@Iron, the link works for me.
It is a lie (I read Lenka post) because it is a manipulation.
What Lenka post? You mean that screenshot? lol Iron, for God's sake, that's just an introduction to the article! lol Read the freaking articles! Only then we'll be able to discuss the issue. I can clearly see that you haven't read any of them.
Read those:
1. wiadomosci.onet.pl/tylko-w-onecie/szokujacy-raport-o-karabinku-grot-ujawnia-pelen-zakres-jego-wad/0yent0v
2. wiadomosci.onet.pl/tylko-w-onecie/raport-zespolu-pawla-mosznera-dotyczacy-karabinka-grot/zd5zwvq
3. wiadomosci.onet.pl/tylko-w-onecie/onet-odpowiada-na-zarzuty-o-klamstwo-w-sprawie-karabinkow-grot/61lezf2
...and only
then you can comment. Before you do that you're just talking out of your ass and you're making baseless accusations.
The first link describes only 8 major flaws out of 22 and it already gave me a headache. The factory didn't even make the sand test (they claim they made dust test) for the guns. When sand gets into Grot the gun becomes unusable. It makes it
unfit for military lol And it's just one of those major flaws...
The second link is the report describing all of the 22 flaws. I didn't have the time to read it yet, hopefully I'll manage later.
The third link is Onet's response to the allegations of "lying" or "manipulating".
but don't buy into every nonsense fitly rags like those cook up!
I've read about this in other sources too, but those articles were short, very general and based on some opinions. None of them was as long, thourough, detailed and based on tests performed by people so experienced in the field, as those published by onet.pl
They have no such reservation and that why they are worthless scum.
Who is "worthless scum", according to you? GROM soldiers?? :D Territorials? :D Haha... The report was made and the articles were written, because of the complaints made by soldiers who were using Grot... and who had to pay for parts falling off from those guns, despite the fact that those parts were falling off because of construction flaws and it wasn't the soldiers' fault... You realise that 220 PLN is one third of what a Territorial is getting for taking part in the course?
there is not prefect ready weapon at the first go. (...) HK, M-16 and so on....So chill....there is nothing major wrong with GROT.
Iron, I dare say that I know about guns more than an average Polish woman and maybe even more than some men. It's still very little, but at least I do know something :)) And, yes, I am aware what problems there were with M-16 before it was called like that and that American soldiers still had issues with M-16 even in Vietnam, for example, and that there were modifications, etc. But a) that was years ago and b) I imagine American soldiers were listened to by the gun manufacturers (or the guns wouldn't sell). The problem with Grot is that the producer didn't listen to soldiers (or, at least, not enough). If you
know about important flaws, you make modifications (without waiting for a scandal to erupt and a recall of 43 000 guns!).
Apart from Radom's "Łucznik" factory in Radom also Military University of Technology in Warsaw took part in designing Grot. That military university entrusted GROM, among others, with testing the weapon. GROM soldiers said Grot is faulty. They concluded it's a good weapon, but has many flaws that need to be corrected. GROM presented evidence how faulty it is to "Łucznik", but the company stated that they're spoiled "because they're GROM and they worked with the best equipment" (I guess "Łucznik" doesn't want to make "the best equipment" - it may be "Poland B" mentality at work, I'm afraid) and the factory won't change anything, because it won't be "profitable" for them. So, GROM decided to get Heckler & Koch HK416. Other Polish special forces don't seem to be interested in Grot either.
And yet the guns (Grot A0 version) were ordered during the testing phase (against the rules for buying equipment for the military) and Territorials got 1000 pieces. They had to be modified into the A1 version for free by the factory (those were very small changes though and didn't tackle the serious problems with the gun). During two following years Polish army got 43 000 pieces of A1 version. Soldiers still had problems with them. Finally, the factory made a new improved version A2, but the army will get it only this year. In the meantime the army sent those 43 000 guns... back to the factory for... "modifications" :):
43 000 guns... Wasted taxpayers money (500 millions)... Wasted time and tarnished reputation... And who will pay for those "modifications" of 43 000 guns???
It looks like turning a blind eye to Grot's flaws wasn't so "profitable" for the company after all...
Exactly, so you should stop talking about issues you have no clue about.
Do you have any clue, Iron? If you do, then, please, do dazzle us with your expertise and comment on all those 22 flaws described in the report made by experts headed by former GROM officer who's been a shooting instructor for over 20 years...