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Will the price of petrol/diesel reach 7 Zlotys in 2011

10 Mar 2011   #1
In contrast with what is happening in Egypt and Tunisia, Libya occupies the first spot on the Human Development Index for Africa and it has the highest life expectancy on the continent. Education and health receive special attention from the State. The cultural level of its population is without a doubt the highest. Its problems are of a different sort. The population wasn’t lacking food and essential social services. The country needed an abundant foreign labour force to carry out ambitious plans for production and social development.

For that reason, it provided jobs for hundreds of thousands of workers from Egypt, Tunisia, China and other countries. It had enormous incomes and reserves in convertible currencies deposited in the banks of the wealthy countries from which they acquired consumer goods and even sophisticated weapons that were supplied exactly by the same countries that today want to invade it in the name of human rights.

The colossal campaign of lies, unleashed by the mass media, resulted in great confusion in world public opinion. Once again we see a situation about Oil over human suffering.Some time will go by before we can reconstruct what has really happened in Libya, and we can separate the true facts from the false ones that have been spread.
Stu  12 | 515
10 Mar 2011   #2
same countries that today want to invade it in the name of human rights.

In which newspaper did you read that we want to invade Libya? I seem to remember placards from the Libyan rebels saying "No to foreign intervention. Libyans can do it alone". Maybe a no-fly zone can be installed, although there is no way of knowing for how long this no-fly zone has to be upheld. Besides, putting up a no-fly zone uses up quite a lot of military hardware (aircraft carriers, AWACS, fighter jets, helicopters, etc ... etc ...) which we badly need in other theatres.

With regard to the price of petrol ... over here we pay PLN 6,80 per liter (diesel PLN 5,70) at the moment and the trend is rising, unfortunately. Therefore you see more and more people stealing fuel at petrol stations. Every year the number of petrol thefts rises with 15%, and with prices like this one shouldn't be surprised if this will increase even more.

I guess this can seriously jeopardize the economic recovery. Transport becomes more and more expensive and in the end, we as consumers will have to foot the bill.
Wroclaw Boy
10 Mar 2011   #3
as i mentioned on another thread already today, as long as money exists we cant believe a word they say.

In which newspaper did you read that we want to invade Libya?

Honestly its the first time ive thought of this: ive just realised that the Western world now has the perfect excuse to go after any Arab country and of course their oil.
OP poland_
10 Mar 2011   #4
In which newspaper did you read that we want to invade Libya?

The despot Col Gadaaffi and Co, have recently been allowed back into the fold due to their spending power, international trade is important, but it is more important to maintain the law. The Libyan intelligence agent - Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi, should have rotted in a UK jail, and NOT allowed to return to Libya on business grounds.

With regard to the price of petrol ... over here we pay PLN 6,80 per liter (diesel PLN 5,70)

Over here the price of diesel/petrol is about the same 5- 5.35 PLN.
Stu  12 | 515
10 Mar 2011   #5

That's not a link! Fidel Castro says this ... come on, warszawski ... give me a break.

"Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro says the US has no interest in seeing peace in Libya but is solely concerned with the country's oil reserves. Mr Castro, in a column published in state media, said it was too early to evaluate what was happening in Libya. But, he said, it was clear the US would not hesitate to order Nato to invade."

NOT allowed to return to Libya on business grounds

He wasn't allowed back on business grounds, but on humanitarian grounds (although the wisdom of this decision can be contested as well - but then again ... so can his conviction of the Lockerbie bombing). To be honest - I am not quite sure whether he did it or not ... 5 months before PanAm 103 there was "this little issue" with IranAir flight 655 ... .
OP poland_
10 Mar 2011   #6
Come on Stu, wake up and smell the coffee. If the BBC and other respectable sources for information quote, there is some validity.

Regarding Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrah being allowed to return to libya, it was the sweetener for business deals with Libya.
Stu  12 | 515
10 Mar 2011   #7
The BBC quotes Castro, who said something in some column he wrote. So the BBC says objectively what happened, i.e. Castro wrote a column, and this is what he says.

Wow ... come on ... where's your English?
Dande  - | 5
10 Mar 2011   #8
Gas is to expensive in Europe. From my calculations, 5.35 PLN/Liter is 6.95 USD/Gal. Right now I pay about 3.50 USD/Gal which is about 2.69 PLN/Liter.

I could only imagine how low our gas would be if we actually got the millions of barrels of oil from Iraq that everyone accused Bush of going after. Plus we don't tax it as crazy as you guys do. Is that why y'all like high-speed rails so much? Because it cost and arm and leg travel a half day by car?
Stu  12 | 515
10 Mar 2011   #9
Because it cost and arm and leg travel a half day by car?

