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Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events

pawian  226 | 27817
3 Mar 2019   #1
I tried to search a similar topic but couldn`t find any - all topics with the phrase "Polish women" concerned romance, dating, sexual preferences.

It is so humiliating. It is time to change it. Let`s see how Polish women fight for their rights.
There`s a lot to be done. Despite most Polish males` traditional reverence towards women( God`s Mother is honoured here equally with Jesus Christ) , they still dream about possessing a little superiority over females.

Each year a manifa march takes place in Warsaw. Like today:

For the 20th time, Polish women took to the streets in the annual "Manifa" demonstration."We are the revolution. No more being nice to violent guys." is the slogan of the 20th "Manifa" march.
Shitonya Brits
3 Mar 2019   #2
Women fighting? Yeah, that's normal according to university studies:

Domestic violence: Not always one sided

- both women and men said that women were the perpetrators about 70% of the time.[/b] Men were more likely to be injured in reciprocally violent relationships (25%) than were women when the violence was one-sided (20%).

Low testosterone males still white knighting for entitled women?

That's today's norm too.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Mar 2019   #3
Yes, but you quoted Harvard research while the thread is about Polish women. Find such statistics about them, please,. :):)
Shitonya Brits
3 Mar 2019   #4
Harvard research


You admitted at the outset that there is a dearth of information.

But at least at the university level (where such schools are very open and collegial with their international counterparts) there is a willingness to do research even if it means revealing uncomfortable realities which feminists like yourself would rather the public didn't know about.

But hey, when you can only go so far in life as to be a classroom aide in a grade school or teach in a high school, then it is fully expected that your view and understanding of the world is very pedestrian and provincial.

Polish women

Again, spoken like a true nationalist living in denial about it.

I hate to burst your nationalist bubble but Poland does not sit under a glass case.

Now, of course, you will never, ever hear about women instigating violence in any "gender studies" course.

But from traditional anthropological, sociological and psychological studies you will find that female and male behaviour is very universal. Modern humans have only been around 200,000 years. Poland only 1,000 years.

Male and female behaviour is only curtailed and suppressed by peer pressure and enforcement of laws. Both of which by the way disproportionately judge and harshly punish men while cossetting women and looking the other way when they get out of line.

So, if you are married, then why not give a first-hand account of who actually instigates most of the arguments in your household, extended family and your own neighbourhood?

Is it the evil, wicked, violent Polish men or is it the Polish damsels in distress?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Mar 2019   #5
then why not give a first-hand account of who actually instigates most of the arguments in your household, extended family and your own neighbourhood?

Clever move, instead of providing researched statistics on Polish women as I asked you, you prefer to pry it from me? :):)

As for your claim that female and male behaviour is very universal, it is complete rubbish, of course,. If that was true, immigrants all over the world wouldn`t have any problems with integration in a new country. The truth is they always have, even when they come from neighbouring countries.

Are you sure you know what you are talking about? :)
Shitonya Brits
3 Mar 2019   #6
You said on here that you are a teacher so go ahead and teach.

Otherwise you are just fitting the stereotype of "those who can, do; those who can't, teach."

But since you can't then the take away is that you, the proud Polish male nationalist (living in denial about it), are violent against Polish women.

You can't deny this. The "Manifa" feminists said so. And you as a feminist must agree with them. They are never wrong.

So when are you going do the honourable thing and turn yourself into the police since the Polish female victims in your life (although stunning and brave that they are by living their truth and taking the streets) are still too scared to report you?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Mar 2019   #7
Step by step. :)

In short
Karolina Marchlewska decided to reveal her full name after two years of being anonymous. She had become a victim of molesting and mobbing in a military police unit. The superior officer made advances at her, she rejected him, so he started mobbing and eventually fired her. The military court has been doing their best to cover the molester and shift the blame onto the victim.,kapral-anna-ofiara-molestowania-w-zandarmerii-wiadomo-jak-sie-nazywa
Shitonya Brits
3 Mar 2019   #8
Oh, I see.

You find one case from a couple years ago and it now defines all Polish male and female behaviour. All 40 million. Okay.

And what of your own crimes against revered Polish womanhood? You never answered that.

