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The Pole is happy when someone else cries...

southern  73 | 7059
3 Aug 2008   #31
The Pole is happy when somone else cries...

So next time in Poland I will cry a lot to make them happy.
3 Aug 2008   #32
Hmmm.. you'll be too busy chasing women.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
3 Aug 2008   #33
i've seen Poles having a giggle at someones misfortune, and i have definitely seen the Brits do just the same so really it's not a rule with us Poles. even if i really dislike somebody and they are going through a tough time i don't find it funny. laughing at someone cos they slipped on dog poop is not horrible is it? lol. everyone gets jealous, the Poles tend to be less emotional/sympathetic but that really depends on the person. some people like to pretend they are tougher than they really are. and some people are little sh*ts who just loathe everyone cos they have more luck in life.
tomek  - | 134
3 Aug 2008   #34
The Pole is happy when somone else cries...
.... and only Germans have a word for it, "Schadenfreude".
tornado2007  11 | 2270
3 Aug 2008   #35
i've seen Poles having a giggle at someones misfortune.

you can't use yourself as an example as your an honory Brit now you know :):)
Seanus  15 | 19666
5 Apr 2009   #36
Yet again, this is something which I haven't seen. Probably because I don't look for that kind of thing. Justy put it beautifully, it's human nature and by no means confined to the Poles.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
5 Apr 2009   #37
bringing old threads back to life Sean? lol omg how long ago was that??? :D

it depends what kind of misfortune we're talking about. nobody should laugh becuase someone lost their home or their relative died etc., that's just wrong.
Seanus  15 | 19666
5 Apr 2009   #38
And why not? Some of the drivel I see here defies belief.
freebird  3 | 532
5 Apr 2009   #39
Isn't this true?

some are and some are not
Seanus  15 | 19666
5 Apr 2009   #40
Exactly, freebird, exactly :) Summed up in a nutshell.
RoadKing  - | 6
7 Apr 2009   #41
It's a known fact: the Pole is happy when his neighbor or even a friend has bad luck. Why is that?

I'm new to this site and after trawling through all the rubbish (much of which i've been laughing at), i think you all need bringing down to earth with some hard facts. Poland is not a wealthy or influencial Country. Unlike America, Britain, Germany, France, Russia, Italy etc, you have not managed to spread your Language and culture around the world, and that says alot about a people and Country. All of the above is down to a deep complex, you know deep down inside that just about everyone else in Europe and North America have been more successful than you have been, and that is why you enjoy seeing people when they are not at their best....The only way you can compete!
Nathan  18 | 1349
7 Apr 2009   #42
managed to spread your Language and culture around the world

Where do Germany and Italy spread their language - the Alps? Does forcefully spreading culture like Brits in North America and Spanish in South America or Russia absence of culture used to spread in the Soviet Union is a beacon of success? Regarding the complex of gloating over your neighbor, when he feels bad, may have the roots in what you say, but also, I think, it is based on the fact that success sometimes was due to as*-lic*ing of invasive forces which made those people contemptible and others cheered on their failure. When your are under foreign regime as many times happened to many countries (not to far-aloofing islands of Britain and America), even to get a job and become rich depended on your "lingual" skills. Therefore, those who didn't used that skill had a deep contempt to those "able". Eventually success became deeply intertwined with that notion and persists sometimes today. Nothing unusual in it. Normal human psychlogical response built over centuries. Should it be worked on - in order to discard - by anyone who has it? If person wants to improve himself spiritually and mentally, it would be a good idea.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543
8 Apr 2009   #43
It's like a butterfly effect really. Whenever Burger King opens it's new joint somewhere in America, a Pole trips somewhere in Poland and we all take a good laugh. This restores this fragile clinical balance in the world. Good post Roadking.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883
8 Apr 2009   #44
Unlike America, Britain, Germany, France, Russia, Italy etc,

I think if you look at the above countries they are all suffering with mass immigration and the indiginous population are very unhappy, I suppose it's price you pay for "spreading" it around! Poland on the other hand, well, I don't really need to spell it out do I!

Road, take a trip to Poland it's a beautiful place, one where women can walk the streets after dark without fear of being raped by some illegal alien ;0) I know where I'd rather live!
8 Apr 2009   #45
So...according to what RoadKing wrote, all Eastern Europeans - Poles, Ukrainians, Czechs, Slovaks, Lithuanians...(beside Russians) - are losers who are happy when someone else cry. Not to mention other less successful nationalities all around the world. Or is this exclusively Polish thing?
8 Apr 2009   #46
An Englishman looks at his neighbours house and wishes to himself that his porch, patio and conservatory were as nice as his neighbours.

A Frenchman looks at his neighbours house and wishes his wife were as beautiful as his neighbours wife.

A Polishman looks at his neighbours house and wishes it would burn down.
8 Apr 2009   #47
Stereotypes are always a bad thing. Stereotypes are for people without a mind of their own.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883
8 Apr 2009   #48
An Englishman looks at his neighbours house and wishes to himself that his porch, patio and conservatory were as nice as his neighbours.

