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Volunteering in Poland

maddieplonk  1 | 1
27 Sep 2011   #1
Hi, just looking for a heads up- if anyone has any info?? =)

I'm living nr Gdansk and would like to volunteer for a charity or something because atm I have quite a bit of free time.

I'm trying to learn Polish but can't really speak so thats a consideration.
I worked with children and young people in the UK and would like something similar or social services kind of stuff.
Any websites I can try? I can get my Polish cousin to help... Thanks in advance.
Jars777  20 | 70
27 Sep 2011   #2
Hi maddieplonk.
Have sent you a PN.
Aussiechick  2 | 7
29 Nov 2011   #3
Hi Maddie, are you volunteering for the UEFA 2012? I put in an application the other day. Would be fun!
13 Jun 2014   #4
Merged: Volunteer work wanted in Warsaw for an English speaker

how can i find volunteer work in Warsaw? bear in mind that i only speak minimal, beginner Polish.
17 Jun 2014   #5
You may try to contact an university or a private school (free English tutoring etc.).
Zosia  1 | 51
1 Aug 2014   #6
Merged: Volunteering in Poland

Does anyone have any information on volunteering in Poland once you are there? I am specifically looking to volunteer in an orphanage in or around the Olsztyn area, since that is where I am from and where my family lives.

thank you
1 Aug 2014   #7
I would visit the local church on howyou could be helpful. They are the only significant agent of charity in Poland.
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Aug 2014   #8
There are hundreds of charities and other organisations who are looking for volunteer help (and plenty around Olsztyn).

The Wielka Orkiestra runs a volunteering programme although it's mostly about fund-raising. They should have details at

There's also the Red Cross and the Order Usmiechu (who do work with children).

Specific to Olsztyn, there's ocop:
who mostly work with older people and there's the Klub Woluntariusze who co-ordinate volunteering in and around Olsztyn and should be able to put you in touch with someone:

These people also run a programme for those who wish to volunteer with children and young people in Olsztyn:
Roger5  1 | 1432
1 Aug 2014   #9
They are the only significant agent of charity in Poland.

I'd say that in terms of actual useful work in helping people other than themselves the churches are minor players. Having said that, I give my 1% to an Orthodox soup kitchen which does sterling work.
1 Aug 2014   #10
Ok. Ok. The the concept of charity exist only because of legacy of Christian theology, thankfully still alive in pp's minds. Your Red Cross being a good, albeit somewhat ambivalent example. If I were looking to voluteer I would try either path. Last year I heard of American students volunteering to help in a UK primary school in Midlands. So, maybe such flexibilities exist in Poland.
Roger5  1 | 1432
1 Aug 2014   #11
The the concept of charity exist only because of legacy of Christian theology,

Altruism, or the concept of charity, predates Christianity and any other supernatural belief system by hundreds of thousands of years.

American students volunteering to help in a UK primary school

I like shudder, you know, to think like what like the like kids, you know like sounded like after that.
sobieski  106 | 2111
1 Aug 2014   #12
Instead of writing senseless stuff like that and utterly unhelpful...
Maybe this one:
They coordinate pretty much of wolontariat in Poland.
Roger5  1 | 1432
1 Aug 2014   #13
Instead of writing senseless stuff like that and utterly unhelpful...

Rough day at the office? It's beer o'clock, you know. Chill out.
1 Aug 2014   #14
I am specifically looking to volunteer in an orphanage

From memory the physical and psychological testing, background check and interviewing process takes a couple of months to complete. All of it is at your expense (including the sworn translations).

It's beer o'clock, you know.

It's Pimm's o'clock here.
9 Jan 2015   #15
Merged: Be a paid volunteer in Poland

There is a company in Poland who PAY volunteers for their time.They run 6 day courses in nice hotels set in the coutryside just outside Warsaw.Free meals,free refreshments,free board!! You can find them online for all the details..Native Planet Poland.
Twoninetango  1 | 6
25 Feb 2016   #16
I think this an admirable thing to do while in Poland as a visitor working in the country. I'll be in Ustka, Poland soon so if there any organizations accepting volunteers and anyone can recommend I'll check it out.
Levi  11 | 433
25 Feb 2016   #17
During quite a time i was a volunteer at a institution dealing with poor kids at Bialystok region.

It was a very nice experience and even being a non-eu citizen a never had any problem.
pawian  226 | 27817
21 May 2021   #18
I have quite a bit of free time.

That`s what I thought when I decided to volunteer in a disabled kids charity 24 years ago. I had no idea that I would stay there until now. My reasosn: people who are not afflicted with any physical or mental health problems should help those who are less lucky in life - it is so obvious.
24 Nov 2021   #19
Cannot find any information about NATIVE PLANET POLAND.
Alien  26 | 6527
24 Nov 2021   #20
What do you expect, it was 6 years ago!
jon357  72 | 23654
24 Nov 2021   #21
it was 6 years ago!

They changed their name.

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