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Are Polish men deceptive behind their partners back?

pawian  226 | 27817
21 Dec 2024   #31
by your own standards.

Excuse me, but Novi`s standards are saying anything for attention sicking purposes. If he sees sufficient attention sicking profit, he will admit to murdering his wife for being a stupid woman.

I am amased you and others treat him so seriously. You are feeding his sick obsession in this way. :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Dec 2024   #32
Why shouldn't they?

They do because those men are not good enough to be boyfriends. Ask any guy who heard "let's just be friends" how much he liked it.

Memo to azhole guys who think they can have a female friend while married:

Get a lawyer.
22 Dec 2024   #33
And the mistress doesn't even have to be his type, as long as she's willing.

Temptations will always be there. If you deny your temptations, you are untruthful with yourself. The point is to find a way to successfully defeat that. The first step is not to pretend they don't exist.

What's the point of getting married if men are so easy and weak?

All people are weak and nobody said marriage is easy. If I didn't find someone I'd love, I'd be much better off single. Marriage is not for everybody. It's sometimes better not to get into arguments because you may not always win.

I would dump you.

Marriage would not survive if such trivial things would make one of the partners to want to dump you. There are many trials in marriage and it becomes stronger if we win.

how old you two were when you got married?

Both 24.

It happened when I didn't know much about relationship between a man and a woman. I post it for people who may consider cheating that they can be strong enough not to do it and it's not worth trying.
Atch  22 | 4299
22 Dec 2024   #34
Both 24.

Being a twenty-four year old virgin who's never had a girlfriend is no longer a typical bridegroom. Getting married so young was common in your youth, especially if you came from a very conventional or observant Catholic family background where living together would have been frowned upon. Either you shared those views or you didn't want to upset your parents. Many such marriages didn't survive or simply plodded along more or less in misery. And whatever you may think, it is a most unhealthy and unnatural way to live, to have no friends, interests or social contact outside your marriage and to end existing friendships.

Home / Love / Are Polish men deceptive behind their partners back?
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