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How to make a Polish guy happy? (we're moving to Mexico)

Lenka  5 | 3471
2 days ago   #31
And my cousins went into a relationship after both of them having different partners, lived together for 18 years with 3 kids before marrying (and that basically for legal reasons with the house) and are still together after over 20 years.

To each their own.
Bobko  27 | 2124
2 days ago   #32
And my cousins went into a relationship after both of them having different partners

Is it normal in Poland for cousins to enter relationships? In some countries it may be considered strange, or even taboo.

On the other hand, I see no problem in two male cousins dating for example. As long as it's just dating, and not marriage (marriage is a holy institution). Because you are gay, you cannot make kids anyway, and this means that inbreeding need not be a serious concern.

Nobody is hurt, except grandma who might have a heart attack.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
2 days ago   #33
Is it normal in Poland for cousins to enter relationships?

I wouldn't say normal but it's legal. However, you can only have civil marriage; Church forbids it (canon 1091), so no white dress and wedding Mass for cousins.
Lenka  5 | 3471
2 days ago   #34
Is it normal in Poland for cousins to enter relationships?

I wouldn't say it's common. And I meant one cousin that is in a relationship with a guy completely not related. It's my posting while doing chores that's at fault for the misunderstanding.

and not marriage (marriage is a holy institution

It's not to me tbh. To me it's the commitment that matters and that is irrespective of marriage.
Atch  21 | 4139
2 days ago   #35
Is it normal in Poland for cousins to enter relationships?

I'd say it's not usual in Catholic countries but it's not unheard of. However it would usually be more distant cousins, like second or third cousins or cousins 'removed'. The Polish/British actress Rula Lenska had a relationship with a Polish cousin of hers for years.
Bobko  27 | 2124
2 days ago   #36
It's my posting while doing chores that's at fault

I know, I'm just a stupid troll.

It's not to me tbh. To me it's the commitment that matters

It certainly "aids" in being committed, when you realize that it's not just a stamp in your passport - but a potential claim to half your property and savings.

People will try harder to save something, when there are strings attached. Also, everybody wavers now and again - and for some people it's helpful that they gave a vow.

Kind of like a doctor or a solider in a moment of crisis, may be guided by their oath. When there's too much going on, and too many factors to consider - the remembrance of a vow may act as some rudimentary compass.
Atch  21 | 4139
2 days ago   #37
a potential claim to half your property and savings.

We don't have that in Ireland. No common marital property.
Lenka  5 | 3471
2 days ago   #38
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against marriage. To me personally there is no bigger commitment than kids. Forget vows, all the money in the world but kids... you have to try.

But I also strongly believe going separate ways is the best option in many cases
Poloniusz  4 | 852
2 days ago   #39
because life is more affordable then - they can split the bills. So both man and woman are benefiting from the situation.

Women are still benefiting more from the situation because they can't contribute equally and don't want to anyway (see Stockholm University study referenced below).

Statistics on Breadwinners in Poland

Dual-Income Households:

Approximately 60% of households are dual-income.

Primary Earners: Men

- About 65-70% of married couples report that the husband is the primary breadwinner.

Average Monthly Income:

- Men: Approximately 6,500 PLN (net) on average.

- Women: Approximately 4,800 PLN (net) on average.

That is obviously a lie - it's your made up fantasy not backed up by any research or statistics :)

Getting a top job dramatically increases women's chances of divorce, even in egalitarian countries. Why isn't it the same for men?

"...even in egalitarian countries like Sweden, women still tend to marry older men who start out having more money than them, harking back to traditional "prince in the fairytale" narratives that "try and teach us to find as successful a husband as possible".

"High-income high-status women - they don't marry a low-income man who wants to be a house husband. They tend to seek an even more high-income husband."

- Johanna Rickne, a professor at Stockholm University and co-author of the research.

I think he lives in his own head

You're just jealous.

Average Neuron Count

- Male Brains: 90-100 billion neurons on average.

- Female Brains: 80-90 billion neurons on average.
Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #40
Women are still benefiting more from the situation because they can't contribute equally and don't want to anyway

Well, no wonder, considering that the pay gap still
exists in Poland (even if it's smaller than in many other countries).

Getting a top job dramatically increases women's chances of divorce, even in egalitarian countries. Why isn't it the same for men?

A quote from that article:

"While Rickne's research did not measure which party initiated divorce in each case, one theory is that the husbands of top managers who got promoted found the situation harder to deal with than wives who were married to high-performing men."

I have some real life examples, btw. After I graduated from university I was still hanging out with girls from my year. One of them dated a firefighter. He had a problem with the fact that she earned more money than him. He also didn't like the fact that she was meeting with us. Another girl from my year married a longterm boyfriend after graduating from uni. I don't know what was his current job, but I remember that earlier he was a lifeguard. So I'm guessing he wasn't earning much. And yet, suddenly after they married he told her that he doesn't want her to work and go out with us. They couldn't come to an agreement over this and she divorced him 4 months after their wedding. Now she's with a guy from our year from uni, they have two sons and they seem to be happy and great parents :) She says he's the best dad she could dream of for her kids :)

Also, read this:

The End of Hypergamy: Global Trends and Implications:

You're just jealous.

Oh, trust me, we're not - I don't think anyone would want to be in your head :)))) And considering that more women graduate from universities than men - I think we're managing with our number of neurons just fine, thank you very much :D 😂
Poloniusz  4 | 852
2 days ago   #41
Well, no wonder, considering that the pay gap still exists in Poland (even if it's smaller than in many other countries)

Equal pay for equal work.

