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I think once Amazon arrives it will make Allegro totally irrelevant and bankrupt within a year

Strzelec35  19 | 830
25 Feb 2021   #1
people will realize just how inferior allegro is with its weird business practices and price hikes or priced items before they're even sold and how superior western sellers and products are on amazon. The company somewhat ensured quality control and makes sure junk isn't being advertised and sold on it unlike allegro.
Lenka  5 | 3549
25 Feb 2021   #2
I used both and I miss allegro.
JacekthePole  1 | 51
25 Feb 2021   #3
Allegro will get smashed. Amazon customer service 2nd to none. Only problem with Amazon is that they don't do enough to root out 3rd party sellers who sell inferior products
Novichok  4 | 8744
25 Feb 2021   #4
Amazon is the place to go for reviews. I know they are honest and unfiltered.
JacekthePole  1 | 51
25 Feb 2021   #5
You know anyone can leave a review on Amazon regardless of whether they made a purchase or not, right?
Novichok  4 | 8744
25 Feb 2021   #6
Yes, I do. And that is why I ignore the good ones and do my own filtering of the bad reviews and reject those that are not related to the product. Late shipment is not a product review.

Statistically, people do not post bad reviews because they are bored.
jon357  72 | 23668
25 Feb 2021   #7
I used both and I miss allegro.

Both are useful in different ways.

I use Amazon Marketplace a lot, however Allegro can be good for sourcing very specific things from different sellers, often locally.

Not Ebay though, that just seems a nuisance.
Novichok  4 | 8744
25 Feb 2021   #8
I did Ebay once and I will never do it again. I lost a bid, bought from another seller, and was told that I won the first bid so now I owe. Bye.
Lenka  5 | 3549
25 Feb 2021   #9
I use ebay more often than Amazon tbh but always buy now and new. In my experience thay have much bigger range of products.

I loved Allegro for so many scarce products. It was the only place on the internet where I could buy one specific edition of Anne of Green Gables .
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
25 Feb 2021   #10
I bought a keyboard for my iPad on allegro and it was so cheap and plasticky it was crazy compared to a 20 dollar that lights up keyboard i bought on amazon and had my family send me from us when they came to visit that works perfectly and works on both my mac and ipad. this is an example why I cant stand allegro. Plus the images many of the sellers use are diff from products and there is no quality control. Plus if youre a seller they force you to pay up front for listings which is unheard of and threaten to sue you if you dont pay this if your product didnt sell.
Atch  22 | 4299
25 Feb 2021   #11
It was the only place on the internet where I could buy one specific edition of Anne of Green Gables .

A Polish language edition Lenka? Do you like children's literature?
Lenka  5 | 3549
25 Feb 2021   #12
Yes, that's why I needed exactly that edition as I knew the translation and loved it.

I do like good 'teenagers' literature. When I get tired or have bad time they make me smile.
Atch  22 | 4299
25 Feb 2021   #13
Me too! :)) My shelves are full of 'comfort reads' :) Well, you need it, if you spend any length of time in this place!
Lenka  5 | 3549
25 Feb 2021   #14
Well, for these books to be good the authors have to have special outlook on life and natural warmth. If you want to practice your Polish read Jezycjada (especially the first books)
jon357  72 | 23668
25 Feb 2021   #15
'comfort reads'

For me, 'comfort reads' recently have been post-apocalyptic, usually set after a near-total pandemic, a nuclear war, a devastating flood or freeze. Probably not the best, but strangely good.

the authors have to have special outlook

One useful thing is Amazon Kindle Unlimited. 6.99 a month and you can borrow up to 20 titles at a time. Great for things that you want to read but aren't so bothered for buying.
Lenka  5 | 3549
25 Feb 2021   #16
Amazon Kindle Unlimited. 6.99 a month and you can borrow up to 20 titles at a time

Sounds great but I'm traditionalist- I like paper and still use library. I even made sure all the kids in my family are signed up at around 3 :)
jon357  72 | 23668
25 Feb 2021   #17
Sounds great but I'm traditionalist-

I was until I started traveling around for work. Now it just seems easier (plus, you can enlarge the font size).

still use library. I even made sure all the kids in my family are signed up

Important. If we don't use them, they'll all close.
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
25 Feb 2021   #18
Just like they thought gamestop would close in the states but look what happened. Look where all those the pundits are at now.
cruisepatron  1 | 95
26 Feb 2021   #19
Amazon is the place to go for reviews. I know they are honest and unfiltered.

