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Polish men are complete doormats (especially after they get married)

Paulina  19 | 4558
30 Oct 2010   #91
Awww, that's sweet, Grunwald ;) It looks like you're a nice person :) I guess it's better than being a jerk ;)

Polish boys are bloody fantastic!!

Yup ;)

(Sigh) Oh to be a real man and a gentleman - simultaneously that is - isn't that what women want?

Yes, yes! (or in turns, at least ;D)
30 Oct 2010   #92
(Sigh) Oh to be a real man and a gentleman - simultaneously that is - isn't that what women want?

it's not two opposites Teffle. Man can be man and a gentleman, I don't see any clash here.
nott  3 | 592
30 Oct 2010   #94
Man can be man and a gentleman,

Yet some people find this concept difficult to grasp. Thing is, such a man deserves a Woman. Welcome to Poland. :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
30 Oct 2010   #95
There must be some really heated relationships on the go. Polish men can be headstrong but the women can bite. Too many cave into insistence.
strzyga  2 | 990
30 Oct 2010   #96
(Sigh) Oh to be a real man and a gentleman - simultaneously that is - isn't that what women want?

At last somebody seems to be getting it :D

this reminds me of a time i bought some weights and then realized i couldn't carry them out of the shop.

and what did you do?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
30 Oct 2010   #97
and what did you do?

a phone call for a lift home and one by one to the car. it wasn't a full set. just too heavy for one move.
Geronimo  - | 4
30 Oct 2010   #98
I think it depends with whom you are.If you settled for some skunk because that was the only girl that was willing to go to bed with you than yeah, you want to spend as much time with your mates as possible, have a drink and meat women.Then you meat the right one and suddenly you can see other side of yourself , enjoy life with her even more than with pals , and yes you are ready to meet in the middle, compromise to have this thing going.Been in both kind of relationships and for long run is better to be with outspoken and demanding soulmate than with hat in hand minger.
Teffle  22 | 1318
30 Oct 2010   #99
I don't see any clash here.

Not really, but women need to make their minds up as to on which occasion we are supposed to exercise which traits. Then, we will have a perfect world!

So basically, in the meantime, it's be Cary Grant or feck off ya useless sh1te then...

: )
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
1 Nov 2010   #100
women need to make their minds up as to on which occasion we are supposed to exercise which traits.

I know and understand what you are saying but I still disagree. It's up to men to decide how they wish to act and what personable traits they wish to exhibit. Men must be themselves first and not have their strings pulled by women who are generally too fickle to know what they want from men at any given time.

As to women who want a "gentleman", perhaps they have to become 'ladies' first. Dressing like ****** and using sex to sell themselves is not exactly acting ladylike. Constantly complaining about men, frequently when men aren't around' is not being a lady either. Let's not forget that much of feminism claims that genders are merely social constructs and much of their literature is based on this false premise. Do these feminists demand that women become ladies? Not hardly.

Too many women have a wrong definition of the word "lady". Ironically, they demand that men pay their girlfriends and wives like prostitutes — cash, dinners, vacations, jewelry, gifts, even clothing — in exchange for sex. Unnecessary and emasculating to men, this insipid behavior only makes them prostitutes and that rose does indeed not smell as sweet.

it's be Cary Grant or feck off ya useless sh1te then...

Heh,heh, absolutely right. When some less than clean, unshaven construction worker oogles an under dressed woman intentionally walking by, these women cry "harassment" or "sexist" or merely eeewww, gross. Yet, a block later some young well dressed businessman or banker can do the same exact thing, and she's interested.

Simply put; men, be youself and use your God given testosterone as nature designed it to be used - as a man
A J  4 | 1075
1 Nov 2010   #101
Polish men are complete doormats (especially after they get married)

My condolences.

OP welshguyinpola  23 | 463
1 Nov 2010   #102
My condolences.

I am not one of those, and my wife has got used to it now.

Besides, some women here want to rule the roost. They play second fiddle to no-one.

Seanus, u got sth here. Alot of men are doormats here cos theyh have women WAAAAAYYYYY above their league and they will do anything to keep them. I very often see stunning ladies walking had in hand with small bearded spotty guys and wonder if she is wearing her contavt lenses.
Atosha  3 | 42
11 Dec 2010   #103
I very often see stunning ladies walking had in hand with small bearded spotty guys and wonder if she is wearing her contavt lenses.

Thats because them sort of men can get close to those women by being there friend first, and over time the women naturally start having feelings for them. Good looking men find attractive women out of there reach so they keep there distance.
11 Dec 2010   #104
Alot of men are doormats here cos theyh have women WAAAAAYYYYY above their league

What about you? Are you in the same league with your lady?
yuaelt  - | 12
11 Dec 2010   #106

A lot of Polish men hate and fear responsibility, in any shape. Nowadays, some admit openly in front of people they would give up a lot if only they could go back to kindergarten, and spend the rest of their lives playing.

In turn, Polish women feel the pressure to prove that they are strong, independent, responsible, reliable, and whatnot, because it's really hard to find a job in Poland if you're a young woman (sometimes you will even get told things like 'I won't hire you, you will be pregnant in two years' flat out during the interview).

I'm not saying it's 100% like that, there are childish girls and responsible guys in Poland too, but the tendency is as above. And guys with Peter Pan complex tend to turn out the doormats after marriage, because they start to treat their wives as second mums, shoving all 'adult' responsibilities they can onto them.
Atosha  3 | 42
11 Dec 2010   #107
they start to treat their wives as second mums, shoving all 'adult' responsibilities they can onto them.

