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Poles - the Nation of Liars?

espana  17 | 951
3 Oct 2010   #151
Poles - the Nation of Liars?

pinochio is an amateur if compare him with the polacks
Ironside  50 | 12969
3 Oct 2010   #152
pinochio is an amateur

hence a polish long noses !

I fully agree with you if you are fair enough to see it the same way when it comes Poles living abroad too.

Hello Wendy :)
jochemczyk  1 | 35
1 Dec 2011   #153
Yes I have to agree but to them its not a bad thing, everbody does it. When you live among them you have to learn to deal with it. There are other cultures like this also which I am not going to name.
alxmac  5 | 27
1 Dec 2011   #154
i think poles are alcoholics but thats for another topic
ShawnH  8 | 1488
1 Dec 2011   #155
You'd be surprised....

Belorus and Ukranians and Russians made their way higher on the list.....
Wedle  15 | 490
1 Dec 2011   #156
I think what you are experiancing is a cultural differance per se.

I agree with your comments 100%

Polish people don't lie more than other nationalities

Words have no value in business in PL, Poles are happy to sit there talking bo11ox and when you pin them down, it was only a suggestion, it can not be in the contract as it is only between friends.

just in a different way.

Yes in a lying way.

Be it on the telephone or in person they make things up as they go along like little children.

They are a little like the asians, they do not wish to loose face, a Pole always have to give you an answer even if it is bu11shit, they just don't get it, its better to say " I don't have an answer to that question so I must come back to it later" all the time Poles are focused on the money and getting it NOW. Poles don;t trust Poles, so how can they trust anyone else.
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431
1 Dec 2011   #157
Poles don;t trust Poles, so how can they trust anyone else.

I pretty much agree with this statement.
I think calling Poland a nation of liars is far too radical but indeed i have noticed that lying may not be viewed as bad as anywhere else, however putting people who lie in front of their contradictions and doing it in Polish helps a lot.

As far as customer service is concerned ,the concept does not even exist in Poland among Polish businesses therefore a lot of foreign companies are successful thanks to a better service ( ikea, Carrefour, Castorama,Bouygues) at least in these stores you may bring back an item you bought and never used and get a refund quicker.

If transparency prevailed in any commercial transaction in Poland,(Polish businesses would have more clients ,customers more rights) and life would be easier for everyone.
Natasa  1 | 572
1 Dec 2011   #158
serbia app. 30th place. I thought we would be higher.

My father used to drink more than desirably (ouch) keeping the professional functioning on the extreme high levels, I have no idea how he did it.

My mother was a therapist (psychologist) that successfully led groups of alcoholics teamed with Belgrade's psychiatric institution (addiction problems).

That is how life can be funny. She never drank a drop of alcohol. Actually once, my father persuaded her to drink one beer, I was the close to pack my things and run away. I was a teenager. Manslaughter was also an idea to solve the drunk and happy parents situation.

So, I never drink, and the best turn off for me is an alcoholic cloud around a man.

I successfully killed the desire to consume alcohol in men offering something nicer than the beer. Looooooove :)))

beer, wine or love?

They always choose love.

About lies, my impression is that members of Slavic nations tend to be more direct than situation demands. Even with their descriptive languages where words are missing reflecting the short supply of precise concepts, they tended to express themselves too clear.

Lies allowed here are those which are not verbalized, silent lies, absence of truth, evasive behavior is tolerated when it comes to truth, while direct lies are draconically sanctioned by surrounding. Person is moved to margin, immediately when caught. Reasons for the lie are irrelevant and trust is lost.

I am curious about Poles, who attached this label and why? does it represent reality? I doubt somehow.
southern  73 | 7059
1 Dec 2011   #159
Generally Slavs cannot discuss serious business unless they have drank 2-3 butilky.A common situation where western businessmen usually fail.
Natasa  1 | 572
1 Dec 2011   #160
Generally Slavs cannot discuss serious business unless they have drank 2-3 butilky.

My father lived and worked with Moscow for a while, and he who liked to drink told me once on the phone: ' I have no strength for this tempo of drinking, and I have to.' And he was 190 cm over 100 kg with serious drinking potentials.