Are you serious?
Looker  - | 1129
27 Feb 2021   #20
To verify reviews on the Amazon, I've found something like this:
Novichok  4 | 8744
27 Feb 2021   #21
Are you serious?

Yes, I am, because I wrote some and they were negative. I am referring to the reviews about normal stuff, not books written by special people like Obongo's wife.

If a review is about how Amazon screwed up, you can assume it's unfiltered and true.
I am not reading the good ones as potentially by shills.
cruisepatron  1 | 95
27 Feb 2021   #22
I am not reading the good ones as potentially by shills.

Real review counts not more than 10%... the rest 90% are paid. The internet is full of fake reviews everywhere.

Allegro will get smashed.

I don't think so. Allegro and Amazon are different in many ways... with allegro anyone can sell their personal used items.. Amazon will not even allow a seller to list products without Barcodes and UPC numbers.. if you are selling products of another brand then seller needs to provide evidence that he has the rights to sell that other brand product or register his own brand. Amazon don't do business like allegro does so they both will exist in their own ways.
Novichok  4 | 8744
27 Feb 2021   #23
Real review counts not more than 10%... the rest 90% are paid.

Nobody pays for bad and untruthful reviews. You can get sued for them if without merit. Being paid for is irrelevant.
The negative ones are the only reviews worth reading if you are the worst-case kind of guy. The other good indicator is the ratio of 5-star to 1-star opinions. If it's less than ten, I move on.
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
27 Feb 2021   #24
in Poland half of everything is false advertising or marketing literal items are marked wrong in every zabka stores and most restaurants and i havent heard anyone suing anyone in Poland over such things. But even in America how would someone prove it was paid to even be able to sue them what company would just admit it?
cruisepatron  1 | 95
27 Feb 2021   #25
The negative ones are the only reviews worth reading

Even negative reviews are not always to be trusted. In many case they are from competitors. These days it needs lots of skills to figure out everything.

But even in America how would someone prove it was paid to even be able to sue them whwt co pany would just admit it?

The simple answer is there is no way. Most fake reviews come from real customers who bought the product except that they are gaming the review system.
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
27 Feb 2021   #26
I wouldnt be surprise if actual companies have their own staff review their own products though especially in Poland with how aggressive marketing tactics are here. You guys know in America ho people get mad when commercials get louder than TV channels? well in Poland they do it to the freaking max even youtube when I watch youtube content the commercials in polish are so loud I have to turn down my tv every time. It is same with Africans and third world people like peter mugwagwa owner of clubspot beverage in San Jose santana row who hangs out trying to ruck all th flwssy high end ladies there with his African dick. he is a fwke businessmen and claims to want to be the president or an African country a pilot and boxing promoter in addition to a wine salesman. When i lived there in that srew in San jose i used to hang out in santana row which is like hala koszykow in Warsaw and this guys... gpthis guy... this joker would make pics of himself in one of the posh bars and restaurants and advertise them as if he is in china and selling his products or clubspot beverage brand to the Chinese market.
Novichok  4 | 8744
27 Feb 2021   #27
In many case they are from competitors. These days it needs lots of skills to figure out everything.

Agreed. Especially now that lying on the internet has become a full-time job for many.
If ten reviews out of a hundred are negative, specific, and the same, they are true.
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
27 Feb 2021   #28
imagine if your boss at your new job told you to write some negative reviews about some company? would you do it or how would you say no? In Poland many jobs like marketing jobs which Warsaw is full of entail you to or **** like this I think. aits common for them to call you on your phone and try to convince you to purchase their products for instance even in just marketing but not telemarketing jobs. how do those guys do it and cant say no in Poland or they'll get fired?

Home / Life / I think once Amazon arrives it will make Allegro totally irrelevant and bankrupt within a year

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