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Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events

Shitonya Brits
16 Mar 2019   #151
Dirk, you are absolutely correct. These sociopaths never lead by example.

I've seen these virtue signaling hypocrites confronted over their sanctimonious statements and contradictory lifestyles.

If they can't run away from having to explain their hypocrisy then they play the victim card and say they have no choice but "to live in the real world as it is today".

So they blame others for what they themselves are doing.

Then they play the "you first" game.

They say they will make their deeds match their virtue signaling words "once everyone else changes" which they comfortably know will never happen in their lifetime.
Spike31  3 | 1485
16 Mar 2019   #152
Polish women have equals rights to men which is guaranteed by Polish constitution.

You lack logical arguments, hence that helpless whining.

So why don't you logically answer to this argument :-)
OP pawian  225 | 27330
16 Mar 2019   #153
daughter got into a bike accident and he wiped the blood off her legs

Hey, why are you suddenly twisting things around? We were talking about a drunk rape while you bring up sex with a minor. Why are you doing it? We are not talking about minor sex in this thread, but harassment of adult women which you support. I expected you would provide linked examples how a male had sex with a consenting drunk woman and then she accused him of rape and he was convicted and sentenced.

Can you find those links for us because I don`t have time to do your duties?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Mar 2019   #154
remarries a black Jewish post-op transgendered gay feminist immigrant

That sounds like a fantasy. Do you struggle to meet women, perhaps?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
16 Mar 2019   #155
No you can Google it yourself. While you're at it Google other world kingdom. It sounds like a great place for male feminists.
OP pawian  225 | 27330
16 Mar 2019   #156
Virtue signaling and keeping ultra liberal agenda alive is more important than what citizens want.

No, they realised they had been tricked into pro brexit vote by vile politicians on Kremlin`s payroll as well as paid trolls from the Factory. Sth which you seem to be affiliated with, too, because your agenda is just too thick. :):)

No you can Google it yourself.

Hah! I knew you were bluffing with those drunk rapes. :):) I think it was Lenin`s advice for his propagandists - reapeat the lie thousands of times until it becomes truth. You had good educators there. :):)

But you do realise this discovery makes everything you said here one giant hoax. :)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
16 Mar 2019   #157
So you feel it's okay for one group, country, etc to fund a campaign and advertise, but not another? It's okay for politicians in the EU to take money from Soros' organizations and have them help with campaign marketing But God forbid they take money or help from any Russian...

And FYI the internet research agency doesn't pay that much, even for middle management jobs.
OP pawian  225 | 27330
16 Mar 2019   #158
I am not going to talk about Soros and EU in Polish Women rights thread.

You still haven`t enriched us with documented info about drunk consent "rapes."

So why don't you logically answer to this argument :-)

Stop meddling in with your plastic toy Trabant car when Monstertrucks are debating.
OP pawian  225 | 27330
17 Mar 2019   #159
. It sounds like a great place for male feminists.

Sorry, guys, I have to take a short break from the forum as today is my turn to cook dinner. I am making pawian hamburgers - my kids just love them. In the morning I cleaned the bathroom and toilet - my usual cleaning spots.
Spike31  3 | 1485
17 Mar 2019   #160
Stop meddling in with your plastic toy Trabant car when Monstertrucks are debating.

That's very humble of you. But maybe you should let other forum members compliment your intellectual abilities (or lack or thereof)?

So what's you opinion on Article 33 of Polish Constitution which makes this thread completely irrelevant?

"1.Men and women shall have equal rights in family, political, social and economic
life in the Republic of Poland.

2. Men and women shall have equal rights, in particular, regarding education,
employment and promotion, and shall have the right to equal compensation for
work of similar value, to social security, to hold offices, and to receive public
honours and decorations."

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
17 Mar 2019   #161

So you cook and clean.... even toilets... Why even bother having a woman around then?
OP pawian  225 | 27330
17 Mar 2019   #162
And do other things around the house. Toilets are my specialty. Do you think it is unmanly? :)
Why? Why not? It is nice to be with somebody who you can depend on and who really cares if you come back home safe after work. Have you ever experienced such an atmosphere at home?

So what's you opinion on Article 33 of Polish Constitution which makes this thread completely irrelevant?

Yawn. Constitution is one thing and life is another - women still have a problem with being molested/abused against their will by aggressive males. Don`t pretend you are so naive.
Shitonya Brits
17 Mar 2019   #163
So you cook and clean.... even toilets...

He said he cleans toilets first and then cooks. It sounds like a health and safety visit is needed.
OP pawian  225 | 27330
17 Mar 2019   #164
You don`t know that hands can be washed? :):)
Shitonya Brits
17 Mar 2019   #165
Of course but you didn't say that. Sanitation is a step-by-step procedure and some people cut corners to save time.
OP pawian  225 | 27330
17 Mar 2019   #166
So, I should have written: in the morning I cleaned the toilet. Then I washed my hands. Now I am busy making dinner.
You are getting funnier every day. Thanks. :)
Shitonya Brits
17 Mar 2019   #167
So, I should have written: in the morning I cleaned the toilet

It was a significant omission on your part. And you know this because you are too defensive that it was pointed out to you.
OP pawian  225 | 27330
17 Mar 2019   #168
Hey time to get back to topic. Women`s right to be free from violent men.

That case lasted for 10 years and the circumstances are ambiguous because first the mayor of a major city was sentenced for molesting and raping his subordinates, later he was acquitted.