He tried to explain me that while he is sober there, nothing serious will happen business wise. I thought he was lying, but his voice was a voice of desperate man who lost the battle with Russians.

Moscow was followed usually with 2 week visit to Karlovy Vari spa for detoxication. I think he prolonged his existence with those spa periods for few years.
southern  73 | 7059
1 Dec 2011   #161
who lost the battle with Russians.

Russian and polish genes have evolved into this noble battle for centuries confirming evolution theory.
Seanus  15 | 19666
1 Dec 2011   #162
So they all need polygraphy tests? Come off it ;)
noreenb  7 | 548
1 Dec 2011   #163
Poles a nation of liars?
Why shoud we be?
BBman  - | 343
1 Dec 2011   #164
Everyone lies. I bet Poles lie to you more because they know they can.

I'm not sure if lying is unique to Poles.

Great post.
Wedle  15 | 490
1 Dec 2011   #165
Poles a nation of liars?
Why shoud we be?

Here we go, someone trying to suggest that morals are high in Poland, I will remind you of According to Transparency International, two out of five managers have at some point offered a bribe to public officials.But the general public appear not to be fazed. A recent poll conducted by CBOS highlighted that only 4 percent of Poles strongly oppose corruption and 98 percent believe official matters can be dealt with using cash

Cheating and lying is a way of life for Poles, it will take a good generation to change.
Seanus  15 | 19666
1 Dec 2011   #166
What Wedle is true to a certain extent. We saw it again at a recent MMA event. Only when taken to task on it were they snapped out of it.
ReservoirDog  - | 132
1 Dec 2011   #167
it will take a good generation to change.

Do you really think it's the case of evolution?? ;)
joepilsudski  26 | 1387
1 Dec 2011   #168
Sorry folks but the Poles are a Nation of liars. When you have an appointment with them or any kind of transaction which involves a Pole when they realise they cannot keep their side of the bargain they lie their way out of it rather than tell the truth which is usually the best option.Ive heard some good excuses in my time but these guys are something else and the lies are so good. Its great when you catch them out.Of course we all lie from time to time but ive never heard so much BS from a nation since i lived here.

'Them', 'they'?...Wait a minute...'Wroclaw Boy'?...Are you of Polish descent or a Pole?
jochemczyk  1 | 35
2 Dec 2011   #169
Just one more post then Im getting off this site. To the expats that live in Poland and whine about the Poles,go back to your own countries or find one to suit you better. I left UK 20 years ago and every time I go back to visit relatives Im more convinced that I did the right thing to move to Canada. There are a few things that I dont like here,cold winters,mosquitos, Bears in my back yard. Other petty stuff but overall I love Canada and Canadians. Also love Poland and the Polish people but it would not suit me to live there. Cant stand this site any longer its sooo depressing and hateful
Wedle  15 | 490
2 Dec 2011   #170
Great that you like Canada, I like Poland, the documented fact is Polish society accepts lying and cheating as the norm. If Poland wants to be seen as the business/financial center of E/C Europe, they have to clean up their act. Just a small fact to take into consideration.
Mark B  - | 9
2 Dec 2011   #171
I had a relationship with a Polish girl for one year and I have to say that she was a liar also and when I spoke to her parents to ask iif she was ok (when she was in Poland and her phone off for a couple of days) they lied also as to her where abouts. Says it all really.
roca  7 | 43
2 Dec 2011   #172
There are a lot of very dishonest poles, who like cheating and lying. Much more than the average in any western european country. Thats a fact ! I have experience that myself, I had tried to help some people in a certain situation, but you give them a hand and they will take your leg. Never trust any polish people you don't know, trust only those you know and are 100% confident they are honest. The dishonest ones include, police, authorities, burocrats, doctors and so on... also average workers, they tend to cheat and make a mess in their work and find all the time excuses for not doing it. That is unbelievable, I have heard from them the most ridicously excuses ever.

There are also very nice people on poland, helpful and honest , which are the opposite of what I mentioned before. I'm sorry for those honest people who deal with the stereotype because some of their countrymen are dishonest.

