Do you get a feeling of being an itsy bitsy mouse at times??? hahaha
What do Poles really think about cats?
Poles/Polesses think that cats are obnoxious cos they sniff Christmas presents with their wet noses and rest on the table, thus preventing laying it for Christmas supper.
In cat houses, be prepared to drink coffee/tea from such mugs:
In cat houses, be prepared t
good advice... in the US "cat house" refers to a brothel... (burdel)....
3 cats and 3 different reactions to firework shooting in the village centre nearby:
Black Pearl, the most fragile of all, stayed at the most isolated place in the house, far from the windows.
Ginger, the oldest, wasn`t bothered at all. He lay on the sofa and dozed.
Diaboł aka Devyl, the youngest, was fascinated. Spent all midnight on the window sill and observed the lights.
Black Pearl, the most fragile of all, stayed at the most isolated place in the house, far from the windows.
Ginger, the oldest, wasn`t bothered at all. He lay on the sofa and dozed.
Diaboł aka Devyl, the youngest, was fascinated. Spent all midnight on the window sill and observed the lights.
Ginger, the oldest, wasn`t bothered at all. He lay on the sofa and dozed
Maybe he is deaf?
Luckily, he isn`t coz he is frequently the first one to fight aka run quickly to the kitchen when I start chopping meat or fish on the board. :):)
chopping meat or fish on the board. :):)
Maybe he has a good sense of smell.
Impossible. The kitchen is located far from the rooms he loves to doze in. He hears sounds of chopped meat.
Besides, when I talk to him, he always meows in reply.
Besides, when I talk to him, he always meows in reply.
5 Jan 2025 #430
Beatifull catsen. Full admirashon.
What can you see? And why?
What can you see?
Wrapped cat food? Did you catch those mice yourself or did the cats bring them?
Our local pet shop sells vacuum packed rats that look just like that. People with snakes buy them.
Yes, jon, packed rats for our snake but not vacuumed, just frozen. I keep them on my shelf in the freezer
Actually, they steal them from the radiator where I put a frozen rat to warm. Devyl did a few weeks ago and ran away with the prey to my wife`s room where he hid under the bed. When other cats approached, he started growling like a big dog at them.Finally, he devoured the rat.
did the cats bring them?
Actually, they steal them from the radiator where I put a frozen rat to warm. Devyl did a few weeks ago and ran away with the prey to my wife`s room where he hid under the bed. When other cats approached, he started growling like a big dog at them.Finally, he devoured the rat.
rest on the table, thus preventing laying it for Christmas supper.
In cat homes, stay-in cats are allowed to rest on the dining table.
Try keeping them off one!
they steal them from the radiator where I put a frozen rat to warm. Devyl did a few weeks ago
Now I take revenge on him in a nasty way. I offer him the unfrozen rat under his nose to sniff and lick but before he grabs it with his teeth, I withdraw the prey and give it to the snake instead. Ha!!!
W imię zasad, ty mały s..........u!!!!
Dinner time
you are F up! that why!
:):):) Thanks.
When Devyl takes a nap during the day, you can do anything with him - he completely drifts away.
I hate cats, selfish violent creatures.You don't own a cat, it owns you.
I hate cats
It is natural. All rats do. You aren`t an exception. :):):)
but before he grabs it with his teeth, I withdraw the prey and give it to the snake instead. Ha!!!
Just like this! Devyl gets the taste but eventually the snake gets the rat prey.
Devyl the snake
Whenever I see them together, I wonder which is cuter.
wonder which is cuter.
I have no doubts about which one is cuter
Yes, that velvety smooth warm reptile.
Przelotnyptak1 - | 508
19 Feb 2025 #447
Yes, that velvety smooth warm reptile.
What did you do to the reptile to warm it? Did you cook it? Reptiles normally retain their surrounding temperature.
What did you do to the reptile to warm it?
Why do you ask him? I don't want to know. That freak is capable of anything.
Reptiles normally retain their surrounding temperature.
Exactly!!! And it is warm in my room where I keep the glass cage and even warmer in the cage itself coz there is a heating device.
Why do you ask him?
Don`t be so fekking jealous. Poultry can meet anybody anytime anywhere and you can`t constrain him. He didn`t promise you a steady relationship. Or there is sth I don`t know..........
That freak
Wrong logic. Nobody who loves animals is a freak. Those two issues exclude each other. Ha!!!
warm reptile
Nothing for me.