Just as well then, what from your feminist perspective, would the criminal conviction of the child rapist Roman Polanski be a reflection of? Jewish male behaviour, Polish male behaviour, or both? Keep it simple and pick one of these three options.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Mar 2019   #9
Btw, I forgot

you, the proud Polish male nationalist

you as a feminist

Hey, do you suffer from any disorder? :):)

You find one case from a couple years ago

Not so long ago, the case started 2 years ago but continues till today, the coming out of the molested female was today, it inspired me to start the thread.
Shitonya Brits
3 Mar 2019   #10
Allow me to help you to understand yourself.

Only women can have children.

Men make sacrifices to women for the sake and survival of children and thus the nation.

Despite feminist propaganda that nationalism means patriarchy this too is a feminist lie.

Nationalists are natural feminists allies.

Why else have more men died than women in wars to protect their nations?

Why else have so many women been given equal (nay better) rights and treatment to men throughout modern Europe?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Mar 2019   #11
Nationalists are natural feminists allies.

Oh, I see, but it is a bit twisted, so allow me to sleep on it for better understanding. :) Good night.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
4 Mar 2019   #12
Men make sacrifices to women for the sake and survival of children and thus the nation.

That sounds like the kind of talk that you hear from a typical incel.

Why else have more men died than women in wars to protect their nations?

Why have more women died at the hands of men than the other way round?

Cut the incel crap.
Shitonya Brits
4 Mar 2019   #13
No surprise that you have nothing constructive to contribute to the discussion and so need to rely on shaming language which you can only hope will stick (but won't).

And speaking of women and male shame, wasn't there a discussion on here once about you running a women's lingerie business online out of your bedsit masturbatorium you call home?

Makes sense that you did given the other discussions about you on here. Not only your low-wage, dead-end classroom assistant job but also your proclivity to wear women's makeup and learn about the world through Teen Vogue as well. All this combined with your untreatable ASPD reminds me of the serial killer character Buffalo Bill from the horror film Silence of the Lambs.

By the way, did you ever register your online women's lingerie business with the Polish tax authorities? I'm sure they could use the revenue to support women's rights in Poland.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
4 Mar 2019   #14
Jewish male behaviour,

Please, give up on that Jewish obsession of yours for a while, this thread is about Polish women. :)

Nationalists are natural feminists allies. Why else have more men died than women in wars to protect their nations?

Ridiculous. Wars are the time when woman`s rights are violated most drastically. From leaving her alone with children by their partners who go to war and sometimes never return to rapes and massacres by victorious armies. Wars are males` invention and hobby, women always suffer the most regardless if they belong to the nation of victors or losers. You should know such things.

And the rest of your ideas are pure nonsense, too. Do you really believe that crap, as delph rightly noticed ? :)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
4 Mar 2019   #15
You should know such things.

I doubt he knows any women, to be honest. He's a textbook incel, even down to the ranting about Jews and the superiority of men.

Wars are males` invention and hobby, women always suffer the most regardless

Quite.The horror that women suffered throughout the 20th century at the hands of men is one reason why war should never, ever be glamourised.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
4 Mar 2019   #16
We are the revolution. No more being nice to violent guys." is the slogan of the 20th "Manifa" march.

A surgeon has been accused of molesting over 80 female patients. It happened from 2006 to 2017. Too many women are still afraid of speaking about it.,42/gdansk-chirurg-onkolog-oskarzony-o-molestowanie-swoich-pacjentek,913904.html
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
4 Mar 2019   #17
A surgeon has been accused of molesting over 80 female patients. It happened from 2006 to 2017.

The sad thing is that his colleagues probably knew about it, but were stopped from speaking out by the 'omerta' that exists in the medical field in Poland.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
4 Mar 2019   #18
I didn`t think about it. I thought of all those female patients most of who were too embarassed to admit they were molested.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
4 Mar 2019   #19
That too. People always boast about Poland being 'safe for women', but those of us living here know that the society and culture often prevents them from speaking out, especially in smaller towns and villages. Many women are discouraged from following through with reports, or are subjected to humiliating processes. And that's assuming they find the courage to even report such situations.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
4 Mar 2019   #20
that the society and culture often prevents them from speaking out, especially in smaller towns and villages.

