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Help my Polish wife hates sex

Becoming dad  3 | 28
28 Jun 2019   #1
We have been married two years and have a daughter. Pregnancy wasn't planned but she got pregnant and it freaked her out. She's scared to have sex because she says she thinks she will get pregnant again. She's allergic to contraceptives and doesn't "trust" condoms. It's becoming frustrating because we haven't done it for over two months. Once she even said I should find a girl to do it with and as long as I don't get her pregnant and it's just one girl she's fine with it. So I went hunting on one of these chat sites and found a girl who was looking for friends with benefits. I told my wife and when she saw her photos and our chats, she went berserk.

Any other men married to Polish women going through the same here? I ain't the type to eat the forbidden fruit but I'm being pushed to the wall here with or without approval.
pawian  226 | 27509
28 Jun 2019   #2
You both need to visit a specialist, the sooner the better.

E.g., in Warsaw
johnny reb  49 | 7930
28 Jun 2019   #3
This is not uncommon with women.
One and done.
Sounds like she wants to be done.

as long as I don't get her pregnant

Tell if she really loves you that she should go get her tubes tide.
They can always reverse that procedure if she ever changes her mind
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
28 Jun 2019   #4
So I went hunting on one of these chat sites

You are a nutter.
You married your wife and vowed to stick by her and support her.
So stick to your vows, you wimp!
pawian  226 | 27509
28 Jun 2019   #5
You married your wife and vowed to stick by her and support her.

But, on second thoughts, I am afraid it is too late. They went too far, especially the OP. He found himself another woman after 2 months of being denied marital sex. That`s crazy.
terri  1 | 1661
29 Jun 2019   #6
Imagine the situation in 5 years. By that time, you will have had 20 or more girls to satisfy your needs.
Your wife can always use the 'natural method' of contraception.
Crow  154 | 9541
29 Jun 2019   #7
She's scared to have sex because she says she thinks she will get pregnant again.

Good one.

To be blunt, sounds like she don`t like sex with YOU.
johnny reb  49 | 7930
29 Jun 2019   #8
That's what I was kind of thinking too Crow.
I'm sure you are the kind of guy that would offer your services free to show this poor guy how to stimulate his wife properly so she would be begging to have sex with you by the time you were done applying your expertise to make her hotter then a fire at Christmas time.
Crow  154 | 9541
29 Jun 2019   #9
Who knows. Maybe she`s some crazy nympho. Maybe non can help her.

But, her husband can take her to EXIT music fest. Enough people there. I mean, its a fest.
OP Becoming dad  3 | 28
29 Jun 2019   #10
I told her once that we needed to visit a marriage counsellor but she refused. She's really stubborn.

@johnny reb
Tying her tubes sounds like a good idea, hopefully this might help
johnny reb  49 | 7930
29 Jun 2019   #11
Has she ever heard about birth control pills ?
Lenka  5 | 3530
29 Jun 2019   #12
Pills are not without an impact to a body. Personally I will be very happy once I can stop worry about it.

Plus Johnny please read before you comment, it really won't kill you:

She's allergic to contraceptives

While I never heard of anyone being allergic there are situation when a women cannot take the pill.

I think the whole thread is BS and I would advice OP to be more specific - does she haye sex or is she scared of pregnancy (very sensible if she was already burnt once)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
29 Jun 2019   #13
the whole thread is BS and I would advice OP to be more specific

I think the same. Internet fora are like the PF will not provide any help for people with such problems. A professional councillor is needed, if not for the partner, then for the person who is complaining.

I suspect the OP is nothing more than a troll who wants to get some amusement from the thread. The following phrase gives him away:

Any other men married to Polish women going through the same here?

The problem just cannot be specific to "Polish women", but is a problem that just an individual person may have irrespective of their nationality . No need for the OP to be more specific. He is just a troll.
johnny reb  49 | 7930
29 Jun 2019   #14
Johnny please read before you comment, it really won't kill you:

Are you stalking/trolling me again today by starting out with your first post of the day, again, with more of your provoking comments darling.

How about you going and jumping in the nearest lake - trouble maker.

there are situation when a women cannot take the pill.

How will she know if she does not try.
There are millions of women in the world that are on the pill and they work just fine.
And there are also male contraceptive pills available now too.

(very sensible if she was already burnt once)

What ? for fulfilling a wife's duty or being ignorant to knowing how you get pregnant ?
Lenka  5 | 3530
29 Jun 2019   #15
How will she know if she does not try.

