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Are Poles flashy?

19 Jan 2020   #1
Here in the Balkans and Southern Europe most people are show offs. They'd rather buy a flashy mobile phone or an old but "premium" car make (the larger one the better) rtaher than a smaller but newer one. But in the Netherlands most people had more modest cars, usually new but very small like Fiestas, Peugheot 107/108 etc, even if they were rather well off and lived in modestly sized (yet not cheap) houses. They also wore kinda not so flashy clothes. Lots of poltitians there bike to work or use trains and buses. Are Poles more like the Dutch or do they prefer to buy a used Mercedes instead of a new small Peugeot like 108? And are Polish politians like that or do they prefer the luxury of big sedans?
Lyzko  44 | 9711
19 Jan 2020   #2
As I leaf through popular magazines such as Wprost, Polish politicians seems no more immodest than most other politicians! Perhaps flashy isn't the word I'd use, but demure, never!!
Joker  2 | 2363
19 Jan 2020   #3
Have you heard about "Slav Squatting" in Tracksuits yet?

If you haven't heard of this internet phenomenon, check it out, totally hilarious! Get your Adaias jogging pants on for this! lol

New counterculture or fashion statement? Im really glad, I haven't seen many Poles doing the "squat". Yet, once in awhile I'll see someone dressed up in an Adidas tracksuit at the mall. The 1970`s wants their clothes back!! LOLOL

Slav Squat
"squatting with heels on ground in a tracksuit while eating semechki and drinking vodka. Legend has it that if u do this long enough u will activate the third eye of the Slav"


  • a2mEvBZ_700b.jpg

  • 2_12.jpg

  • 194.jpg
kaprys  3 | 2076
19 Jan 2020   #4
I'm not sure what you exactly mean by flashy but there are a lot of fiestas and peugeots here.
As for what we wear, it all depends on the occassion, location, time of the day etc.
Here's a video from Krupówki, Zakopane so most of the people are tourists
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
19 Jan 2020   #5

The "Polish Squat" is mainly used for when they do not want to be seen smoking, but it is used for hiding drinking too.
People say this grew in Communist times.
But that is not true.
My dad squatted and he did not smoke and rarely drank.
And it is not just a Polish thing either, Lithuanians, Latvians,Czechs,Slowaks, and Ukranians do it too....
Iwrite4Food  2 | 11
23 Jan 2020   #6

If heels on ground, Comrade found.
If heels in sky, is Western spy.
Joker  2 | 2363
23 Jan 2020   #7
And it is not just a Polish thing either,

So what's up with the knock off Adidas tracksuits.You aint cool without some racing stripes?

If heels in sky, is Western spy.

A friend with weed is a friend Indeed!
pawian  226 | 27364
6 Feb 2020   #8
But in the Netherlands most people had more modest cars, usually new but very small like Fiestas, Peugheot

It is natural. They adapt the size of their cars to environment/surroundings. The Netherlands is smaller than Poland but more densely populated.

414 people per 1 sk.

In Poland - only 123.
aflyingdutchman  1 | 7
7 Feb 2020   #9
Poles with money definitely are flashy. Many will wear everything they own to show off, and somehow, the more money they have the more rude they become, demanding, pushy, and obnoxious. But to be fair, this is true in most developing countries where wealth is relatively new, and probably the worst being Russians with cash, the rudest of them all!
7 Feb 2020   #10
^yep same in Bulgarian.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
7 Feb 2020   #11
But to be fair, this is true in most developing countries where wealth is relatively new,

Yup,agreed 100%.I still wonder if anyone has noticed that Americans are always proud to brag how cheap they bought something and was a deal,where as people with new money tend to brag about how much they paid for something(Usually high price)

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