Manifa and other events, including trials of molesters, might gradually change it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
4 Mar 2019   #21
I fear that Poland is headed in the opposite direction - women in cities won't have problems speaking out, but those in smaller towns in Eastern Poland will face more and more barriers. I've been reading recently about the problems accessing the morning-after-pill in Warsaw, so I can only imagine how bad it is elsewhere.
Shitonya Brits
4 Mar 2019   #22
Jewish obsession

No, really, Jews are your personal obsession. You wouldn't be so defensive otherwise.

Anyway, I put to you an on-topic question with a multiple choice answer. You were told to keep it simple and pick one of three answers: Jewish males, Polish males, or both. Despite all this you still couldn't be honest enough to answer it.

As stated before, you are an obsessive paid-to-post Zionist. So any mention of Jews whom you worship puts you into a wild tizzy.

Ridiculous...utter nonsense

Indeed you are. You claim to be a teacher (high school level only though and that is increasingly doubtful) and one who has demonstrated an obsequious need for British approval on here. So go look up their history particular an article entitled "The 'White Feather Girls': women's militarism in the UK".

Go look, if you dare, into the long ugly human history of hypergamous and collaborationist "war brides" who (far from being the gender to "always suffer" as you laughably claim) gladly got busy cooking, cleaning and putting in overtime in the bedroom for the conquerors who vanquished their men.

Go look, if you dare, at how women gladly took their men's jobs in factories, shops and offices during WWI and WWII. Done out of patriotism? Hell no! They wanted a break from domesticated boredom at home. So much so that when men returned from war rather than showing any gratitude feminists got busy lobbying for women to stay working and compete with male veterans for jobs.

And how did the evil patriarchy respond? They agreed and let women build careers along with passing laws and funding social welfare programs to support them.

But if as you claim "wars are males' invention and hobby" then why on earth did you even start this absurd post about Karolina Marchlewska who willingly joined a "military police unit" of all career choices?

Every post you make falls flat as they are full of contradictions which you simply cannot defend and you know it.

Those poor students of yours. How do they learn anything? How did you ever get a job teaching in the first place?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
4 Mar 2019   #23
You were told to keep it simple

Actually, I can`t be told anything. Or, only by Admin/mods. Basically, I ignore such absurd suggestions of yours. :)

As stated before, you are an obsessive paid-to-post Zionist.

Fury is blinding you. Come to reason. This thread is about Polish women fighting for their rights. :)

why on earth Karolina Marchlewska willingly joined a "military police unit"

Simple. She explained it in an interview. She had felt the need to introduce some element of female character into the army to make it more human. Besides, she joined the police, not combat unit. Do you realise the difference? Do you think women do not suit such jobs where they take care of law and order?

which you simply cannot defend

Of course I do, in every post, with flying colours. You are an easy opponent, you lack basic logic. :)

those in smaller towns in Eastern Poland will face more and more barriers. the problems accessing the morning-after-pill

I am more optimistic. I suppose the pill is a different issue than speaking openly about cases of molesting.
Shitonya Brits
4 Mar 2019   #24
She had felt the need to introduce some element of female character into the army to make it more human.

Bizarre. Absolutely bizarre.

This is going to come as a shock to you and your feminist girlfriend Karolina but she is not the first women to serve in the Polish military or any military for that matter.

But if you and she believe that the Polish Army's priority is the need for a "woman's touch" to "make it more human" then this alone explains why Poland has been so easily conquered and occupied over the centuries.

It's no wonder then why Poland is looking for the Americans to set up a base in country. Who else is going to defend Poland? Seriously, how can the Polish Army protect Poland when the likes of Karolina are in the ranks and are way too busy with plans for a celebrity-style makeover?

Besides, she joined the police, not combat unit. Do you realise the difference?

Yes, absolutely. Her choice was unambiguous and also unsurprising. She deliberately chose a non-combat role for herself.

You and she proved my point made earlier that it is men and not women who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the nation.

You and she proved that feminists demand equal opportunities for women but consciously do everything to avoid the responsibilities that come with them.

You are an easy opponent, you lack basic logic.

You are no opponent. You are a left-wing NPC. You don't think beyond your programmed talking points and simply avoid answering anything which causes you disquiet or requires contemplation on your part.

To call you even a pseudo-intellectual would be giving you way too much credit.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
4 Mar 2019   #25
I am more optimistic.

I wish I could share your optimism, but then again, when the voice against women's rights in Poland comes from a basement in Canada, I suppose you might well be right.