Nah, an Englishmans wife would complain and make him work an extra 40 hours a week in order to upgrade to a better porch, patio and conservatory, we call it "keeping up with the jones" and exists all over the world.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
9 Apr 2009   #49
So...according to what RoadKing wrote, all Eastern Europeans - Poles, Ukrainians, Czechs, Slovaks, Lithuanians...(beside Russians) - are losers who are happy when someone else cry

Actually i feel sorry for someone if they're crying, but if i know that person would be happy to see me in pain than f**k him, i laugh just to make him realize next time to think before they do the same to someone else
RoadKing  - | 6
9 Apr 2009   #50
Road, take a trip to Poland it's a beautiful place, one where women can walk the streets after dark without fear of being raped by some illegal alien ;0) I know where I'd rather live!

I've been thanks, and your right its a beautiful Country, but compared to Britain, Germany, America etc it just seems fast asleep, maybe to much of one culture, if your not Polish nobody else really knows much about the Country. Anyway i lived in Britain for years and i can say i was never raped by an Alien, so what Country do you live in or do you just read to many tabloids and are brainwashed into thinking everyone in Britain is being raped by Aliens?

So...according to what RoadKing wrote, all Eastern Europeans - Poles, Ukrainians, Czechs, Slovaks, Lithuanians...(beside Russians) - are losers who are happy when someone else cry. Not to mention other less successful nationalities all around the world. Or is this exclusively Polish thing?

Forget it mate....Your obviously not clever enough to understand the point i was making!!
Eurola  4 | 1898
9 Apr 2009   #51
you have not managed to spread your Language and culture around the world

You're right, Poland speaks its own language, just like many other countries in the world, but you can "hear" polish language spoken in many part of the world. I have a slim chance to hear Italian or French on the coast of Oregon or hiking in Colorado, but I did hear polish... :) in many unexpected places

I agree, Poles are not so affluent as Americans or some other some part of Europe dwellers, but only because the opportunities were not there. It is changing.

There is plenty of competition between Poles in regards to 'material' possessions", but I can see it in every nation. However, in a time of real need, you'll be helped by a polish neighbor more than any other.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
10 Apr 2009   #52
All of the above is down to a deep complex, you know deep down inside that just about everyone else in Europe and North America have been more successful than you have been, and that is why you enjoy seeing people when they are not at their best....

Son you are an American idiot, one of the white trash that don't know **** about the world only about what someone else tells him and believes it, Poland is relatively poor but its getting better, its not poor like you think, wooden cottages people hungry, the large cities look like western European cities beautifull modern buildings that some American cities can only dream about, cop cars are Volkswagen, ambulences Mercedes benz, trucks Scania or Volvo, trams all brand new not piece of S**t Ford. We dont make 10 or 20 times less than Americans but 2 or 3 times less no more, some jobs in economics or other fields pay even better than in the states, i know its all very difficult for you to believe, because deep down you think you're the smartest wealthiest and the best nation on this planet, BUT, all that i've said is entirely true, just go and see for yourself. Oh and by the way Poland ranks 20th in education America is 25th so ur the stupid ones.
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Feb 2010   #53
Back to the thread. There are some spiteful types like anywhere but I don't think too many Poles laugh at misfortune.
Bobko  27 | 2236
28 Jul 2023   #54
Poles are a very violent and warlike people, so it does make some sense that they enjoy the wailing of innocents. It is probably some remnant of the Teutonic occupation, which makes them so cruel.
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Jul 2023   #55
Poles are a very

You rely on Kremlin and Belarussian propaganda too much. It is harmful to your mind, so give it up. :):):)

the Teutonic occupation,

No, communism which came from Russia and lasted 45 years here. :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8732
28 Jul 2023   #56
You rely on Kremlin and Belarussian propaganda too much.

Bobko is correct. Of all the EU NATO nations Poland is the most bellicose and now a major PITA to the Western countries.

communism which came from Russia and lasted 45 years here. :):)

Poland had "communism", not communism. Just like France, for example, is a "democracy", not a democracy.
Whatever Poland had was cheerfully enforced by Poles.
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Jul 2023   #57
Poland is the most bellicose

No, we only defend Poland. As always. The last time when Poles waged an aggressive war was about 500 years ago when we occupied the Kremlin in Moscow. Later we only kept our defences.

Bobko is correct

No, he was only joking. Don`t take it so seriously.
Novichok  4 | 8732
28 Jul 2023   #58
No, we only defend Poland. As always.

You defend Poland in Poland.

No, he was only joking. Don`t take it so seriously.

Every joke is based on statistics and facts. That's just Bobko's style...
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Jul 2023   #59
You defend Poland in Poland.

Exactly. That`s what I said - no external aggressive war waged by Poles since 1610. We only defended ourselves or Europe.

Every joke is based on statistics and facts.

Really? Show us statistics and facts for Bobko`s claim about Poles being bellicose.
Bobko  27 | 2236
28 Jul 2023   #60

I've seen Poles surprised at this a few times, but Russians that actually know history and read books - don't really joke about Polish military prowess. Poles - historically (important caveat) - are quite good at war despite their incompetent political leadership.

Also, you are not fooling anyone in the East about being peaceful for 500 years. We remember well how you were Napoleon's torpedo, or how you and the Ukrainians butchered each other in the 20s. We also remember how Poles were happy to be in the front when crushing the Hungarians and Czechs in the 20th century. Russians almost didn't have to do anything.

If Poles were as big as Russia, and as well armed, it would be much scarier for the world. So it is good Poland is inside her nice little borders. Russians are positively docile next to Poles. Poles are the Chechens of Europe lol

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