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What do Poles really think about cats?

Novichok  4 | 7809
7 May 2022   #121
The dog is man's best friend ...

And that's the problem because that friend is very demanding on your time and attention when alive and gives you a major case of depression when he dies. Most people don't have 4000 laying around when that friend needs surgery. Some of those friends kill kids.
pawian  219 | 24792
7 May 2022   #122
...but spends more than your cat.

Yes, she does. But it is a good reason for me to take pride in being able to provide my wife with the resources she deems necessary to take advantage of. Simply speaking, I have nothing against. :):):)
pawian  219 | 24792
8 May 2022   #123
gives you a major case of depression when he dies.

That is pure life. We will all die one day so there is no reason why we should make such a big deal about it. Our pets go first, then it is us who follow. Simple.
Novichok  4 | 7809
8 May 2022   #124

Not really...We are supposed to die before our kids. When they die first, it's the worst that can happen to a parent. Many marriages do not survive this kind of stress.

To many people, a dog is like a child or better. In your statistical 80 years, you could have six dogs and six dog funerals. Ouch...No, thanks.
Alien  23 | 5540
8 May 2022   #125
But pets are not kids. Nevertheless you can buy an Ara parrot as a pet. They live 120 years and more.
jon357  72 | 22979
8 May 2022   #126
A large parrot is a lifelong responsibility. They're intelligent too and require a lot of care.
Novichok  4 | 7809
8 May 2022   #127
Normal people settle for a lifelong responsibility for their wives, kids, and themselves. Animals at home are a major PITA.
jon357  72 | 22979
8 May 2022   #128
Yet millions have them and are very happy to do that.
Lenka  5 | 3484
8 May 2022   #129
Normal people settle for a lifelong responsibility for their wives, kids, and themselves

The numbers of pet ownership say you are full of cr*p
pawian  219 | 24792
8 May 2022   #130
a dog is like a child or better

But when a dog or another pet dies of old age, it is normal and people accept it as a due course of events in their life.

They live 120 years and more.

That is why we also have a tortoise which is going to outlive me - he is only about 20.
Novichok  4 | 7809
8 May 2022   #131
But when a dog ...dies of old age, it is normal and people accept it as a due course of events in their life.

When a man gets pancreatic cancer, he has to accept it as just another way of ending his life - but I still don't want it.

That is why we also have a tortoise which is going to outlive me

Get a virtual pet. It will never die.
jon357  72 | 22979
8 May 2022   #132
When a man gets pancreatic cancer, he has to accept it as just another way of ending his life

Full of the joys of spring....

But when a dog or another pet

And many fond memories. Families need pets. They're good companions for older people too.
Novichok  4 | 7809
8 May 2022   #133
A pet is a crutch. Good companions are other older people. Like your own or your friend's wife. Pets can't nag as well.
jon357  72 | 22979
8 May 2022   #134
Good companions are other older people

Or cats. They bring a lot of joy to older people. Make them feel needed.

Pets can't nag as well.

You haven't met mine...
Novichok  4 | 7809
8 May 2022   #135
Make them feel needed.

...but add to the sedentary lifestyle that kills both the body and the spirit. I just read that walkers live 16 years longer.
jon357  72 | 22979
8 May 2022   #136
the sedentary lifestyle

Says a guy sat at the computer! It's true that walking does help, as do intellectual interests, work (paid or voluntary) and human contact. Pets as well. And cats do seem to like to be the owners of older people.

Anyway, cats have long had a strong affinity to humans without ever being fully domesticated. And people like them.
Novichok  4 | 7809
8 May 2022   #137
I bike, walk, and pump every day. A couple of days ago, it was 45F and raining. I noticed that the dog owners were out but not smiling.
jon357  72 | 22979
8 May 2022   #138
I noticed that the dog owners were out but not smiling.

They should have got kitties instead.
pawian  219 | 24792
8 May 2022   #139
Get a virtual pet. It will never die.

No. They die when the battery dies.

lifelong responsibility for their wives, kids, and themselves.

Exactly. And taking care of a pet greatly contributes to developing such a responsibility, already starting in childhood. Do you think people are naturally endowed with it?? :):)

And people like them.

Yes, I like cats for their independence. Dogs` subservience and obedience to their human masters is disgusting to me.
Novichok  4 | 7809
8 May 2022   #140
Dogs` subservience and obedience to their human masters is disgusting to me.

Finally, we agree on something important.

They die when the battery dies.

...but you at least don't see them suffer. Plus, you can put them inside your PC that's running on a UPS. And they will never pee on your couch.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
8 May 2022   #141
Dogs` subservience and obedience to their human masters is disgusting to me


I love dogs,but would never have one and I hate cats.
Novichok  4 | 7809
9 May 2022   #142
and I hate cats.

Can cats sense that?
Joker  2 | 2211
9 May 2022   #143
and I hate cats.

Cats are only loyal to whoever is feeding them.

Dogs are " mans best friend"

Nothing worse than the smell of cat pi$$! I can tell in 2 seconds when I walk into a home if they own a cat. You cant get rid of that stench either, except total remodel.
Novichok  4 | 7809
9 May 2022   #144
Nothing worse than the smell of cat pi$$!

Tell me about it! Way back in Poland, our cat pi$$ed on the way home and the whole train stunk like hell.
pawian  219 | 24792
9 May 2022   #145
No, it didn`t. Unless you travelled on the Orient Express train through all Europe for a week or so. Sterilised cats` pee starts smelling after longer time. :):):)
jon357  72 | 22979
9 May 2022   #146
Sterilised cats` pee

His cat probably had an STD.
Novichok  4 | 7809
9 May 2022   #147
Does yours have AIDS?
Think before you press POST.

No, it didn`t

You are exceeding your competency in this matter. I was there. You were not. We were on the train from Gdynia to Warsaw known as Torpeda.

Sterilised cats` pee starts smelling after longer time. :):):)

What planet are you on? Cats sterilized in Poland in 1960?
pawian  219 | 24792
10 May 2022   #148
I was there. You were not.

But I know your penchant for making up stories to attract bigger attention :):):)
jon357  72 | 22979
10 May 2022   #149
Does yours have AIDS?

Some cats do. Think before you post.

But I know your penchant for making up stories to attract bigger attention :):):)

More like a yapping chihuahua than a cat.
Novichok  4 | 7809
10 May 2022   #150

I always thought that "penchant" is something you buy for your wife's bd. We would say you often lie...

Some cats do.

You mean there are gay cats? How do they get it? Cat to cat or gay guy to cat?

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