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What are the good places to meet decent woman motivated to establishing a family in Ustka area?

Twoninetango  1 | 6
25 Feb 2016   #1
What are the good places to meet decent woman motivated to establish a relationship in Ustka area
Labrador  2 | 50
25 Feb 2016   #2

Probably NOT in a club, pub or night-club.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Feb 2016   #3
relationship in Ustka area

The beach. You need to be forward and direct - Polish women like to feel like the man is in control. Just approach and start a conversation. Most decent women speak English, and they will appreciate the chance to use it with you.
OP Twoninetango  1 | 6
25 Feb 2016   #4
I would not expect to encounter a lady I would want to establish a meaningful relationship with in any bar in any country so that is a given.

The beach is an excellent idea and point is taken on approaching methods as I tend to be straightforward but respectful. Definitely not feminine.

Not quite sure what to think regarding the comment about genetics or ethnicity eludes to but I personally judge people on their character not their ethnic/genetic makeup, I would hope my new Polish community I'm embracing is of the same positive thinking.
Labrador  2 | 50
25 Feb 2016   #5
You might try a partner-find-website.

You talk about finding a wife is like finding a new car.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
25 Feb 2016   #6
meet decent woman

Take my wife....................

Just don't take my beer! :)
OP Twoninetango  1 | 6
25 Feb 2016   #7
No finding s wife is not like finding a car. It's really more about finding a like minded companion only in country I'm not familiar with and customs I know nothing about hence my being on this forum. If a find someone then it was Gods will, (I'm Catholic) if not then it is what is is. What counts is my heart is in the right place.
Pol attorney  2 | 106
25 Feb 2016   #8
A good thing for you is that many Polish women like foreigners especially Americans and British.

So it is very likely that you will find a wife in Poland very quickly:)
Labrador  2 | 50
25 Feb 2016   #9
They are still women though, you behave like they are Aliens from mars.

Just go out there, talk to some, and behave like a gentleman. It's Poland ! Not Afghanistan.
OP Twoninetango  1 | 6
25 Feb 2016   #10
Labrador I appreciate your perspective. Thank you.
Ktos  15 | 432
25 Feb 2016   #11
What are the good places to meet decent woman motivated to establish a relationship in Ustka area

Poland is not a brothel for you to come here only to date Polish women, **** off ******! And yeah, Polish women may only, and that is if only you fulfill a set of conditions, go for your money (you have to come from richer country first), otherwise, you have no chance unless you actually fall in love with each other, which then is as everywhere else. In a long term it is usually the case that Polish women become dissatisfied with foreigner partner (usually because both set out to use each other from the beginning or they sent each misleading information and were misinformed about the union they were getting into) and so even the money does not compensate for this dissatisfaction. I am not writing it because I feel insecure (just in case you thought as other western happy go lucky master minds here) about foreigner stealing Polish woman from Polish men, I just do not like some idiots coming to Poland to only get girls, go somewhere else, Poland is not some "get your Polish wife" bazaar.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
25 Feb 2016   #12
foreigner stealing Polish woman from Polish men

Hey Ktos, a woman is not a possession to be 'stolen"""!!

I just do not like some idiots coming to Poland to only get girls, go somewhere else, Poland is not some "get your Polish wife" bazaar.

totally agree. You know these kind of guys, the ones that can only pull women who don't really know what losers they are in their home country!!
InPolska  9 | 1796
25 Feb 2016   #13
All these (usually ugly) western guys who come to countries like Poland "to pick up" women make me vomit. They have no respect for women (and also for themselves). Polish women are exactly like other women and now they are no longer desperate to leave with "first jerk" to come around because of his westen nationality. As a woman, I'm shocked at the way a lot of guys in PF talk about women..... What's wrong with your local women? Probably they are more demanding and do NOT want you! ;). Even if no feminist, I'm get mad when women are seen as a piece of meat (or rather as a "hole", sorry! ;))
Labrador  2 | 50
25 Feb 2016   #14
Poland is not a brothel for you to come here only to date Polish women, **** off ******!

Sounds like you are insecure and feel pressurized by foreign competition.

Polish women may only, and that is if only you fulfill a set of conditions, go for your money (you have to come from richer country first)

Really? Didn't you say Poland wasn't a brothel ?

you have no chance

Sure? I know quite some standard guys who are happily married to Polish women.

In a long term it is usually the case that Polish women become dissatisfied with foreigner partner and so even the money does not compensate for this dissatisfaction

Why is that?

I am not writing it because I feel insecure about foreigner stealing Polish woman from Polish men

Of course you are not !

I just do not like some idiots coming to Poland to only get girls

Do you even know his background, why he is in Poland? Are you building up claims about someone because of one question?

Poland is not some "get your Polish wife" bazaar.

You are right, but your emotional-expressions say something totally different.

Honestly, joking aside.. You have no clue what you are talking about. It's easy to see that you have some sort of complexes & it's a fact that Polish women are quite interested in French,German,English,Swedish etc men ! It's not only because they have money, it's because they are successful, different and something new. It's in female nature to go for successful men, and as I've said..I know quite some couples which include a female Pole, non of them is a gold digger or lost interest somehow...NON.

