Sorry folks but the Poles are a Nation of liars
- Isn't the above a lie? Should I, based on your statement, generalise that yours is a nation of liars?
Actually, the Poles are certainly one of the most vilified nations by some nations....
What really annoys me is that millions of Poles have succesfully made the move to England, Scotland and Ireland over the past few years and its so simple for them. They have extremely informative web sites explaining all issues invloved in such a move.
- Also many foreigners, like yourself, have - I imagine successfully - moved to Poland, and I imagine it wasn't too hard for them. Should I feel really annoyed about it?
And what 'extremely informative websites' for Poles explaining all issues pertaining to moving to England, Ireland and Scotland do you mean, mate? :)
For me in Poland the simplest issues such as buying a house organising car insurance even a visa has been blown into the biggest nightmare.
- Don't you grossly exaggerate with this 'biggest nightmare'? Have you been to other countries? E.g. I know Polish people in England waiting for the National Insurance Number 1 year or longer. Every time they inquire with the appropriate officials, they are being send from the pillar to the post. When I tried to open an account in one of the banks, I had to provide, apart from any ID I had, also verbal references - just tell I knew one respectable person in the town I lived in, and then I had to wait for the decision for a week or so. Then they asked me for another ID, another document, another bill... Have you ever tried to get on the Ryanair plane heading from Stansted to Poland? Have you seen how some Polish people - perfectly alright folks - are treated by some of the creeps in yellow vests with the words 'Here to Help' or something like that on them? I can give thousands of similar examples from various countries I've visited.
Therefore, let me ask you perfectly honestly, without any sweet lies: aren't you a bit megalomaniac as regards your own country, and aren't you using a double-standard as regards Poland?
And yes, some Polish office employees are often arrogant and not very helpful, and it's indeed annoying (perhaps even more so to a foreigner?), and the line-ups are annoying too. But isn't it similar in other countries? Speaking from my own experience, I must say that the office (sub)culture in Poland has changed temendously for the better since communism.
The title of your post may be an honest expression of your perceptions, but it's contrary to facts and very insulting to me as a Pole.