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Why Polish singers are not popular abroad?

Paulina  19 | 4505
29 Aug 2022   #91
My reaction is pure logic. Yours is pure emotion. There is no place for this kind of stuff in competition.

It is a music competition. Music is all about emotions, you idiot! LOL Many, if not majority, of songs are about what you call "emotional crap" :D

btw, I have terminal cancer because nobody there gives a damn. Such things are reserved for doctors and priests.

Normal people do give a damn. Her song was about her life story. So, even from the point of view of the contest, it was important for her to share what this song was about. Thank to this I've understood the meaning of this song and why "it's OK". The song has become much more meaningful to me and more relatable. That's how normal people react to music and art in general. Song are often stories in a way. And if those stories are authentic, if singers know what they're singing about because they've been through stuff in life it makes their music more meaningful, authentic and relatable to people listening to their songs.

They didn't ask her, Do you have cancer?

No, but they asked her what she'd been doing for a living. And she answered that she wasn't working for the last years, because she was battling cancer. They also asked her about her song - what it's all about. So how are you supposed to say that your song is about battling cancer without saying that you have cancer, you idiot?
Miloslaw  20 | 5141
29 Aug 2022   #92
Music is all about emotions, you idiot! LOL Many, if not majority, of songs are about what you call "emotional crap

Agreed 100%!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Aug 2022   #93
Many, if not majority, of songs are about what you call "emotional crap" :D

Especially American Country......."my wife left me after the house burnt down and I ran over the dog with my truck when I got out of jail and now I got fired from my job."

The more depressing the story, the better.
Paulina  19 | 4505
29 Aug 2022   #94
Music, not the singer's last cancer exam, you moron!

Yes, and it was her music + her story that made Simon Cowell push that golden button. She wrote a great song and she sang it beautifully. If it wasn't for cancer, she could be a star.

I agree that it would be cringeworthy if she wasn't talented and shared such a story to win "pity points". But she didn't have to. She was talented.

We don't sing about MS, Altzheimer's, syphilis, or blindness.

But we do about AIDS? lol:

Don't compose songs about cancer, especially your own

Fortunately, pr1cks like you don't get to tell artists what they can or cannot compose their songs about :))
Novichok  4 | 8596
30 Aug 2022   #95
Fortunately, pr1cks like you don't to listen about your cancer. We have our own.

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