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Age difference, my Polish girl is 23 and I am 39

omalley  2 | 27
9 Jan 2010   #31
My friend, my partner is 19 years younger than me, we have been together for two years, she is not a gold digger, she is my best friend, I am hers. We have a fantastic life together. Money is NOT an issue. We just enjoy everyday, and take each day as it comes. If you don't make age a problem, it won't be. Just keep life simple, and you will have a simple and happy life.
nomaderol  5 | 726
9 Jan 2010   #32
look, if you read my post above carefully, i said money closes all age gaps. small money difference closes small age gap.. what i mean? to me, all relationships including even 2 years differences are about money.. i made it clear by ultimate case. if you have zero money, you can not start any relation at all. so, what i am saying is that all togetherships are about money.. then, i am questioning this: if there was no money difference between the two at all, what age difference could be important? yes, seems to be utopic, but, we are trying to understand the age difference only by cancelling importance of money completely..
omalley  2 | 27
9 Jan 2010   #33
I understand what you are saying. I am saying money does not matter. I do not agree with you when you say you can't start a relationship without money. If ANY relationship is dependant on money then the relationship is not worth having. This is regardless of age. So if there is no money, it does not matter. The age difference can be anything at all. As long as the two people are happy. What the hell!
nomaderol  5 | 726
9 Jan 2010   #34
If ANY relationship is dependant on money then the relationship is not worth having.

To me, yes, ANY relationship is dependant on money. Worth or not, another issue..
To be with a whor*, you need a less money. To have a long term with baby, etc, you need more money. Isn't it strange that huge age gap (say 50 years) can be closed by a small amount of money (say 100 euro) when it is for a night only while it requires much money difference (say 1000000 euro) to close the same huge gap (50 years) in case of long term? This tells me one is rented and the other is bought... (i exaggerated the age gap. it could even be 2 years difference. still rent or bought.)

So, all is about money. Then, where is the love? (women should answer: those being rented or bought are happy? or they just trying to live?)
omalley  2 | 27
9 Jan 2010   #35
I think you are talking about sex my friend, not love, not friendship or a true relationship. Maybe you just need to meet the right person, that might change your mind. You don't even need money to bring a child into this world, just bucket loads of love.
stevepl  2 | 49
9 Jan 2010   #36
Maybe it's more common than we think. I was 39 and my wife was 23 when we first met. We've been together for 10 years now ( and I only earn a polish salary ).

When the Bans were posted at the British Embassy for our wedding I noticed a lot of the other Bans posted also had fairly big age differences.
nomaderol  5 | 726
9 Jan 2010   #37
I think you are talking about sex my friend, not love, not friendship or a true relationship. Maybe you just need to meet the right person, that might change your mind. You don't even need money to bring a child into this world, just bucket loads of love.

i can prove nonexistence of love, but, sex only.. in any relation whether it is casual, short term or long term, doesnt matter. it all depends on money.. or promising career (though this is less important now as even high grads ones are being kicked out of jobs..) sex too brings a child. actually, it is the only thing that brings the child.

i met a right one. 15 years difference. when she learnt i have zero money after a month she suddenly disappeared. a sharp change. luckily, i didnt have money. to see true colors, you need to put yourselves in marsh. sorry if i am spreading pessimistic air into the thread. i am sure it was not about the age difference. cause even if she was a year younger or older than me, she would still have disappeared.. if i had some money? it could have been a relation that could last a year or some years or life time and maybe i too would have called it love then. but, no, i should prove there is no love..
RonWest  3 | 120
9 Jan 2010   #38
she is a social worker.. you too are same?

No, I own a small business I created 20 years ago.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
10 Jan 2010   #39

Your post really made me smile (a rarity here)..Im sure you are a lovely couple..Ignore Nomada...he only attracts silent women :D

No realationship is 100% guaranteed you only get out what you put in! So age whilst is a factor, it doesnt have to be the be all and end all...
RonWest  3 | 120
10 Jan 2010   #40
You must have a gumball machine filled with Viagra next to your bed.

Not needed, one look at my gorgeous wife and I'm ready to go!

Your post really made me smile (a rarity here)..Im sure you are a lovely couple..Ignore Nomada...he only attracts silent women :D

Thank you! I'm not concerned. My wife makes excellent $$$ she could easily leave me and be quite comfortable on her salary, but she hasn't because she loves me and I love her. Our relationship is about spending time together doing the things we love, trust and respect for each other.

My friend, my partner is 19 years younger than me, we have been together for two years, she is not a gold digger, she is my best friend, I am hers. We have a fantastic life together. Money is NOT an issue. We just enjoy everyday, and take each day as it comes. If you don't make age a problem, it won't be. Just keep life simple, and you will have a simple and happy life.

Well said Omalley, same for us!
nomaderol  5 | 726
10 Jan 2010   #41
Ignore Nomada...he only attracts silent women :D

indeed so.. but, i have a trouble, a paradox. i trying to understand how i can know if i attracted one when they stay silent. it is said that the voice of silence is the loudest voice, but, i have not been able to hear any sound yet. do they speak through pm only, who knows.

My wife makes excellent $$$

so, double guarantee. if you find yourself in economy crisis (probably you too nowadays?), it is an insurance to have a wife who making good $$$.. i have been told luck is created, is not hoped. i am going to post-it this saying in big letters onto the wall.
pawian  226 | 27572
4 Apr 2020   #42
Age difference, my Polish girl is 23 and I am 39. Is that big an age difference usualy in Poland or?

Not so much. However, some people will always comment on it: he could be her father. You should get used to it.

Home / Love / Age difference, my Polish girl is 23 and I am 39

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