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How do Polish men feel about gender equality?

Novichok  4 | 8677
23 Nov 2020   #301
I named three kinds of oppressors there.

Ah, that Polish reading comprehension...I wrote, "Name the oppressors. Just one. Like John Smith." There is only one kind of oppressor: oppressive.

That`s pure mumbo jumbo. Or New Speech. hahaha

For that hahaha, no response.

And because of that you excuse and support mistreating women?

Old trick. A statement dressed up as a question. Argue with yourself if it amuses you.

When did you last talk to God to know what/who he/she had intended to create????

Again, the same verbal tricks plus that Polish comprehension. I didn't say I talked to God. I wrote, "If God..." as I assumed that God is almighty but afficient. For example, He created Adam, just one copy, and left the rest to nature.

Anyway it's not 'gender' it's sex. Some people too stupid to know the difference.

I stand corrected. Sex is the correct term. Now that I pleaded guilty, how many sexes are there in the biological reality of the human race?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
23 Nov 2020   #302
Two really with a few people living with intersex conditions. That doesn't mean 'feeling' that you are a woman and slipping on a dress and lippy.
Novichok  4 | 8677
23 Nov 2020   #303
I like you more and more...What's happening! Nobody wants to argue that there are 73 sexes. Got to come up with something....
What else can we agree on?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
23 Nov 2020   #304
that's nice. I can't say the same about you though.

Oh no I just remembered that I am supposed to simper and smile and be grateful !!

too late shame.
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Nov 2020   #305
"Name the oppressors. Just one. Like John Smith.

Jarosław Kaczyński and other rightards from his circles - the worst sexual maniacs.

to be equal by the coercive power of judicial edicts rather than by competition.

The problem is that false machos are losing the competition in many fields coz it is females who have better education and job prospects.

Old trick.

hahaha That`s defensive denial to a reasonable argument. Will you deny that you support the mistreatment of women?

Again, the same verbal tricks plus that Polish comprehension

I see you are trying to wriggle out of difficult situations by constant denials. Let it be so but it is not fair.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
24 Nov 2020   #306
Here is a great article for you guys and I love the comments on it as well speaking truth:

the fomments are almost better than the actual article:

" think that taking away the pussypass will go a long way to fixing this. Women are getting away with all this because they are not held to account and be responsible for what they do."

dirk diggler wat u fink? wat u fink?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
25 Nov 2020   #307
Women are getting away with all this because they are not held to account and be responsible for what they do

Of course. Well you can thank western (((media))) and western culture for that... women are encouraged by the television to be giant ****** and ride a rainbow of dicks, while in school and careerwise they're pushed to having careers and away from being a home maker and that's even frowned upon. if a girl graduating high school said she just wanted to be a home maker everyone would criticize her. but yet the girls going to college to get drunk and have sex with a bunch of random dudes then after 4 years they get a bachelor's in business and get a job at a soulless corporation till theyre one day 40 years old and still unmarried with no kids - and that's if they're lucky and didnt study art or gender studies or some bullshit and now serves frappes

On top of it, they demand equality yet want special treatment which would is the opposite of gender equality... and the whole paygay thing is another crock of ****

Fortunately, a good amount of women realize in their early mid maybe even late 20s realize this bullshit and figure out that getting married and having kids is worth it afterall and it'll brign them more happiness than any job title could, especially amongst the conservative suburban type... but the younger ones are glued to their cell phones watching twerking videos, listening to wet ass pussy by cardi b, etc. It's ridiculous too how much commercials and all these media channels are promoting race mixing. Oh man they're really hitting the goyim every way they can.

I wonder what would happen if some girl was into you, hitting on you and everything and you said "Sorry, but I only date virgins"
johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Nov 2020   #308
commercials and all these media channels are promoting race mixing. Oh man they're really hitting the goyim every way they can.

Vomit inducing innit.
It just ain't right.
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Nov 2020   #309
media channels are promoting race mixing.

It is funny how you whine and moan about media and other groups which want to destroy the white race.

Now, tell us what you have done to save the white race except playing a false macho (rather mucho) warrior on the casual discussion forum????????????

When are you going to start a family and have your wife bear 5 kids for you????????????? You are getting close to 40 now, a few more years and it will be too late - you will be too old and lazy to take care of your kids like a father should.

Pray tell us when, coz it is vital to save the white race from extinction.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
25 Nov 2020   #310
Now, tell us what you have done to save the white race

I don't fraternize with others and support fellow white conservatives. I don't associate with people or groups that I don't want to. And besides, the white race has to want to save itself - there are always going to be those who care and those who don't and bring on more self-harm. I can't help everyone that's why I concern myself with only those close to me.