We have this people called doctors...
There are known conditions that prevent you from taking the pill
The Op never said she never tried the pill, just that she won't take it noe

As to the man pill why didn't you suggest it to the OP then?

How about you going and jumping in the nearest lake - trouble maker.

I hope you mean just to cool myself because if it something different then it's not very Christian of you, is it? :D
johnny reb  49 | 7930
29 Jun 2019   #16
Yes and the Op said his wife had allergies from taking b.c. pills and that is why she didn't take them which was the first red flag of him being a troll.

(please read before you comment, it really won't kill you:)
In reality with respect to b.c. it is very rare for someone to be truly allergic to birth control pills
The reason is, with respect to birth control hormones, is the hormones are very much like your own hormones and it's unlikely that you're going to be allergic to it.

As to the man pill why didn't you suggest it to the OP then?

And there are also male contraceptive pills available now too.

( please read before you comment, it really won't kill you )

I hope you mean just to cool myself

Yes, to cool your bantering mouth of stalking me for no apparent reason.
I am in no way interested in you if that is what you are hoping for.......well maybe, PM your picture and your true weight.
pawian  226 | 27509
29 Jun 2019   #17
Are you stalking/trolling me again today by starting out with your first post of the day, again,

No, she only drew your attention to the fact you read carelessly cause you omit sentences.

( please read before you comment, it really won't kill you )

Why are you twisting things to cover your failure? She just read your suggestioin and commented on it, very logical on her part, and very illogical on yours to attack Lenka for your own shortcomings.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
29 Jun 2019   #18
. He found himself another woman after 2 months of being denied marital sex. That`s crazy

Blimey, we agree for once. :-)
pawian  226 | 27509
29 Jun 2019   #19
We may differ politically or ideologically, but the truth is we belong to the same European culture. :)
OP Becoming dad  3 | 28
29 Jun 2019   #20
I don't know what you meant by burnt but let me try and be clear. We have only had sex once in three months, It's a bit easy for me to cope because we were in a long distance relationship for a sometime and it took as long as 6 months to be apart meaning no sex for six months. I used the word allergic because that's the best way to describe how she feels after taking the pill.

I specified "Polish" because she's the first and hopefully only Polish woman I will be with. I have no experience with Polish women. The character and behavior or people differ according to their background or upbringing.

To those of you surprised that I found a girl after two months of no sex, let me say this, I did not have sex with her. There are many Penpal and chat sites to find male or female friends with benefits and two months is a long time to for being denied sex as a married man or woman. Come on let's be real here
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
29 Jun 2019   #21
Come on let's be real here

Ok so all this is nothing to do with you getting a free pass into Europe.
OP Becoming dad  3 | 28
29 Jun 2019   #22
E be like say cockroach don chop this one brain.

What has a free pass into Europe got do with what I'm talking about here?
johnny reb  49 | 7930
29 Jun 2019   #23
Ah ha, the plot keeps thickening as we go.
Just go get a vasectomy and be done with it.
Four rug rats are enough unless you want to get deeper in then you already are.

to attack Lenka

She attacked me like she has done in several threads in the last two weeks, I was just defending myself.
I learned that from you Baboon.

keep to the topic of the thread please
pawian  226 | 27509
29 Jun 2019   #24
To those of you surprised that I found a girl after two months of no sex, I did not have sex with her.

Oh, but it sounded another way. Never mind. I have run out of ideas how to help you. Bad luck.
Lenka  5 | 3530
30 Jun 2019   #25
I don't know what you meant by burnt but let me try and be clear.

I mean getting pregnant when she didn't want to.
Crow  154 | 9541
30 Jun 2019   #26
Our ancients were wise. Most of the life woman was pregnant. Pregnancy is the state in which woman minimally upsets nerves to its man.
OP Becoming dad  3 | 28
3 Jul 2019   #27

Oh yea she's scared of getting burnt again.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 Jul 2019   #28
Is this for real rofl??!?!? I hope this guy is just trolling....

Dude no woman on earth hates sex, save for maybe a tiny few who might have some medical problems or something

Just go for pull and pray if you don't use condoms or contraceptives. If you're not having regular sex with a woman you have a relationship with you either need to remedy the situation immediately or find a new partner because I guarantee she sure as hell will.
OP Becoming dad  3 | 28
3 Jul 2019   #29
@Dirk diggler
I ain't trolling and I'm an inch to cheating. It's not a thing to be proud to say but it is what it is
johnny reb  49 | 7930
3 Jul 2019   #30
You may as well as it sounds to me like she already is cheating.
All women are horny and if she ain't getting it from you she is getting it from some place else.

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