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Who are the Polish singers (Classical or Folk songs)

LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431
17 Sep 2011   #1
I d love to listen to Polish singers whose styles are similar to :

Bob Dylan,Leonard Cohen, in English
Jacques Brel Georges Brassens,Barbara in French
Vladimir Vissotsky, Boulat Okoudjava in Russian

You know what i mean, classical or folk singers whose songs have nice lyrics, poetic Polish words, Polish singers who are viewed as singing poets.

Old or recent does not matter.

Thank you for your recommendations
MyMom  6 | 136
17 Sep 2011   #2
Grzegorz Turnau:
Marek Grechuta:

Czesław Niemen:

Jacek Kaczmarski:
17 Sep 2011   #4
singing poetry is:
Grzegorz Turnau
Marek Grechuta
Ewa Demarczyk
Jacek Kaczmarski
Raz Dwa Trzy
Stare Dobre Małżeństwo

pop singers/band:
Ryszard Rynkowski
Budka Suflera

I also recommend a famous blues band Dżem.

Vladimir Vissotsky, Boulat Okoudjava in Russian

Kazik Staszewski performing songs of his father Stanisław. Also many songs by Kult (whose vocalist is Kazik) resembles the Russian style of singing, however it's rather a rock music.

Kazik Staszewski performing songs of his father Stanisław. Also many songs by Kult (whose vocalist is Kazik) resembles the Russian style of singing, however it's rather a rock music.

Maybe it would be easier to name some of them:

Komu bije dzwon
Królowa życia
Knajpa morderców
MyMom  6 | 136
17 Sep 2011   #5
Yes, Kazik Staszewski and his father have brilliant lyrics. Budka Suflera and Dżem also, although they are probably not what Lwowska wants.
More soft and poetic - Martyna Jakubowicz:
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
17 Sep 2011   #6
I think you could also take a look at Republika/Grzegorz Ciechowski, various projects of Tymon Tymański, possibly Myslovitz, maybe Tilt/Tomasz Lipiński...

Tomasz Lipiński

G. Ciechowski

Kury (Tymański)

Myslovitz (Artur Rojek)

Czesław Śpiewa
OP LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431
18 Sep 2011   #7
Thank you so much MyMom and Grzegorz, i think i will start a relaxing Sunday listening to the nice Polish singers you recommended.
Thanks again
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
18 Sep 2011   #8
Some more

Sztywny Pal Azji

Rysavy  10 | 306
18 Oct 2012   #9
I also recommend a famous blues band Dżem.

This is more a style that I like when not headbanging..I like bluesy romantic music sung in smooth heldentenor ranges
pawian  224 | 27236
25 Dec 2023   #10
Old or recent does not matter.


The first singer who appeared on Polish TV before the war was Mieczysław Fogg. He continued singing after the war too and did it for a few decades with unwavering popularity.

An amazing person coz he took part in Polish wars of the time as a soldier or artist.

Here performing the famous song Silence (the one with trumpet motif, you know):

pawian  224 | 27236
25 Dec 2023   #11
Here performing the famous song Silence

And now his most famous song: Autumn Roses. You can guess it is a bit sad and nostalgic...... :):)

PS. The joke from 20th century was that Polish archeologists dug out a mummy in Egypt which woke up and asked: Does Fogg still sing??? hahahaha

Autumn roses, sad tea roses.
Autumn roses are like your beloved lips.
The purple trees are the last to give us shelter
. And hearts beat like a bell, in one tone.

Autumn roses whisper quietly about separation.
Autumn roses tell us about goodbye.
And in a cloud of leaves we walk through the wilderness of the park.
Autumn roses are already withering.

It was May so recently, we were so happy,
smiling and tender, who will revive these days again?
Give me a cool hand, look me in the eye and tell me
Do you love me, I know, it's an illusion and a dream

Home / Life / Who are the Polish singers (Classical or Folk songs)

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