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Are Polish girls open to foreigners?

Sammyro  4 | 9
26 Jun 2012   #1

I need some piece of advice from locals and expats based in Poland. Are Polish girls open to interact and mingle with exotic looking (not white) foreigner? What is the best way to approach them?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Jun 2012   #2
No, in general, Polish girls don't like foreign guys. They are brought up to believe that marriage should consist of a relationship between a white man and white woman, both Catholics, God-fearing and so on.

You shouldn't try to approach them, as they might get scared.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910
26 Jun 2012   #3
Only if you look like Brad Pitt, Daniel Craig, George Clooney, Tobey Maguire, Jamie Foxx, Jake Gyllehall, Colin Farrell, or Josh Hartnett.

Other than that, don't hold your breath, the chances are not high.
4 eigner  2 | 816
26 Jun 2012   #4
No, in general, Polish girls don't like foreign guys.

Are you serious? LOL (absolutely can't confirm it)
hakuchha  3 | 27
26 Jun 2012   #5
No, in general, Polish girls don't like foreign guys

That crack me up !
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jun 2012   #6
There is certainly a group of woman who specialise in exotic guys. How big the group is hasn`t been measured yet, I am afraid.

However, the general trend is as delph said - most women prefer to stick to their race. Isn`t it so in other countries too?

What is the best way to approach them?

You need to look for those special ones.
4 eigner  2 | 816
26 Jun 2012   #7
However, the general trend is as delph said - most women prefer to stick to their race.

their own "race" maybe but that doesn't exclude white foreigners, right?
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jun 2012   #8
No, it doesn`t.
sobieski  106 | 2111
26 Jun 2012   #9
How would you approach a Caucasian girl in your country? Would they be different to Polish Caucasian girls? What makes you think Polish girls would be different = easier? Do you think girls from your own race are inferior? Why would you prefer a Polish girl?
hakuchha  3 | 27
26 Jun 2012   #10
most women prefer to stick to their race

Not when they find a foreigner with thick wallet !
InWroclaw  89 | 1910
26 Jun 2012   #11
their own "race" maybe but that doesn't exclude white foreigners, right?

See post 3 unless you obviously have a large wad - in which case there is usually a much better chance (in every country)
hakuchha  3 | 27
26 Jun 2012   #12
Those are secondary as long as one has SHINY zloty with him!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Jun 2012   #13
Are you serious? LOL (absolutely can't confirm it)

Come on, stupid questions get stupid answers ;)
4 eigner  2 | 816
26 Jun 2012   #14
Other than that, don't hold your breath, the chances are not high.

Unless you look like a freaking Frankenstein and/or are totally broke, your chances are better than average.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910
26 Jun 2012   #15
Why do you think that they are "better than average"? The women here don't swoon at foreigners any more, if they ever did.
4 eigner  2 | 816
26 Jun 2012   #16
I lived in Poland for a while and I'm speaking from experience, my friend. Unless they don't know any English, the chances to meet them are really good.
quentin  - | 5
27 Jun 2012   #17
Bit of advice for UK visitors :P, unless you want to get beaten, filmed and turned into a fugitive!
27 Jun 2012   #18
Only if you look like Brad Pitt, Daniel Craig, George Clooney, Tobey Maguire, Jamie Foxx, Jake Gyllehall, Colin Farrell, or Josh Hartnett.

what crack have you been smoking? Polish girls don't see them on TV cause they watch TV in Polish, they can't even pronouce those names. get real.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281
28 Jun 2012   #19
No, in general, Polish girls don't like foreign guys.

Maybe in your village! Quite a few Polish girls are breaking of the 17th century village mentality and venturing out from the land of camoflage trousers!
WielkiPolak  54 | 988
28 Jun 2012   #20
No, in general, Polish girls don't like foreign guys. They are brought up to believe that marriage should consist of a relationship between a white man and white woman, both Catholics, God-fearing and so on.

Nothing wrong with being a God fearing Catholic. They do not believe marriage should be a white man and a white woman, they believe their marriage should be with a white man since it is highly likely that if they marry a guy who is Polish, he is going to be white.

I suppose you are the type who thinks Poland should copy Britain and America? I believe somewhere in the USA it is legal to marry your own horse. That must be the right way to live I mean, it is the USA, they are modern, they are not ass backward like in Poland, so Poland should copy them.

Maybe in your village! Quite a few Polish girls are breaking of the 17th century village mentality and venturing out from the land of camoflage trousers!