You are getting close to 40 now

Except I have a decade to go before 40... But that's around the age I'll start looking for a young 18-20 year old that I can actually stand to be with for a prolonged period of time. Every financially successful man should have at least one woman that's 10-20 years younger.

you will be too old and lazy to take care of your kids like a father should.

Just because your balls shriveled up so much to the point where your T count made you turn into a giant ***** aka a male feminist, doesn't mean mine will. I'm more physically fit now than when I was 18. Even if God gives me 60-70 years you better believe I'll still be riding on a Harley, chasing tail, and intimidating beta males.

have your wife bear 5 kids for you?

Ugh never.... Only dumbasses and beta cucks stay with a single woman. Real men spread their seed far and wide.
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Nov 2020   #311
Real men spread their seed far and wide.

hahaha don`t forget to save enough money to pay alimony to all of them. Dozens, possibly.

I'll start looking for a young 18-20 year old

Oh, I see. So, a brainless bimbo will suffice as a partner for you. Funny you have no higher expectations.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
25 Nov 2020   #312
brainless bimbo will suffice as a partner

So all 18-20 year old women are bimbos to you??? And here you call yourself a feminist lol... that little Freudian slip shows that you don't necessarily buy into the whole ideology, mainly you just lost your balls somehow somewhere...

A woman's biological purpose is to provide a healthy heir - not to indulge me with philosophical arguments and debates or even to bring home the bacon, that's my job. Just because you can't do the same doesn't mean that all men have to stoop to your level and be a beta who spends their day brainwashing teenagers and making less than a Ukrainian migrant in a coal mine.

hahaha don`t forget to save enough money to pay alimony to all of them. Dozens, possibly.

Like I said, just because you're a lame excuse for a provider doesn't mean other normal men are....

They'll be fine. Everyone that's close to me and I love is going to be well taken care of, even ahead of myself.
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Nov 2020   #313
So all 18-20 year old women are bimbos to you

Of course not. But I know you well from our internet discussions and perfectly realise what kind of a female partner you are looking for. Namely

not to indulge me with philosophical arguments and debates or even to bring home the bacon, that's my job.

You see? That`s what I was talking about. Therefore

that little Freudian slip

it wasn`t really, just a little supposition which proved true.

They'll be fine.

words, words, words - one can say anything on a forum today but the reality looks less brighter.
How about being a father to your kids who you are going to produce far and wide??? Are you going to add to those thousands of unhappy kids deprived of their fathers who spread seed far and wide?
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2021   #314
We have just come back from the shopping centre. I checked discounts on games and toy sets. I saw sth which unnerved me a lot -a very discriminatory and chauvinist toy kitchen set with images of happy females on it. That`s unfair - whey do they never show happy males on such sets??

It is time to teach them a lesson. Parents, my advice - don`t buy your daughters such sets invented and propagated by white supremacists.

It is high time to teach males since a very young age that helping in the house is sth normal not only for women. An dboys will gladly accept it but they need good examples. look at me - when I was a little boy, I played with a doll which depicted a black baby. Today I love all black people. That`s how young boys should be instructed.

That is the only way to save the white race. How? Learn in the next episode.

Boys in the kitchen - we need more of this.

  • Kidsplaykitchenset.jpg
Novichok  4 | 8677
4 Jan 2021   #315
propagated by white supremacists.

You are so correct. In Zimbabwe and Nigeria, men are oh so happy to be househusbands, cook, wash and change diapers while the women hunt and operate heavy machinery. Damn those black supremacists.

look at me - when I was a little boy, I played with a doll which depicted a black baby

...and it shows.
Lenka  5 | 3548
4 Jan 2021   #316
It is high time to teach males since a very young age that helping in the house is sth normal not only for women

Women expectation certainly are growing in that department. One article I read recently gave that as one of the reasons of growing number of incels
kondzior  11 | 1026
4 Jan 2021   #317
Marxist thinking, Marxist thinking never changes.

The irony is that being a woman was better in traditional societies as well. People are happier when they are allowed to be what they are. Shocking concept, i know.
Lenka  5 | 3548
4 Jan 2021   #318
The irony is that being a woman was better in traditional societies as well.

Says who?
Thank you but I would rather choose myself what is better for me
kondzior  11 | 1026
4 Jan 2021   #319
That's why you are so miserable. You are living in denial.
We don't hate women. That is just a leftard canard. To argue that we hate women for merely refuting to accept any distortion of the natural order of things is like arguing that to refute the idea animals should be considered equal to humans is to actually hate animals.
Lenka  5 | 3548
4 Jan 2021   #320
That's why you are so miserable

The thing is I'm not.