True, well from my experience anyway.
king polkakamon  - | 542
11 Dec 2010   #108
A lot of Polish men hate and fear responsibility, in any shape. Nowadays, some admit openly in front of people they would give up a lot if only they could go back to kindergarten, and spend the rest of their lives playing.

Midas  1 | 571
11 Dec 2010   #109

A lot of Polish men hate and fear responsibility, in any shape. Nowadays, some admit openly in front of people they would give up a lot if only they could go back to kindergarten, and spend the rest of their lives playing.

In turn, Polish women feel the pressure to prove that they are strong, independent, responsible, reliable, and whatnot, because it's really hard to find a job in Poland if you're a young woman (sometimes you will even get told things like 'I won't hire you, you will be pregnant in two years' flat out during the interview).

I'm not saying it's 100% like that, there are childish girls and responsible guys in Poland too, but the tendency is as above. And guys with Peter Pan complex tend to turn out the doormats after marriage, because they start to treat their wives as second mums, shoving all 'adult' responsibilities they can onto them.


I think You're spouting utter nonsense.
11 Dec 2010   #110

I think You're spouting utter nonsense.

Actually, mate, he isn't. You are probably an exception to that trend, for which you obviously have my total respect. However: I have enough to deal with in my own family from the fallout of precisely this tendency to state that there is, sadly, a lot of it about.

Midas  1 | 571
12 Dec 2010   #111
1) According to most "hardcore Poles" I'm not Polish.

2) Like it or not,Peter Pan is a much more popular role-model for males in U.K., there must be more of them running around London town than there are ( or most likely ever will be ) in Poland. Hence I believe I summed up that part of the quote correctly.

3) Polish women... Sure some are "strong, independent, responsible, reliable, and whatnot, but at least as often ( if not more often ) they tend to be greedy, spoiled, convinced that they're a genuine princess and of low morality. Many of them pretend to be ladies of much class and high maintenance while at the same time they're ready to shag at a drop of a hat if You offer them a free place on Your sofa in London.

4) So, as I said, utter nonsense, or to be more precise - unfounded theories based on yuaelt's personal assumptions.
noreenb  7 | 548
12 Dec 2010   #112
Doormats, oh, sounds awful. Gosh, so happy I haven't decided yet I will marry a Polish guy!
Fortunately many of my cool friends are happy with some Polish men who became their husbands!
cutie911  - | 7
22 Dec 2010   #113
I want to marry a guy like that;-)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
23 Dec 2010   #114
You need to marry a guy who can express himself as well as this one.
cutie911  - | 7
23 Dec 2010   #115
Haha yea that is true if I married a man that did everything for me the marriage would get kind of boring=(
Wiz of time
21 Dec 2018   #116
I am very hurt by u saying we r doormats. 1st we do bc we care. I was married 24 yrs and dated for 4 yrs b4 that. I treated my wife with 100% respect. A princess. I guess u want the kind of guy that treats u good than treats u like **** once he has u. I open car doors for her. Not only her but my grandparents and elderly ppl in r family. Yes, even men. I help her parents a Ton. Was I boring. Hell no. I go on vacation every yr. go boating and have a place up N with Atv and snowmobiles, jet ski and razors for my kids and friends. She don't ride the stuff. We had a great marriage. She had an affair and ask for D. Well once the woman at work knew after about 4 months it's over me. I had 4 girls after me. At 48 and really nothing to look at. I landed one of the most beautiful woman in the place and she was 28 yrs. out of 800 men. And I'm 48. She dated me bc she said I'm a real person. I treat all ppl with respect and very giving. She said I was one of the only guys to never hit on her. I've dated 6 woman since than. I'm very good to them. But I break up bc I don't want to settle down. My X wanted to come back after 9 months leaving home. I was dating a 28 hottie. She screw herself bc she thought I take her back anytime. And I'm no sugar daddy.
24 Dec 2018   #117
I agree, women or females have it way easier in Poland just like they do in the usa now because of the metoo movement and media. you never see the media calling women or girls in Poland incels or telling 5hem to settle like you see men by the u.s. media for one. Also, you never have men wake up women in the morning and telling them to get a job but the Polish females do this all the time.

DirkDagger might be one but I could be wrong. An. nce,
25 Dec 2018   #118
most of the polish men are what theyr efer to soyboys in the usa and the females ahrdcore feminists hence why they dominate them. poland is becoming totally westernized at least warsaw. the femination of men.
terri  1 | 1661
25 Dec 2018   #119
Most Polish men swap the unconditional love of their mother who looked after them cleaned, cooked and worried and tied his shoelaces for them for a wife who does exactly the same. The wife has a nesting instinct and can show to everyone that at least she has a man (any man) to look after and that she is not left on the shelf. It seems that women will settle for any man as long as he puts a ring on their finger. For men it's a line of least resistance, do what the woman tells you otherwise who will clean, cook, look after the children for you. Many stay in a loveless marriage for years as it is too hard to walk away and what would the neighbours say and I've put too much money into the house and also who will look after me when I am old and grey and need looking after.

It has nothing to do with feminism, it has to do with survival in a country where women of a certain age who are not married are thought of as 'vampires' and men just need someone to look after them.
Ironside  51 | 13127
25 Dec 2018   #120
Most Polish men

a kind of BS generalization, Polish people are much more family oriented than your average Anglophone. That the long and short of it.

Home / Love / Polish men are complete doormats (especially after they get married)

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