Yeah 17th Century mentality. You really are trying so hard to be branded a jackass. You know what I find funny? [I laugh so as not to have to cry] I find it funny that you and many others from England and America [those 2 countries in particular] are still arrogant enough to think that the way you live over in those countries is the correct way. The laws in your countries are the correct laws and it is the duty of other countries who are stuck in the past to try to be more like you. What do you care if many girls from Poland want to marry a Polish Catholic [delph]? What do you care if Poland is a Catholic country? Do you know how many different countries there are? Do you know how many different cultures there are? There is a wide choice and if you dislike it where you are, move somewhere else [that reminds me you have still not explained, despite the question being asked numerous times, why you actually live in Poland if you dislike it so much]. Some Polish girls do leave Poland, they do not like the laws and the way of life there, so they leave. Others stay. That's what is so great, you can choose.
hansomreiste  3 | 24
28 Jun 2012   #21
Not at all.

They are friendly, nice and good friends. But when it comes to relationship, especially when it is serious, Polish girls will make you have many problems. I have been with a Polish girl for more than a year, and my girlfriend still has doubts about me.

Just weird. If you are not Polish, you will have problem.
southern  73 | 7059
28 Jun 2012   #22
Polish girls are completely open to foreigners and by open I do not mean they have their legs open.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988
28 Jun 2012   #23
A lot of the ones who are open to foreigners are open to them for the wrong reason. If you go to Poland and make it obvious you are foreign, then suddenly get the attention of many girls, give it some thought as to why it has happened.
MarcinD  4 | 135
29 Jun 2012   #24
This is true.

Let's just say being a single white mother with a brown baby & no father in sight is continuing to become a common scene here in America. Now without getting into stereotypes like (Black/brown men are more prone to cheat), 4 eigners point stands: Poland is by large % white. So shouldering the prejudices & differences in the culture is a heavy load to take on.

Now imagine if the marriage/relationship doesn't work out. The chances of her finding a white man willing to take on her brown baby is pretty small. I see these sort of issues in Southern California ALL THE TIME. So here while it is looked down's done so behind closed doors & peoples backs. In Poland it would be seen as a sign of poor family upbringing & poor character. While in America ''I was young & experimenting''. Girls in America feel like they need to suck every color cock, get fkd in every position & hole while having group sex all before they turn 23 & buy a home with husband & kids. Which is great when you are a 15-24 year old male but after that.....geez

I've lived 24 years in Southern California & this place by and large sickens me. I will not be having/raising children here.
jon357  72 | 23668
29 Jun 2012   #25
In Poland it would be seen as a sign of poor family upbringing & poor character

If anything, it's the classier and better educated young women who are likely to come into contact with marriageable men with a different skin colour here in Poland. The trashy ones either just don't meet them or are barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen with a local boy while still young.
MarcinD  4 | 135
29 Jun 2012   #26
My point being interracial stuff is shoved down our throats here: commercials, advertisements, pop culture, tv shows & movies. I've caught commercials for shows on MTV & I can't believe kids under 15 watch that. It's all interracial sex, homosexuality & drugs. There is a difference between having a homosexual character in the show or interracial couple but jumbling every single outrageous story/possibility into one show that airs to middle & elementary school students is troubling.

So girls grow up in America feeling like if they don't suck a cock before high school & ''sleep with Chris Brown'' then they are missing out or more importantly something lesser.
jon357  72 | 23668
29 Jun 2012   #27
It's all interracial sex, homosexuality & drugs

Those three things are all good, however it's a bit of an exaggeration to say 'its all' that. And in Poland, the cultural influences are by no means restricted - every kind of debauchery exists here and girls can and will find it if they want.

Those girls who have a foreign boyfriend however, tend to be the classier ones.
29 Jun 2012   #28
Many Polish women actually prefer foreigners for various reasons...
MarcinD  4 | 135
29 Jun 2012   #29
Those girls who have a foreign boyfriend however, tend to be the classier ones.

Whenever I visit Polska i am amazed at all the beautiful light haired, light eyed girls. It's always a pleasant view & one that I want to return permanently and enjoy.

Maybe my experience is too extreme: Southern California (ultra diverse) and Polska (homogeneous). The older I get & more I start thinking about family, neighborhood, culture. The less diversity I want.
jon357  72 | 23668
29 Jun 2012   #30
Many Polish women actually prefer foreigners for various reasons...

Indeed. Though it isn't a Polish specific thing.

@MarcinD, most Polish girls aren't naturally light haired - there's a lot of diversity here.

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