It costs two arms and two legs to travel by train ... :S. (at least where I come from)
OP poland_
10 Mar 2011   #10
If I remember correctly it was also Castro, that wrote about the invasion of Iraq and warned of the consequences before it happened. I am not an admirer of Gadaffi or any other despot out there. The situation in Libya is a little different to the rest of the middle east, because you have a madman that is prepared to go the distance at any cost to human life.
Stu  12 | 515
10 Mar 2011   #11
I'm sorry warszawski, but I don't consider Castro to be a source worth listening to, thank you.
OP poland_
10 Mar 2011   #12
As the saying goes " Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" I think it is always important to listen to all channels of information, no matter the source. Information or disinformation.
Stu  12 | 515
10 Mar 2011   #13
Fine, but that doesn't mean to say I have to believe what he's saying. It's just his personal opinion.
OP poland_
10 Mar 2011   #14
It's just his personal opinion.

All information has a source and is opinion, it is from a individual or a organization/group, it is information or disinformation. Only the future predicts who was right and who was wrong.

According to Skynews

The Nato military alliance is holding urgent talks on the deteriorating security situation in Libya - as France said the rebel leadership was the country's "legitimate representatives".

Member states are weighing up their options, which include an attack on Libyan air defences as part of a strategy to impose a no-fly zone.But there is disagreement on the way forward.

Nato chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen said: "If requested and if needed we can respond at very short notice."
But he warned: "There are a lot of sensitivities in the region as regards what might be considered foreign military interference." A no-fly zone is easily achievable but it is a complex undertaking and could risk dragging the West into a protracted conflict in another Middle Eastern country.
guesswho  4 | 1272
10 Mar 2011   #15
Will the price of petrol/diesel reach 7 Zlotys in 2011

how much is it now?
OP poland_
10 Mar 2011   #16
PLN 5- 5.35 per ltr
In Warsaw  - | 48
10 Mar 2011   #17
how much is it now?

I paid 5.28 yesterday for 98 octane in central Warsaw.
Stu  12 | 515
11 Mar 2011   #18
an attack on Libyan air defences

Yes ... that is NOT an invasion, which you claim in your original post.

the same countries that today want to invade it in the name of human rights.

guesswho  4 | 1272
11 Mar 2011   #19
I paid 5.28 yesterday for 98 octane in central Warsaw.

It's pretty expensive then. It's $3.45 a gallon here today

1 US gallon = 3.78541178 liters
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 Mar 2011   #20
Is that why y'all like high-speed rails so much?

Nah, we're just sensible and realise that on city pairs like London-Paris and Barcelona-Madrid, high speed rail can more or less eliminate the competition from airlines - which is no bad thing for the environment.

As for petrol - it's hovering between 4.83 and 5.05 for unleaded 95 at the minute here.
OP poland_
11 Mar 2011   #21
Stu there is a very large distance between wanting to involve yourself in a conflict and actually being involved. We do not know what is going on behind the scenes, except of course what we read in the media.

Here is a link for petrol/diesel prices Feb 2011 source AA. Prices are higher in March 2011

Will March 11, street demos in Saudi Arabia , Send The Price Of Oil Into Unprecedented Territory?

The speculative fervor is so remarkable that the big trading firms now have nearly twice as many long contracts open as they did in 2008, when oil spiked to $147 in the summer, a development that either foreshadowed or caused the global economic meltdown, depending on how you look at it.

In particular, the number of investors that are betting that a revolution in Saudi Arabia is going to send the price of oil up to $200 a barrel.

Are people actually betting that is going to happen?

Stu, you are employed by nato and ...
SeanBM  34 | 5781
4 Apr 2011   #22
PLN 5- 5.35 per ltr

I have noticed the price going up but I have been too busy to find out why.

Is it really because of Egypt and Tunisia and Libya? Or something else altogether, I ask becuase I think I heard something on the news and it wasn't about that.
Wroclaw Boy
4 Apr 2011   #23
Think i paid 5,10 PLN yesterday for 95.
OP poland_
12 Apr 2011   #24
Just fill my car up today and paid 5.68 PLN per liter for diesel V Power at Shell in Warsaw.
brisrodney  1 | 18
22 Jul 2011   #25
Merged: What is the price of a litre of petrol in Poland currently?

Also is diesel the same price?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
22 Jul 2011   #26
In Poznan yesterday -

Unleaded : between 5.04zl (Auchan, always the cheapest) to 5.25zl (some backwater petrol station).

Diesel is about 0.2zl cheaper.
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Mar 2023   #27
On 5 Feb the EU stopped importing diesel from Russia. I had expected there would be shortages of fuel so I had stored 150 litres. That was unnecessary coz diesel is widely available and even cheaper by 10% than before. Amasing.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
11 Mar 2023   #28
In US diesel is same as heating oil and is expensive cuz its considered commercial.Lots of gas station owners sell heating oil as its taxed less then diesel.

If you ever want to store diesel always store in fall as it always goes up in price in winter.BTW you drive a diesel car???Noisy aint it?plus no pickup?
Alien  26 | 6543
11 Mar 2023   #29
Unleaded 95 today Swinoujście 6,84 PLN. 90 % German cars.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
11 Mar 2023   #30
Its almost half the price in NJ.3.05$ a Gallon plus 4% cash back on the costco card.

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