Czesław M. was found guilty by a court in Ostróda, where the trial took place behind closed doors. The former mayor was found to have raped a female colleague who was in the last weeks of pregnancy at the time, and he also molested other members of staff.

Ten years after the scandal outbreak, the former mayor of Olsztyn Czesław Małkowski was acquitted on Friday of two rape charges. It's unknown what arguments the Olsztyn District Court provided to substantiate the ruling as the proceedings were held behind closed doors. The verdict is not yet legally binding.,157,m/after-10-years-former-mayor-of-olsztyn-acquitted-of-rape-charges,895930.html
Spike31  3 | 1485
17 Mar 2019   #169
@pawian, would you share some statistics about alleged discrimination of women in Poland, especially when compared to the rest of Europe and the world?

And the same for rape statistics if you're so kind.
mafketis  38 | 11162
17 Mar 2019   #170
discrimination of women

that would mean women are doing the discrimination, do you mean 'discrimination against women'?

my three grosze would be that women in Poland don't have very bad, and often better than lots of other countries. It's not perfect, but what is?
OP pawian  225 | 27330
17 Mar 2019   #171
Don`t you know how to google? Another lazy bones who thinks I will do their duties. If you are interested, find them yourself. I am not your servant. :) Guys, what`s wrong with you? These youth today..... Hopeless.
Spike31  3 | 1485
17 Mar 2019   #172
my three grosze would be that women in Poland don't have very bad, and often better than lots of other countries

And you would be right.

"Poland is leading the way with the number of women who hold managerial jobs in the EU, second only to Latvia."
19 Mar 2019   #173
"my three grosze would be that women in Poland don't have very bad, and often better than lots of other countries. It's not perfect, but what is?"

But if they have it bad in Russia and Poland is basically Russia how good could they really have it?
mafketis  38 | 11162
19 Mar 2019   #174
But if they have it bad in Russia and Poland is basically Russia

Poland is not basically Russia, Poland has always been oriented toward the west (and western values which include things like equality before the law) while Russia has always been turned inward on itself and has never had any use for any idea of equality before the law.
19 Mar 2019   #175
Its the same culture and people. Look how rude they still are at stores (clerks) and their culture making everyones business known to everyone if you try to report something like a crime at a police pricinct. Look at the oevrall culture even the way people dress and look. All same. At one time Poland was actually part of the empire and even in ww2 half of Poland was literally Rossiyya.

Maybe youve only been to Warsaw> In Dabrowa where I grew up there would be this bald or short haired youth sitting doing nothing on street blocks drinking and harassing people for money, change or nothing at all. They used to hang out on train tracks too. BAsically just like Russia. Oh and look how they drive and not looking who is crossing the road even when light is green or there are white lines. Just like Russia.

"western values which mean equality before the law"

These are not western values at all nor ever have been. Have you ever heard about the French Revolution. They never had equality in the west it was always classist and royalty based (monarchy). Plus, now western values include making women in power and being able to call the shots and threaten anyone with sexual ahrassment or a lie if they disagree. They even have affirmative action for women and diversity now thats how Anna Spysz was hired with a single course she took online in coding for some startup. She wrote about it on her twitter even:
OP pawian  225 | 27330
26 Mar 2019   #176
And actually you'd be surprised by the amount of women who want to be in a relationship where they're subservient to a man.

The word subservient brings up associations with a servant. I don`t think many modern women in developed countries want to be like that. What is fascinating in being a servant? Nature programmed women to be dependent on males during pregnancy and later on. But does it really require subservience ?

Even women themselves say the number one trait lacking in men today is masculinity.

Judging by your posts here, it seems you comprehend masculinity in a very simple way, like the Barbarian in the famous picture. But you know it is a nice projection of the unattainable desire. :):)

  • FrankFrazettaBarba.jpg
OP pawian  225 | 27330
7 Mar 2024   #177
Thanks a lot, Dear Mod! :):):)

Women have announced a protest to be held tomorrow against delaying the debate on abortion by conservatives who make a part of the ruling gov.

I am quite curious if many will come.
BTW, if anybody forgot, I fully support Polish women and their fight for their rights.

07/03/2024 15:37

On March 8, women will take to the streets of Warsaw to protest over the availability of the morning-after pill without a prescription and abortion laws. The demonstration will start in front of the Presidential Palace. "You haven't seen pissed-off women on the streets for too long," emphasize the organizers of the National Women's Strike.

OP pawian  225 | 27330
7 Mar 2024   #178
Women have announced a protest to be held tomorrow

Amasing juxtapositioning! PIS bolshevik President Duda and anti-PiS prodemocratic conservative Speaker Hołownia in the same poster! In the name of women`s rights!!!
Hołownia, this poster will haunt you till the presidential elections in 2025! hahahahaha

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OP pawian  225 | 27330
8 Mar 2024   #179
On March 8, women will take to the streets of Warsaw to protest

A few hundred people, both women and supportive men, attended the demo in Warsaw. During PiS` rule it was thousands.
Still, it was a nice memento to conservatives like Hołownia and Co. Azholes, if you want to do well in the next elections, stop getting on women`s nerves.

  • LANDSCAPE_840.jpg
Ironside  50 | 12969
9 Mar 2024   #180
A few hundred people, both women and supportive men, attended the demo in Warsaw.

If someone needs to be fined to the boot, Fine the crap out of them until they will run out of foreign money and would have to start working to put a foot on the table.

Home / Life / Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events
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