Having said that, the latest poll showing 52% of Poles to be in favour of abortion until 12 weeks certainly means that there's some movement on this topic.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Mar 2019   #26
You and she proved my point made earlier that it is men and not women who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the nation.

No ****. Even in drills women are given more leeway and time to pass physical demands. During basic they're given an extra 2 3 mins to pass running a mile.

The only male feminists are beta soy boys and the only female feminists are ones who can't attract a real man and haven't been properly ****** in ages. An hour or so after you make their toes curl they revert back to their psychological predispositions and begin making you sandwiches, cleaning the bedroom, ironing your shirts, etc. That's all it takes to turn a feminazi into a normal girl
OP pawian  226 | 27817
5 Mar 2019   #27
feminists demand equal opportunities for women but consciously do everything to avoid the responsibilities that come with them.

Again, you lost basic logic and understanding of the subject, I noticed it happens in every post of yours. We are not talking about equal opportunities in this thread but about

" No more being nice to violent guys." is the slogan of the 20th "Manifa" march." and I provided two cases of women suffering sexual harassment.

Please stick to the topic.
The same to Digler - this thread isn`t about feminists, but Polish women in general.

begin making you sandwiches, cleaning the bedroom, ironing your shirts, etc.

Yes, those traditional males` expectations have always amused me. Why don``t you get yourself a servant? Your wife, if you ever had any, must have left you long ago. :)

And when you say the only female feminists are ones who can't attract a real man it is also rubbish because it is enough to check the photos to see that many participants of those manifa demos are quite attractive.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
5 Mar 2019   #28
when the voice against women's rights in Poland comes from a basement in Canada, I suppose you might well be right.

If it stuck to logic at least. Unfortunately, that SB poster`s reasoning is completely twarped by rage, it isn`t able to think logically, but cotradicts itself in every post.

you, the proud Polish male nationalist
a true nationalist living in denial about it.
you as a feminist
you are an obsessive paid-to-post Zionist.
You are a left-wing NPC.

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Mar 2019   #29
Why don``t you get yourself a servant? Your wife, if you ever had any, must have left you long ago. :)

I'm not stupid enough to get married in this day and age. I've been with the same woman for a while and date others on the side. She knows and doesn't care one bit. It's a relationship of convenience and sex.

And actually you'd be surprised by the amount of women who want to be in a relationship where they're subservient to a man. Even women themselves say the number one trait lacking in men today is masculinity.

And when you say the only female feminists are ones who can't attract a real man

A real man will never be in a relationship with a hardcore feminazi. At best it'll be casual. Only pussy betas that don't mind or even enjoy when a woman is dominant go for such thots. Even then they tend to prefer black men since they're brainwashed libs then when they're screwed over they go for a beta white man.

participants of those manifa demos are quite attractive.

Maybe to you... I've never seen a single woman in a pussy hat march or any other that was an 8 or better. That's why theyre so focused on their beef curtains so much - no man ever will that's for sure.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
7 Mar 2019   #30
A few posts above certain poster mentioned the issue of equal opportunities. Well, that`s not what I had in mind in this thread because I suppose Polish women enjoy full rights when it comes to jobs, education, benefits etc. After the collapse of the system, Poland has had two female Prime Ministers. Puppets of males, of course, but always. :)

Sorry if I sounded a bit equivocal but I primarily meant violence, use of force and abuse against women in Poland, including forced maternity.

So go look up their history particular an article entitled "The 'White Feather Girls': women's militarism in the UK".

But why should I look at the article about British women. I am interested in Polish women only. :)

I've been with the same woman for a while and date others on the side.

I see. Sorry. I had a false impression you opted for a traditional family when you objected to gay marriages in another thread.

Maybe to you... I've never seen a single woman in a pussy hat march or any other that was an 8 or bette

Ok, I won`t argue about that, the beauty is in the eye etc. :)

But what do you think about the abortion controversy and Polish women`s protest? Twice, in 2017 and last year PiS government and their parliament tried to introduce a total ban on abortion (right now there are exceptions for rape etc). In response, Polish women organised "Black marches" in many cities and towns. PiS panicked and withdrew the legislation and now it is in the freezer.

Those protesters were very attractive, you might change your mind after all, google for photos :):)

""Thousands of people have joined protests in Warsaw and other Polish cities against the latest attempt by the conservative government to restrict access to abortion.""

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