There is still a very huge influence of the communist way of thinking in polish society. I hope this will change soon, but I am afraid it can take at lest 20 years to totally disappear.

ALSO, they HATE to hear the truth about their country, specially if a foreinger says so, and they will start to deny everything, eventhough inside them they know everything is true. You just need to read some answers of some polish guys here in PF, to realise about this
hythorn  3 | 580
2 Dec 2011   #173
are these the same Polish guys who threw phantom eggs at your phantom car?

how are the ballroom dancing lessons going?
boletus  30 | 1356
2 Dec 2011   #174
According to PF users the Poles are obsessed with race, do not observe food hygiene, Polish men wear crew cuts, hate Muslims, are a nation of liars, are miserable all the time, never smile, have temper, Polish men are ugly, collaborated with Nazis, do not practise circumcision, have big noses, have special Polish looks, hate Russians and Germans, have not a good ear for music, have low opinion of Romanians, eat bacon that does not fry up, Polish women are disgusting, fat, lying, and they cheat UK immigration; Polish women used to be more attractive, Polish women are very busty, Polish women are just money oriented, Polish women talk too much, Polish women are complicated, Polish women are world's second most flirtatious, Poles do not dub foreign movies, Poles are being hated by Americans and Canadians, Poles are never wrong, use kurwa at the end of every sentence, steal benefits from UK, sing Opie Shupie all the time with their Bushas, they find Czech funny, they do not like burghers, use English words in conversation, stay too long in UK and it's time for them to go home, contributed so little to Academics (Particularly Science), Varsovian women are so uninteresting, their food is bland and salty, Polish people are chaotic and disorganized, suffer from disposophobia, they are maybe or maybe not winter lovers (which automatically put them in a bad light anyway), they love wearing tracksuits, fought a war against America some time ago, they are Slavic tax thieves, Poles feel arrogant and superior to Southern Europeans, they are uptight, and they demonstrate hundreds of other disgusting and unpleasant things and habits.

I can only assume that the Americans, Brits, Irish, and all of the other representatives of United Nations that post here are none of these. So I must therefore conclude that you all are either nuts or masochists for being so fascinated with such low creatures and for spending thousands of hours here.
Barney  19 | 1754
2 Dec 2011   #175
Polish women are world's second most flirtatious

Now that’s anti Polish.
ReservoirDog  - | 132
2 Dec 2011   #176
There is still a very huge influence of the communist way of thinking in polish society. I hope this will change soon, but I am afraid it can take at lest 20 years to totally disappear.

Intresting. My opinion is that if you let people to do this they will do this. It's not polish thing, just policy. Even those who participate in corruption hate it.
boletus  30 | 1356
2 Dec 2011   #177
Now that’s anti Polish.

I assumed it was a joke, but this was not about ANTI, it was about generalizations. Many posters here NEVER, or should I say - RARELY, guard their statements with "some", "10% of", etc. when describing their own, often quite limited, experience with some subset of local population. From this point of view the both statements: "Poles - the Nation of Liars" and "Polish women are busty" have exactly ZERO truth value. Some are busty and some are liars. And if you want to generalize you better show some provable statistics.

But as everywhere else there are some exceptions: I noticed few gentlemen here who are always careful with any generalization.

Going back on topic: I could say that many Poles could feel rightfully offended by the OP's generalization. Many - including my closest family - do no lie, are honest, keep their appointments, try to be just in their dealing with others, etc.
Wedle  15 | 490
2 Dec 2011   #178
Even those who participate in corruption hate it.

Not when they are spending their ill gotten gains.
Teffle  22 | 1318
2 Dec 2011   #179
I could say that many Poles could feel rightfully offended by the OP's generalization.

Of course. Based on the Poles I know the opposite, complete honesty, is more accurate. Although I realise that this cannot be applied nationally either - like most things.

Wait a minute - this was started by Wroclaw Boy ??

That's interesting...
Magdalena  3 | 1827
2 Dec 2011   #180
1. All Polish people lie, at all times and under any circumstances.
You can trust me on this.

2. I am Polish.

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