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Does Polish guy hide his divorce usually?

ssenk  1 | 2
7 Jun 2020 #1
I have talking with a Polish guy around 1 year, during that time I have asked about him once that does he have any relationships before, he said he have a 5 years relationship, once I asked why he broke up and he only said his ex. After we in relationship to 2 months, he suddenly told me that he is divorced, and there is 3 yeras relationship with 2 years marriage. I am shocked, because I have mentioned his ex few times before, he never said that is his ex-wife, I always thought that who is his ex-gf.

Is it normal that Polish will tell this after in relationship?
cms neuf  1 | 1765
7 Jun 2020 #2
No that is not normal behavior.
OP ssenk  1 | 2
7 Jun 2020 #3
@cms neuf
He said he doesnt want I judge him.
mafketis  38 | 10873
7 Jun 2020 #4
Massive red flag. Only awful, horrible and deceitful psychopaths say that. Dump his @ss!
OP ssenk  1 | 2
7 Jun 2020 #5
He also said he divorced in law and will not divorced in church because if he doesn't and his ex can't marry in church again, this way will make she feel bad so he won't divorce in church.
mafketis  38 | 10873
7 Jun 2020 #6
Dump him. Nothing good will come from a relationship with someone that toxic.

People's relationships with their exes are a very good indication of their general personality - this guy is dishonest and vengeful. Get out while you still can.
pawian  219 | 24576
22 Jun 2020 #7
he suddenly told me that he is divorced, I am shocked,

Why? It is much better for you to learn that he is divorced than that he is still married and his wife is waiting for him in Poland. Now he is free and there is nobody between you and him.

Home / Love / Does Polish guy hide his divorce usually?
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