, johhny boy. 10 years is long enough for people to change their views a few times. You lost it. Ha!

Now, tell us, did you have any sons and did you teach them to do house chores which are stereotypically associated with females?


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