PS: You might clear your mind before you write such stuff.

OP Twoninetango  1 | 6
25 Feb 2016   #15
I posted in this forum with no ill will to anyone and especially to woman. I deeply respect all people regardless of sex, nationality, etc. Fact is people do have cultural differences and people do have their preferences which in this case is what Poland has to offer. No need to be so negative. Try being happy and non judgmental and you ll find life in a more positive light. Again no disrespect intended to anyone.
InPolska  9 | 1796
25 Feb 2016   #16
Good in such a case! Please do realize that maybe you'll meet a great woman who happens to be of another nationality Would you avoid her because she is not Polish? ;). It is just like people saying they want someone with blue or green eyes, blond or brown hair or with a small or big nose and they end up with someone different and they are very happy.
OP Twoninetango  1 | 6
25 Feb 2016   #17
InPolska the potential end result you describe could very well happen . In the Interim though one seeks what they perceive as what they desire. Probability is not an exact science with a known end result.
Ktos  15 | 432
25 Feb 2016   #18
Sounds like you are insecure and feel pressurized by foreign competition.

No, I have no problems attracting women at all and not just Polish women, but I'm just sick of idiots coming to me and the only thing they can say is: "I like Poland, especially the women here" and overseas "I've been to Poland, Polish women are like hot" and that is all they got to say about Poland to me. How idiotic is that?

It's easy to see that you have some sort of complexes & it's a fact that Polish women are quite interested in French,German,English,Swedish etc men !

By successful you mean having a job? Many Polish men have a job I assure you, is it maybe success in education, many Polish are well educated so problems there, successful position maybe? Yeah, that you gain through education or it's how it should be not bum kissing as it is the case and that then is not a mark of success, a bum kisser or vile character who gets through the top because he sells more houses than others for real estate agency is not a successful man either just a cunning bastard. So what is!
25 Feb 2016   #19
Ktos "No, I have no problems attracting women at all "

But what would your female persona "mateczka" make of all this (Random chat #2,026) would she be happy to make a move to Ustka to establish a family?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
25 Feb 2016   #20
or rather as a "hole"

God :)))

Polish women are quite interested in French,German,English,Swedish etc men !

That's why you ask on the internet forum "how to meet women" ? Come on, you either know how to do "it" or not...

it's because they are successful

The times when "westerners" in Poland were often CEOs etc. are long gone, these days they usually work at call centre, teach English etc. So much for being so successful.
InPolska  9 | 1796
25 Feb 2016   #21
Sorry, Grzegorz, I am "concrete" but basically a lot of guys (including here) don't see much more re women. Sad, I know but life is .. crual

@Twoni: thanks for your mp (wow! What class! :))! Please don't focus on anything particular and you'll find THE woman. Usually we find when not looking and this applies to everything.

PS: are you sure you don't have any nice single woman around you? ;).
Labrador  2 | 50
25 Feb 2016   #22

Well, I personally didn't ask anything.

Besides that, I met my WIFE via internet, and we are happily married. Nothing wrong with it. Welcome in the century of advanced communication technology ! The OP might be interested in Polish culture, or has some sort of mental connection to Poland. I see no issue with him wanting a Polish partner. But I won't discuss this any further, since it would not lead to anything. Some people believe in partner-search via internet, some do not.. I guess that's how it rolls.

Ktos  15 | 432
26 Feb 2016   #23
Hey Ktos, a woman is not a possession to be 'stolen"""!!

Both sexes decent or not treat each other as possessions to some degree, I bet you used the same term of interest here few times in life (maybe not aloud but in your head).
Kezcaisim  1 | 37
26 Feb 2016   #24
At church, at a library.

Never at a club, at a pub or at a bar. Find a girl who is 18-23 and a virgin. Godspeed.
Pol attorney  2 | 106
26 Feb 2016   #25
It doesn't really matter if you meet your partner via internet or in a club (or some other real life situation). If marriage is not based on God's laws and on God Himself. it will ALWAYS collapse. This is a rule, and in fact there are no exceptions to it whatsoever.
Labrador  2 | 50
26 Feb 2016   #26
@Pol attorney

You made my laugh.

My grandparents are all married outside church without any religious reasons, and they are still married. Same goes for my parents, many other couples I know, and myself.

God does not exist, so there is nothing that can collapse because of him. But if you believe in him, go for it. But please stop claiming things will go a negative way if people don't base their life on him or believe in him.

pawian  226 | 27817
29 May 2021   #27
What are the good places to meet decent woman

Art gallery
Culture event
Sung poetry concert

Did I miss anything?
Vincent  8 | 801
29 May 2021   #28
Did I miss anything?

There's a nice beach there as well.
pawian  226 | 27817
29 May 2021   #29
Yes, exactly! I remember seeing one decent woman there!

  • Baltic20121605.jpg
30 May 2021   #30
Church to faithful, musem to old, art gallery to abstract, library to queiet, exhibition cars or technical rare, culture event dull and so on. Nowadays you can meet decent woman firstly in internet. So did my son and he is 30. I am afraid you and I we are to much oldboys for something like that

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