If women were as talented and as committed as men then businesses would pay them the same. Or rather, women would dominate the workforce if businesses knew they were as talented and as committed as men but could get away with paying them less.

A quote from that article:

"While Rickne's research DID NOT MEASURE WHICH PARTY INITIATED DIVORCE in each case, ONE THEORY is that the husbands of top managers who got promoted found the situation harder to deal with than wives who were married to high-performing men."

The study decidedly failed to measure divorce initiators and then relied on a single theory. This not only reflects a glaring lack of scholarly rigor but displayed a simplistic and biased narrative that unfairly scapegoats men for marital breakdowns. In other words, she didn't want to highlight the fact that it is women who disproportionately file for divorce because she knew this would be an inconvenient truth.

And considering that more women graduate from universities than men - I think we're managing with our number of neurons just fine

Women have been propped up by government and private programs for decades. This is no surprise, as it is a direct result of feminist entryism in these established institutions going back to the last century.

As for schools, they are nothing more than businesses at the end of the day, so they are happy to go along with any affirmative action program that will fill their classrooms with bodies and their coffers with money.

So, with all these female graduates, what have been the tangible benefits apart from giving visibility to women?

Are countries more technologically advanced as a result of more female graduates? No.

Are economies more competitive as a result of more female graduates? No.

Do societies have higher levels of trust in their governments and institutions as a result of more female graduates? No.

Admit it: more female graduates don't add value. That's why they are still paid less than men.
Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #42
Equal pay for equal work.


If women were as talented and as committed as men then businesses would pay them the same.

Not if they could help it (get away with paying them less) lol From what I understand women are less likely to ask for raises, for example.

This not only reflects a glaring lack of scholarly rigor but displayed a simplistic and biased narrative

Dude, you were the one who linked to that article! :D 🤦

it is women who disproportionately file for divorce

You mean like that girl from my uni? Maybe yes, maybe no, we don't know. The fact is that in case of that girl from my university it was the guy who had a problem with her going to work. So the guy's insecurity was the problem, not her.
Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #43
Women have been propped up by government and private programs for decades.

Me and my fellow female students weren't "propped up" by government and any private programs, so I have no idea what you're talking about.

I am not aware of any "affirmative action programs" in Polish education, so, again - no idea what you're talking about.

No. (...)No. (...)No.

Yes, yes, and yes!

more female graduates don't add value

Of course they add value! Look at all the backward countries on this planet. What they usually have in common? Bad situation concerning the education and emancipation of women.
Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #44
@Poloniusz, did you read it???:

The End of Hypergamy: Global Trends and Implications:

Poloniusz  4 | 852
2 days ago   #45

Great. Then stop complaining about women not receiving the same pay as men when they are contributing less.

From what I understand women are less likely to ask for raises, for example.

Don't you claim to be a woman?

If so, then why don't you explain why women are less likely to ask for raises, especially if they are graduating more than men? Can't they express themselves? Are they too accustomed to government and private programs simply throwing money at them?

you were the one who linked to that article

You claimed previously that there were no studies to support my points, so I provided one, including a study by a woman. She acknowledged hypergamy but intentionally overlooked that women disproportionately initiate divorce.

The article proved that women expect more from men in a relationship and demonstrated that they will omit their role in terminating a relationship in pursuit of something better.
Novichok  4 | 7630
2 days ago   #46
why women are less likely to ask for raises,

Because they are obedient sheep. They can't even protect the achievements they already have. See Title IX and their despicable desire to be woke and subvert its intent.

Women are so stupid that they support the trans freaks who hurt them.

Women reach the bottom when they refuse to define "a woman". It doesn't get any more moronic...a woman who is for women's rights and equality unwilling to define herself as separate and apart from male invaders. Fvcking unreal...
Atch  21 | 4139
2 days ago   #47
You're just jealous.

Would you ever get up the yard, ya eejit 😂I'd lose and find you ten times over in the head department, as you well know.

You'll never find a wife if you carry on like this :)
Ironside  50 | 12312
2 days ago   #48
The drawback would be the hot climate

You idiot she asks for solutions in this case should be be a well air-conditioned living space.
And my cousins

what cousins? First cousins?

@ Lenka
I guess you are not married. Well, marriage matters believe it or not. It makes a difference.

Children should belong to a father.
Poloniusz  4 | 852
12 hrs ago   #49
The End of Hypergamy: Global Trends and Implications:

It's irrelevant since feminism destroyed men's interest in getting married.

Even if women are willing to 'marry down,' they often display an ironic resentment toward the courts enforcing alimony laws against them when they get divorced.

"Manimony" (Alimony for ex Husbands) | Growing Trend

And this demonstrates perfectly how it is inherent in female nature to experience a complete disconnect between the choices they make and their reluctance to accept the responsibilities that come with them.
Novichok  4 | 7630
10 hrs ago   #50
It's irrelevant since feminism destroyed men's interest in getting married.

...especially to "modern and independent" women.

It's like marrying a guy with a vagina...never wrong, never apologizes, has no sense of humor, files 80% of divorce cases, and lies about "the years of abuse and rapes" - including the kids. No police reports, of course...
Poloniusz  4 | 852
10 hrs ago   #51
No police reports, of course...

Yep, that's why they always run to the media and use social media to cry wolf.

They know they can get away with lying about their husbands or boyfriends to the public but not to the police.

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