We don't hate women

I don't care what your attitude towards women is as I simply don't associate myself with guys like you and I wouldn't get into a relationship and start a family with a guy like that either.

The problem is women in general don't seem to agree with you and don't won't to go back to the old days arrangements. Rant is all that is left to guys like you.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2021   #321
Damn those black supremacists.

Yes, damn all male chauvinists, despite race. You also said that it shows - I hope so. I am proud of being a black people`s ambassador in the forum.

as one of the reasons of growing number of incels

Of course. That is why I mentioned saving the white race. I can also see it is getting extinct. Something must be done about it. But certainly not by supressing women`s rights!! When white males eventually understand they must be partners, not masters, for their wives/girlfriends etc, then the latter will be willing to have more kids with such positive men.

The irony is that being a woman was better in traditional societies as well.

hahaha very funny. You are ignorant about the women`s plight in 19th century, for example. No rights whatsoever, they belonged to their husbands like items. This is my house, my wife, my dog and my horse carriage.

Says who?

Yes, it is so amusing when while male chauvinists claim they know what is good/bad for modern women. It is natural they want to return to old times when women were nobody.

Sorry, kondzior, I see you can`t overcome the fact that women are independent today. Does it really raise such fear and complexes in you?? Get rid of them coz you have no choice.
Novichok  4 | 8677
4 Jan 2021   #322
Marxist thinking, Marxist thinking never changes.

...because Marxist "thinking" is to split, pervert, and destroy what people derive most of their strength from - their family.

Send women to work, and the family will very soon be dysfunctional with the cute little boys morphing into unsupervised teenage thugs. That, in turn, helps grow the power of the ruling class - to fight crime, of course. As an extra bonus, women competing with their husbands lower the wages and, effectively, keep the family income the same if you honestly account for all the expenses.

With that career going, the last thing the liberated woman wants is to get romantic when all she wants is half-hour without the madness of motherhood. Which quickly leads to the next logical steps - an office girlfriend for the unfulfilled hubby, divorce, and welfare.

despite race.

Post fact backpedalling...

propagated by white supremacists.

Too late to remove "white"?
kondzior  11 | 1026
4 Jan 2021   #323
No rights whatsoever, they belonged to their husbands like items.

For every women who didn't get to vote because of "oppression", there was a man going down on a sinking boat because women and children had to go first. So called "patriarchal" societies weren't driven by a desire to keep women down for the benefit of men. If they relegated women to an inferior social position, they did so not out of malice but out of a particular understanding of the sexes and the roles both men and women had to have in a society, and this reflected in the way those same societies were equally hard on men on a different level.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2021   #324
Post fact backpedalling...

No, darling. Go back to my first post and see that I mentioned saving the white race. I advise you to read posts more carefully.

an inferior social position out of a particular understanding of the sexes

hahaha tell it to most Polish women today and you will see their flabbergasted reaction at your silliness. If you tell it to American ones, in your workplace for example, you are finished. hahaha
Novichok  4 | 8677
4 Jan 2021   #325
I will believe that women want to be equal the moment the first one says to her husband in the dead of night: Hon, stay here. I will go downstairs to check who is at the door.
Lenka  5 | 3548
4 Jan 2021   #326
Send women to work, and the family will very soon be dysfunctional with the cute little boys morphing into unsupervised teenage thugs.

Well if men feel that way nothing stops them from staying at home and taking care of their family
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2021   #327
Hon, stay here. I will go downstairs to check

So she takes a gun and goes down if her husband can`t or doesn`t want. What`s the problem? hahaha

  • Screenshot2014073.jpg
kondzior  11 | 1026
4 Jan 2021   #328
If you tell it to American ones, in your workplace for example, you are finished

Yeah, a little difference of opinions never hurts. Except when its muh values and muh morality. Leftard trololo.

Indeed, I got to where I am by doubting the leftard narrative in the first place. By doubting the idea that race does not exist, by doubting the notion of equality among the sexes, by doubting the materialism of modern science, and so forth. In fact, my descent into right-wingery started when I first disagreed with a retarded SJW on workplace, in what almost feels like a lifetime ago. "Free" thinking seems to go both ways, doesn't it.
Novichok  4 | 8677
4 Jan 2021   #329
nothing stops

...except for that 70 cents on a dollar women make because they choose the rewarding careers at nursing homes and kindergartens instead of on the Alaska oil rigs or in coal mines.

What`s the problem? hahaha

The problem is that they never do. Just like lesbians can but don't.
Ironside  51 | 13083
4 Jan 2021   #330
Well if men feel that way

Are you undergoing some kind of teen rebelling or you are just naturally contrary?

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